接着上文 《JVM源码分析之新生代DefNewGeneration的实现》 ,本文对老年代 TenuredGeneration
老年代 TenuredGeneration
使用标记-压缩-清理算法进行垃圾回收,将标记对象移动到堆的另一端,同时更新对象的引用地址,算法的具体实现位于 TenuredGeneration::collect()
void TenuredGeneration::collect(bool full, bool clear_all_soft_refs, size_t size, bool is_tlab) { retire_alloc_buffers_before_full_gc(); OneContigSpaceCardGeneration::collect(full, clear_all_soft_refs, size, is_tlab); }
调用父类的 OneContigSpaceCardGeneration
的 collect()
void OneContigSpaceCardGeneration::collect(bool full, bool clear_all_soft_refs, size_t size, bool is_tlab) { SpecializationStats::clear(); // Temporarily expand the span of our ref processor, so // refs discovery is over the entire heap, not just this generation ReferenceProcessorSpanMutator x(ref_processor(), GenCollectedHeap::heap()->reserved_region()); GenMarkSweep::invoke_at_safepoint(_level, ref_processor(), clear_all_soft_refs); SpecializationStats::print(); }
其中 GenMarkSweep::invoke_at_safepoint()
是垃圾回收算法实现的核心,下面对 invoke_at_safepoint
// 设置引用处理器和引用的处理策略; _ref_processor = rp; rp->setup_policy(clear_all_softrefs); // 设置输出日志; TraceTime t1("Full GC", PrintGC && !PrintGCDetails, true, gclog_or_tty); // When collecting the permanent generation methodOops may be moving, // so we either have to flush all bcp data or convert it into bci. CodeCache::gc_prologue(); Threads::gc_prologue(); // 增加永久代回收的统计次数 // Increment the invocation count for the permanent generation, since it is // implicitly collected whenever we do a full mark sweep collection. gch->perm_gen()->stat_record()->invocations++; // 统计GC前的内存堆已使用大小 // Capture heap size before collection for printing. size_t gch_prev_used = gch->used(); // 保存当前内存代和更低的内存代、以及永久代的已使用区域 // Capture used regions for each generation that will be // subject to collection, so that card table adjustments can // be made intelligently (see clear / invalidate further below). gch->save_used_regions(level, true /* perm */); // 初始化遍历栈,用来保存对象和对象头的对应关系 allocate_stacks();
GC使用标记-压缩-清理算法 MarkSweepCompact
// Mark live objects static void mark_sweep_phase1(int level, bool clear_all_softrefs); // Calculate new addresses static void mark_sweep_phase2(); // Update pointers static void mark_sweep_phase3(int level); // Move objects to new positions static void mark_sweep_phase4();
1、标记根对象,这部分实现和新生代类似,只是不扫描 Younger gens
follow_root_closure.set_orig_generation(gch->get_gen(level)); gch->gen_process_strong_roots(level, false, // Younger gens are not roots. true, // activate StrongRootsScope true, // Collecting permanent generation. SharedHeap::SO_SystemClasses, &follow_root_closure, true, // walk code active on stacks &follow_root_closure);
其中 follow_root_closure
void MarkSweep::FollowRootClosure::do_oop(oop* p) { follow_root(p); } void MarkSweep::FollowRootClosure::do_oop(narrowOop* p) { follow_root(p); }
工作函数接着调用 follow_root()
template <class T> inline void MarkSweep::follow_root(T* p) { // ... 省略一些代码 T heap_oop = oopDesc::load_heap_oop(p); if (!oopDesc::is_null(heap_oop)) { oop obj = oopDesc::decode_heap_oop_not_null(heap_oop); if (!obj->mark()->is_marked()) { mark_object(obj); obj->follow_contents(); } } follow_stack(); }
如果对象还没有被标记,即 obj->mark()->is_marked()
返回 false
,通过调用 mark_object()
方法标记该对象,接着调用 follow_contents()
和 follow_stack()
1) mark_object()
inline void MarkSweep::mark_object(oop obj) { // some marks may contain information we need to preserve so we store them away // and overwrite the mark. We'll restore it at the end of markSweep. markOop mark = obj->mark(); obj->set_mark(markOopDesc::prototype()->set_marked()); if (mark->must_be_preserved(obj)) { preserve_mark(obj, mark); } }
设置对象的对象头为被标记状态,有些对象的对象头可能包含一些信息,需要在GC结束之后进行恢复,可以通过调用 preserve_mark()
void MarkSweep::preserve_mark(oop obj, markOop mark) { // We try to store preserved marks in the to space of the new generation since // this is storage which should be available. Most of the time this should be // sufficient space for the marks we need to preserve but if it isn't we fall // back to using Stacks to keep track of the overflow. if (_preserved_count < _preserved_count_max) { _preserved_marks[_preserved_count++].init(obj, mark); } else { _preserved_mark_stack.push(mark); _preserved_oop_stack.push(obj); } }
2) follow_contents()
inline void oopDesc::follow_contents(void) { assert (is_gc_marked(), "should be marked"); blueprint()->oop_follow_contents(this); }
其中对象实例 instanceKlass
的 oop_follow_contents()
void instanceKlass::oop_follow_contents(oop obj) { assert(obj != NULL, "can't follow the content of NULL object"); obj->follow_header(); InstanceKlass_OOP_MAP_ITERATE( / obj, / MarkSweep::mark_and_push(p), / assert_is_in_closed_subset) } inline void oopDesc::follow_header() { if (UseCompressedOops) { MarkSweep::mark_and_push(compressed_klass_addr()); } else { MarkSweep::mark_and_push(klass_addr()); } }
可以发现, oop_follow_contents
方法最终调用 MarkSweep::mark_and_push
方法处理引用对象,标记引用对象并插入到 _marking_stack
template <class T> inline void MarkSweep::mark_and_push(T* p) { // assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved(p), "should be in object space"); T heap_oop = oopDesc::load_heap_oop(p); if (!oopDesc::is_null(heap_oop)) { oop obj = oopDesc::decode_heap_oop_not_null(heap_oop); if (!obj->mark()->is_marked()) { mark_object(obj); _marking_stack.push(obj); } } }
3) follow_stack()
负责处理 _marking_stack
栈中的对象,并调用对象的 follow_contents
void MarkSweep::follow_stack() { do { while (!_marking_stack.is_empty()) { oop obj = _marking_stack.pop(); assert (obj->is_gc_marked(), "p must be marked"); obj->follow_contents(); } // Process ObjArrays one at a time to avoid marking stack bloat. if (!_objarray_stack.is_empty()) { ObjArrayTask task = _objarray_stack.pop(); objArrayKlass* const k = (objArrayKlass*)task.obj()->blueprint(); k->oop_follow_contents(task.obj(), task.index()); } } while (!_marking_stack.is_empty() || !_objarray_stack.is_empty()); }
除了`_marking_stack 栈,还有一个
// Process reference objects found during marking { ref_processor()->setup_policy(clear_all_softrefs); ref_processor()->process_discovered_references( &is_alive, &keep_alive, &follow_stack_closure, NULL); }
3、卸载不再使用的类,并清理 CodeCache
// Follow system dictionary roots and unload classes bool purged_class = SystemDictionary::do_unloading(&is_alive); // Follow code cache roots CodeCache::do_unloading(&is_alive, &keep_alive, purged_class); follow_stack(); // Flush marking stack
follow_weak_klass_links(); assert(_marking_stack.is_empty(), "just drained"); // Visit memoized MDO's and clear any unmarked weak refs follow_mdo_weak_refs(); assert(_marking_stack.is_empty(), "just drained");
// Visit interned string tables and delete unmarked oops StringTable::unlink(&is_alive); // 实现 void StringTable::unlink(BoolObjectClosure* is_alive) { // Readers of the table are unlocked, so we should only be removing // entries at a safepoint. assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint"); for (int i = 0; i < the_table()->table_size(); ++i) { for (HashtableEntry<oop>** p = the_table()->bucket_addr(i); *p != NULL; ) { HashtableEntry<oop>* entry = *p; if (entry->is_shared()) { break; } assert(entry->literal() != NULL, "just checking"); if (is_alive->do_object_b(entry->literal())) { p = entry->next_addr(); } else { *p = entry->next(); the_table()->free_entry(entry); } } } }
// Clean up unreferenced symbols in symbol table. SymbolTable::unlink(); // Remove unreferenced symbols from the symbol table // This is done late during GC. This doesn't use the hash table unlink because // it assumes that the literals are oops. void SymbolTable::unlink() { int removed = 0; int total = 0; size_t memory_total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < the_table()->table_size(); ++i) { for (HashtableEntry<Symbol*>** p = the_table()->bucket_addr(i); *p != NULL; ) { HashtableEntry<Symbol*>* entry = *p; if (entry->is_shared()) { break; } Symbol* s = entry->literal(); memory_total += s->object_size(); total++; assert(s != NULL, "just checking"); // If reference count is zero, remove. if (s->refcount() == 0) { delete s; removed++; *p = entry->next(); the_table()->free_entry(entry); } else { p = entry->next_addr(); } } } symbols_removed += removed; symbols_counted += total; // Exclude printing for normal PrintGCDetails because people parse // this output. if (PrintGCDetails && Verbose && WizardMode) { gclog_or_tty->print(" [Symbols=%d size=" SIZE_FORMAT "K] ", total, (memory_total*HeapWordSize)/1024); } }
void GenMarkSweep::mark_sweep_phase2() { GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap(); Generation* pg = gch->perm_gen(); // ... VALIDATE_MARK_SWEEP_ONLY(reset_live_oop_tracking(false)); gch->prepare_for_compaction(); VALIDATE_MARK_SWEEP_ONLY(_live_oops_index_at_perm = _live_oops_index); CompactPoint perm_cp(pg, NULL, NULL); pg->prepare_for_compaction(&perm_cp); }
其中 prepare_for_compaction()
定义在 GenCollectedHeap
void GenCollectedHeap::prepare_for_compaction() { Generation* scanning_gen = _gens[_n_gens-1]; // Start by compacting into same gen. CompactPoint cp(scanning_gen, NULL, NULL); while (scanning_gen != NULL) { scanning_gen->prepare_for_compaction(&cp); scanning_gen = prev_gen(scanning_gen); } }
从 prepare_for_compaction
的方法名定义,可以看出这是进行压缩前的前期工作,在老年代中只有一个 ContiguousSpace
类型的内存区 _the_space
,它的 prepare_for_compaction()
// Faster object search. void ContiguousSpace::prepare_for_compaction(CompactPoint* cp) { SCAN_AND_FORWARD(cp, top, block_is_always_obj, obj_size); }
函数的实现位于 space.hpp
1、 compact_top
HeapWord* compact_top; /* This is where we are currently compacting to. */ /* We're sure to be here before any objects are compacted into this * space, so this is a good time to initialize this: */ set_compaction_top(bottom());
2、初始化 CompactPoint
,并设置当前要执行压缩的区域的指针 compact_top
,如果 CompactPoint
所对应的区域 space
为空,则初始化 CompactPoint
的 space
为内存代的第一块区域,设置 compact_top
为区域的起始地址;否则设置 compact_top
为 CompactPoint
if (cp->space == NULL) { assert(cp->gen != NULL, "need a generation"); assert(cp->threshold == NULL, "just checking"); assert(cp->gen->first_compaction_space() == this, "just checking"); cp->space = cp->gen->first_compaction_space(); compact_top = cp->space->bottom(); cp->space->set_compaction_top(compact_top); cp->threshold = cp->space->initialize_threshold(); } else { compact_top = cp->space->compaction_top(); }
3、在没有明显的压缩效果之前,我们允许一些垃圾对象移动到内存区域的底部,即开始位置,每进行 MarkSweepAlwaysCompactCount
/* We allow some amount of garbage towards the bottom of the space, so * we don't start compacting before there is a significant gain to be made. * Occasionally, we want to ensure a full compaction, which is determined * by the MarkSweepAlwaysCompactCount parameter. */ int invocations = SharedHeap::heap()->perm_gen()->stat_record()->invocations; bool skip_dead = ((invocations % MarkSweepAlwaysCompactCount) != 0); size_t allowed_deadspace = 0; if (skip_dead) { const size_t ratio = allowed_dead_ratio(); allowed_deadspace = (capacity() * ratio / 100) / HeapWordSize; }
其中 invocations
是FGC的总次数,当 invocations
不是4的倍数时,会在内存区域中留出一块大小为 allowed_deadspace
4、定义一些基本变量: q
为遍历指针, t
为扫描边界, end_of_live
为最后一个活跃对象的地址, LiveRange
保存着死亡对象后面活跃对象的地址区间, first_dead
HeapWord* q = bottom(); HeapWord* t = scan_limit(); HeapWord* end_of_live= q; /* One byte beyond the last byte of the last live object. */ HeapWord* first_dead = end();/* The first dead object. */ LiveRange* liveRange = NULL; /* The current live range, recorded in the first header of preceding free area. */ _first_dead = first_dead;
如果指针 q
所指向位置是一个对象,且被标识过,说明这是一个活跃的对象,则通过 cp->space->forward()
while (q < t) { if (block_is_obj(q) && oop(q)->is_gc_marked()) { /* prefetch beyond q */ Prefetch::write(q, interval); /* size_t size = oop(q)->size(); changing this for cms for perm gen */ size_t size = block_size(q); compact_top = cp->space->forward(oop(q), size, cp, compact_top); q += size; end_of_live = q; }
如果对象在压缩之后位置有变化,则将自己的对象头设置为压缩后地址信息,否则表示该对象不需要移动,设置对象头为默认值,并调用 register_live_oop
方法把原指针保存在栈 _live_oops
// store the forwarding pointer into the mark word if ((HeapWord*)q != compact_top) { q->forward_to(oop(compact_top)); assert(q->is_gc_marked(), "encoding the pointer should preserve the mark"); } else { // if the object isn't moving we can just set the mark to the default // mark and handle it specially later on. q->init_mark(); assert(q->forwardee() == NULL, "should be forwarded to NULL"); } VALIDATE_MARK_SWEEP_ONLY(MarkSweep::register_live_oop(q, size)); compact_top += size;
如果指针 q
/* run over all the contiguous dead objects */ HeapWord* end = q; do { /* prefetch beyond end */ Prefetch::write(end, interval); end += block_size(end); } while (end < t && (!block_is_obj(end) || !oop(end)->is_gc_marked()));
6、如果死亡空间 allowed_deadspace
可用,则计算死亡对象的大小总和为 sz
,则调用 insert_deadspace()
方法尝试插入一个大小为 sz
/* see if we might want to pretend this object is alive so that * we don't have to compact quite as often. */ if (allowed_deadspace > 0 && q == compact_top) { size_t sz = pointer_delta(end, q); if (insert_deadspace(allowed_deadspace, q, sz)) { compact_top = cp->space->forward(oop(q), sz, cp, compact_top); q = end; end_of_live = end; continue; } } bool CompactibleSpace::insert_deadspace(size_t& allowed_deadspace_words, HeapWord* q, size_t deadlength) { if (allowed_deadspace_words >= deadlength) { allowed_deadspace_words -= deadlength; CollectedHeap::fill_with_object(q, deadlength); oop(q)->set_mark(oop(q)->mark()->set_marked()); assert((int) deadlength == oop(q)->size(), "bad filler object size"); // Recall that we required "q == compaction_top". return true; } else { allowed_deadspace_words = 0; return false; } }
如果死亡空间 allowed_deadspace
大于等于之前连续死亡对象大小总和,则更新 allowed_deadspace
值,并生成一个大小为 sz
且标识过的对象,这时需要更新压缩指针 compact_top
、遍历指针 q
和最后的活跃对象 end_of_live
7、当执行到这一步时,说明跳过了一系列的死亡对象,遇到了活跃对象,如果 liveRange
不为空,则设置当前的结束位置为遍历指针 q
,此时 q
正指向死亡区域的第一个对象;由于在死亡对象后遇到了一个新的活跃对象,需要重新构造一个 LiveRange
对象来记录下一片活跃对象的地址范围,并设置开始和结束为止为 end
,这里直接把死亡区域的第一个对象当作 LiveRange
/* for the previous LiveRange, record the end of the live objects. */ if (liveRange) { liveRange->set_end(q); } /* record the current LiveRange object. * liveRange->start() is overlaid on the mark word. */ liveRange = (LiveRange*)q; liveRange->set_start(end); liveRange->set_end(end);
8、保存第一个死亡对象的地址,并将遍历指针 q
指向 end
/* see if this is the first dead region. */ if (q < first_dead) { first_dead = q; } /* move on to the next object */ q = end;
9、遍历完成之后,如果当前的 liveRange
不为空,则设置该 liveRange
的结束位置为 q
,设置最后一个活跃对象的位置 _end_of_live
,根据 _end_of_live
的值重新设置第一个死亡对象的位置 _first_dead
if (liveRange != NULL) { liveRange->set_end(q); } _end_of_live = end_of_live; if (end_of_live < first_dead) { first_dead = end_of_live; } _first_dead = first_dead;
1、调用 gen_process_strong_roots()
并使用 adjust_root_pointer_closure
处理函数调整根对象指针的引用地址, adjust_root_pointer_closure
void MarkSweep::AdjustPointerClosure::do_oop(oop* p) { adjust_pointer(p, _is_root); } void MarkSweep::AdjustPointerClosure::do_oop(narrowOop* p) { adjust_pointer(p, _is_root); }
其中 adjust_pointer()
方法定义在 markSweep.inline.hpp
template <class T> inline void MarkSweep::adjust_pointer(T* p, bool isroot) { T heap_oop = oopDesc::load_heap_oop(p); if (!oopDesc::is_null(heap_oop)) { oop obj = oopDesc::decode_heap_oop_not_null(heap_oop); oop new_obj = oop(obj->mark()->decode_pointer()); // .... if (new_obj != NULL) { // ... oopDesc::encode_store_heap_oop_not_null(p, new_obj); } } VALIDATE_MARK_SWEEP_ONLY(track_adjusted_pointer(p, isroot)); }
2、 adjust_code_pointer_closure()
// Now adjust pointers in remaining weak roots. (All of which should // have been cleared if they pointed to non-surviving objects.) CodeBlobToOopClosure adjust_code_pointer_closure(&adjust_pointer_closure, /*do_marking=*/ false); gch->gen_process_weak_roots(&adjust_root_pointer_closure, &adjust_code_pointer_closure, &adjust_pointer_closure);
3、使用 GenAdjustPointersClosure
adjust_marks(); GenAdjustPointersClosure blk; gch->generation_iterate(&blk, true); pg->adjust_pointers();
2、使用 GenCompactClosure
GenCompactClosure blk; gch->generation_iterate(&blk, true);
其中 generation_iterate()
将调用 GenCompactClosure
的 do_generation()
void GenCollectedHeap::generation_iterate(GenClosure* cl, bool old_to_young) { if (old_to_young) { for (int i = _n_gens-1; i >= 0; i--) { cl->do_generation(_gens[i]); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < _n_gens; i++) { cl->do_generation(_gens[i]); } } }
的 do_generation()
方法负责调用各个内存代的 compact()
class GenCompactClosure: public GenCollectedHeap::GenClosure { public: void do_generation(Generation* gen) { gen->compact(); } };
其中老年代的 compact()
void CompactibleSpace::compact() { SCAN_AND_COMPACT(obj_size); }
1、变量 q
是遍历指针,默认为内存区域的起始地址, t
#define SCAN_AND_COMPACT(obj_size) { /* Copy all live objects to their new location * Used by MarkSweep::mark_sweep_phase4() */ HeapWord* q = bottom(); HeapWord* const t = _end_of_live;
if (q < t && _first_dead > q && !oop(q)->is_gc_marked()) { HeapWord* const end = _first_dead; while (q < end) { size_t size = obj_size(q); VALIDATE_MARK_SWEEP_ONLY(MarkSweep::live_oop_moved_to(q, size, q)); q += size; }
3、当遍历到 _first_dead
时,即第一个死亡对象的位置,如果 _first_dead
不等于 _end_of_live
,说明有连续多个死亡对象,而且在第一个死亡对象的对象头保存着 LiveRange
,通过 LiveRange
if (_first_dead == t) { q = t; } else { /* $$$ Funky */ q = (HeapWord*) oop(_first_dead)->mark()->decode_pointer(); }
如果是死亡对象,则通过 LiveRange
while (q < t) { if (!oop(q)->is_gc_marked()) { /* mark is pointer to next marked oop */ debug_only(prev_q = q); q = (HeapWord*) oop(q)->mark()->decode_pointer(); assert(q > prev_q, "we should be moving forward through memory"); }
5、如果是活跃对象,则调用 live_oop_moved_to
Prefetch::read(q, scan_interval); /* size and destination */ size_t size = obj_size(q); HeapWord* compaction_top = (HeapWord*)oop(q)->forwardee(); /* prefetch beyond compaction_top */ Prefetch::write(compaction_top, copy_interval); /* copy object and reinit its mark */ VALIDATE_MARK_SWEEP_ONLY( MarkSweep::live_oop_moved_to(q, size, compaction_top) ); //... Copy::aligned_conjoint_words(q, compaction_top, size); oop(compaction_top)->init_mark(); q += size;
其中 live_oop_moved_to()
void MarkSweep::live_oop_moved_to(HeapWord* q, size_t size, HeapWord* compaction_top) { assert(oop(q)->forwardee() == NULL || oop(q)->forwardee() == oop(compaction_top), "should be moved to forwarded location"); if (ValidateMarkSweep) { MarkSweep::validate_live_oop(oop(q), size); _live_oops_moved_to->push(oop(compaction_top)); } if (RecordMarkSweepCompaction) { _cur_gc_live_oops->push(q); _cur_gc_live_oops_moved_to->push(compaction_top); _cur_gc_live_oops_size->push(size); } }
原对象的指针已经被保存在 _live_oops
栈中,对应的把压缩后的对象指针保存在 _live_oops_moved_to