AMQP 里主要要说两个组件:Exchange 和 Queue (在 AMQP 1.0 里还会有变动),如下图所示,绿色的 X 就是 Exchange ,红色的是 Queue ,这两者都在 Server 端,又称作 Broker ,这部分是 RabbitMQ 实现的,而蓝色的则是客户端,通常有 Producer 和 Consumer 两种类型。
Minimum required Erlang/OTP version is now 18.3. Recent Erlang versions can be obtained from Erlang Solutions or RabbitMQ Erlang RPM repository.
GitHub issue: rabbitmq-server#546
.NET client is now .NET Core-compatible.
Starting with 3.7.0
, .NET client releases are decoupled from RabbitMQ server releases and exclusively distributed via the RabbitMQ.Client NuGet package.
Starting with 3.7.0
, Java client releases are decoupled from RabbitMQ server releases and exclusively distributed via Maven: RabbitMQ Milestones Maven repository, RabbitMQ Maven repository, as well as Maven Central.
plugin no longer ships with RabbitMQ and is considered to be deprecated.