Symfony是一个基于MVC模式的面向对象的PHP5框架。Symfony允许在一个web应用中分离事务控制,服务逻辑和表示层。简单的模板功能symfony是一个开源的PHP Web框架。
- bug #20844 [Config] Fix checking cache for non existing meta file (hason)
- bug #21063 [Form] Fixed DateType format option for single text widget (HeahDude)
- bug #21430 Casting TableCell value to string. (jaydiablo)
- bug #21359 [FrameworkBundle] fixed custom domain for translations in php templates (robinlehrmann)
- bug #21485 [Process] Non ASCII characters disappearing during the escapeshellarg (GuillaumeVerdon)
- bug #21370 [FrameworkBundle] Execute the PhpDocExtractor earlier (GuilhemN)
- bug #21462 [BrowserKit] ignore invalid cookies expires date format (xabbuh)
- bug #21438 [Console] Fix TableCell issues with decoration (ogizanagi)
- bug #21431 [DoctrineBridge] always check for all fields to be mapped (xabbuh)
- bug #21360 [PropertyAccess] Handle interfaces in the invalid argument exception (fancyweb)
- bug #21403 [DI] Fix defaults overriding empty strings in AutowirePass (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #21401 [Debug] Workaround "null" $context (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #21333 [HttpKernel] Fix ArgumentValueResolver for arguments default null (chalasr)
- bug #20871 [HttpKernel] Give higher priority to adding request formats (akeeman)
- bug #21332 [PropertyInfo] Don't try to access a property thru a static method (dunglas)
- bug #21331 [PropertyInfo] Exclude static methods form properties guessing (dunglas)
- bug #21285 [TwigBundle] do not lose already set method calls (xabbuh)
- bug #21279 #20411 fix Yaml parsing for very long quoted strings (RichardBradley)