
Spring Boot(四)通用CRUD案例、异常统一处理

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Spring Boot (三)集成spring security,标记地址:








自定义异常类:业务逻辑异常;功能不完善;网络异常;其它异常。(权限异常由Spring Security处理,本章略)




package com.training.core.entity;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Date;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import tk.mybatis.mapper.annotation.NameStyle;
import tk.mybatis.mapper.code.Style;

import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
import javax.persistence.Id;

@NameStyle(value = Style.camelhumpAndLowercase)
public class BaseEntity implements Serializable {
	@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Integer id;

	 * 创建时间
	private Date createTime;
	 * 最后修改时间
	private Date lastModifyTime;
	public Integer getId() {
		return id;

	public void setId(Integer id) {
		this.id = id;

	public Date getCreateTime() {
		return createTime;

	public void setCreateTime(Date createTime) {
		this.createTime = createTime;

	public Date getLastModifyTime() {
		return lastModifyTime;

	public void setLastModifyTime(Date lastModifyTime) {
		this.lastModifyTime = lastModifyTime;



package com.training.core.dao;

import java.util.List;

import tk.mybatis.mapper.entity.Example;

import com.training.core.dto.FlexiPageDto;
import com.training.core.entity.BaseEntity;

public interface BaseDao<T extends BaseEntity> {

	 * 根据Id查询实体
	public T getEntityById(final Class<T> cls, final Integer id);
	 * 新增实体
	public void addEntity(final T entity);
	 * 更新实体
	public void updateEntity(final T entity);
	 * 根据Id删除实体
	public void deleteEntityById(final Class<T> cls, final Integer id);

	 * 查询全部
	public List<T> selectAll(Class<T> cls);
	 * 单表模糊查询
	public List<T> findByLike(Example example);
	 * 根据模糊分页查询
	public List<T> findByPage(Example example, FlexiPageDto flexiPageDto);
	 * 单表模糊查询总记录数
	public int findRowCount(Example example);

MyBatis BaseDao实现:


package com.training.core.dao.impl;

import java.util.List;

import javax.annotation.Resource;

import org.apache.ibatis.session.RowBounds;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactory;
import org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionTemplate;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

import tk.mybatis.mapper.common.Mapper;
import tk.mybatis.mapper.entity.Example;

import com.training.core.annotation.MapperClass;
import com.training.core.dao.BaseDao;
import com.training.core.dto.FlexiPageDto;
import com.training.core.entity.BaseEntity;

public class MyBatisBaseDaoImpl<T extends BaseEntity> implements BaseDao<T> {
    private SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory;
	private SqlSession sqlSession;
	public <M extends Mapper<T>> M getMapper(Class cls){
		MapperClass mapperClass = (MapperClass) cls.getAnnotation(MapperClass.class);
		if(null == mapperClass){
			throw new RuntimeException("没有注解MapperClass");
		 	return (M) getSqlSession().getMapper(mapperClass.value());

	public T getEntityById(Class<T> cls, Integer id) {
		return this.getMapper(cls).selectByPrimaryKey(id);

	public void addEntity(T entity) {

	public void updateEntity(T entity) {

	public void deleteEntityById(Class<T> cls, Integer id) {

	public List<T> selectAll(Class<T> cls) {
		return this.getMapper(cls).selectAll();

	public List<T> findByLike(Example example) {
		return this.getMapper(example.getEntityClass()).selectByExample(example);

	public List<T> findByPage(Example example, FlexiPageDto flexiPageDto) {
		RowBounds rowBounds = new RowBounds(flexiPageDto.getOffset(), flexiPageDto.getRp());
		return this.getMapper(example.getEntityClass()).selectByExampleAndRowBounds(example, rowBounds);

	public int findRowCount(Example example) {
		return this.getMapper(example.getEntityClass()).selectCountByExample(example);
	public SqlSession getSqlSession(){
        if (null == sqlSession){
        	synchronized (MyBatisBaseDaoImpl.class) {
        		this.sqlSession = new SqlSessionTemplate(sqlSessionFactory);
        return this.sqlSession;




package com.training.core.service;

import com.training.core.entity.BaseEntity;

import java.util.List;

public interface BaseService<T extends BaseEntity> {

	 * 根据Id查询实体
	T getEntityById(final Integer id);
	 * 新增实体
	void addEntity(final T entity);
	 * 更新实体
	void updateEntity(final T entity);
	 * 根据Id删除实体
	void deleteEntityById(final Integer id);

	 * 查询所有
	List<T> selectAll();


MyBatis BaseService实现:


package com.training.core.service.impl;

import javax.annotation.Resource;

import com.training.core.dao.BaseDao;
import com.training.core.dao.impl.MyBatisBaseDaoImpl;
import com.training.core.entity.BaseEntity;
import com.training.core.service.BaseService;
import com.training.core.util.GenericeClassUtils;
import tk.mybatis.mapper.common.Mapper;

import java.util.List;

public class MyBatisBaseServiceImpl<T extends BaseEntity> implements BaseService<T> {

	protected Class<T> entityClass = (Class<T>) GenericeClassUtils.getSuperClassGenricType(this.getClass(), 0);

	protected  <M extends Mapper<T>> M getMapper(Class cls){
		return ((MyBatisBaseDaoImpl<T>) baseDao).getMapper(cls);

	@Resource(name = "myBatisBaseDao")
	private BaseDao<T> baseDao;

	public T getEntityById(Integer id) {
		return baseDao.getEntityById(entityClass, id);

	public void addEntity(T entity) {

	public void updateEntity(T entity) {

	public void deleteEntityById(Integer id) {
		baseDao.deleteEntityById(entityClass, id);

	public List<T> selectAll() {
		return baseDao.selectAll(entityClass);


定义Base Controller,统一异常处理:



package com.training.core.controller;

import java.io.IOException;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ExceptionHandler;

import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.training.core.dto.ResultDataDto;
import com.training.core.entity.BaseEntity;

public class BaseController<T extends BaseEntity> {

	// 异常信息拦截,统一处理返回,为了兼容IE8,用流方式输出
    @ExceptionHandler(Exception.class)   //在Controller类中添加该注解方法即可(注意:添加到某个controller,只针对该controller起作用)  
    public void exceptionHandler(Exception ex, HttpServletResponse response, HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException {    
    	ResultDataDto resultDataDto = new ResultDataDto(ex);
		response.getWriter().write(new Gson().toJson(resultDataDto));

Base Crud Controller,增删改查Controller,根据URL参数实现统一模糊、分页动态查询


package com.training.core.controller;

import io.swagger.annotations.ApiImplicitParam;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiImplicitParams;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;

import java.util.List;

import javax.annotation.Resource;

import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Isolation;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Propagation;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;

import tk.mybatis.mapper.entity.Example;

import com.training.core.dao.BaseDao;
import com.training.core.dto.FlexiPageDto;
import com.training.core.dto.ResultDataDto;
import com.training.core.entity.BaseEntity;
import com.training.core.util.FilterUtil;
import com.training.core.util.GenericeClassUtils;

public class BaseCrudController<T extends BaseEntity> extends BaseController<T> {

	protected Class<T> entityClass = (Class<T>) GenericeClassUtils.getSuperClassGenricType(this.getClass(), 0);
	@Resource(name = "myBatisBaseDao")
	protected BaseDao<T> baseDao;
	 * 根据Id查询实体
	@ApiOperation(value="根据Id查询实体", notes="getEntityById")
	@ApiImplicitParam(name = "id", value = "用户ID", required = true, dataType = "Integer")
    @RequestMapping(value = "/getEntityById/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
	public @ResponseBody ResultDataDto getEntityById(@PathVariable(value = "id") final Integer id) {
    	T entity = baseDao.getEntityById(entityClass, id);
		return new ResultDataDto(entity);
	 * 新增实体
	@ApiOperation(value="新增实体", notes="addEntity")
	@ApiImplicitParam(name = "entity", value = "实体Json", required = true, dataType = "application/json")
    @RequestMapping(value = "/addEntity", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = "application/json")
	@Transactional(isolation = Isolation.DEFAULT, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED)
	public @ResponseBody ResultDataDto addEntity(@RequestBody final T entity) {
		return ResultDataDto.addAddSuccess();
	 * 更新实体
	@ApiOperation(value="更新实体", notes="updateEntity")
	@ApiImplicitParam(name = "entity", value = "实体Json", required = true, dataType = "application/json")
    @RequestMapping(value = "/updateEntity", method = RequestMethod.PUT, consumes = "application/json")
	@Transactional(isolation = Isolation.DEFAULT, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED)
	public @ResponseBody ResultDataDto updateEntity(@RequestBody final T entity) {
		return ResultDataDto.addUpdateSuccess();
	 * 根据Id删除实体
	@ApiOperation(value="根据Id删除实体", notes="deleteEntityById")
	@ApiImplicitParam(name = "id", value = "用户ID", required = true, dataType = "Integer")
	@RequestMapping(value = "/deleteEntityById/{id}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE)
	@Transactional(isolation = Isolation.DEFAULT, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED)
	public @ResponseBody ResultDataDto deleteEntityById(@PathVariable(value = "id") final Integer id) {
		baseDao.deleteEntityById(entityClass, id);
		return ResultDataDto.addDeleteSuccess();
	 * 查询所有实体
	@ApiOperation(value="查询所有实体", notes="findAllEntitys")
	@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
	@RequestMapping(value = "/findAllEntitys", method = RequestMethod.GET)
	public @ResponseBody ResultDataDto findAllEntitys() {
		List list = baseDao.selectAll(entityClass);
		return new ResultDataDto(list);
	 * 分页模糊查询
	 * @param pageNumber 当前页
	 * @param pageSize 每页显示数
	 * @param orderBy 排序条件
	 * &orderBy=name_desc,id_asc
	 * @param filter 模糊查询条件
	 * 查询条件说明:&filter=
	 * id_L_3_EQ__,
	 * 属性(id) _ 类型(Long) _ 值(3) _ EQ(精确查询) _ AND(默认And查询) _ ,
	 * 类型:
	 * 		S(String.class), I(Integer.class), L(Long.class), B(Boolean.class), 
	 * 		C(Collection.class) 例:1,2,3,4,5。使用,间隔。
	 * 匹配模式:
	 * 		IN      例: select * from tableName where id in (1,2,3,4,5);
	 * 		EQ,     例: select * from tableName where id = 1;
	 * 		LIKE,   例: select * from tableName where name like '%张三%';
	 * 		LT,     例: select * from tableName where id < 100;
	 * 		GT,     例: select * from tableName where id > 100;
	 * 		LE,     例: select * from tableName where id <= 100;
	 * 		GE      例: select * from tableName where id >= 100;
	 * 完整案例:
	 * select * from tableName where id = 3 and name = '张三' limit 0, 10
	 * http://localhost:8080/syssetting/findLikePage?pageNumber=1&pageSize=10&orderBy=&filter=id_L_2_EQ__,name_S_资源_LIKE__&
	 * OR案例:
	 * select * from tableName where (id = 3 or name = '张三') or name = '李四' limit 0, 10
	 * &filter=id_L_3_EQ_OR_,name_S_张三_EQ_OR_,name_S_李四_EQ_OR_
	@ApiOperation(value="分页模糊查询", notes="findLikePage")
		@ApiImplicitParam(name = "pageNumber", value = "当前页", required = true, dataType = "Integer"),
		@ApiImplicitParam(name = "pageSize", value = "每页显示数", required = true, dataType = "Integer"),
        @ApiImplicitParam(name = "orderBy", value = "排序:name_desc,id_asc", required = true, dataType = "String"),
        @ApiImplicitParam(name = "filter", value = "过滤规则:&filter=id_L_3_EQ_OR_,name_S_张三_EQ_OR_,name_S_李四_EQ_OR_", required = true, dataType = "String")
	@RequestMapping(value = "/findLikePage", method = RequestMethod.GET)
	public @ResponseBody ResultDataDto findLikePage(@RequestParam("pageNumber") Integer pageNumber, @RequestParam("pageSize") Integer pageSize, @RequestParam("orderBy") String orderBy, @RequestParam("filter") String filterStr) {
		Example example = FilterUtil.parsePropertyFilterExp(entityClass, filterStr, orderBy);
		FlexiPageDto flexiPageDto = new FlexiPageDto(pageNumber, pageSize);
		List<T> list = this.baseDao.findByPage(example, flexiPageDto);
		return new ResultDataDto(list);
	@ApiOperation(value="分页模糊查询总记录数", notes="findLikePageRowCount")
		@ApiImplicitParam(name = "pageNumber", value = "当前页", required = true, dataType = "Integer"),
		@ApiImplicitParam(name = "pageSize", value = "每页显示数", required = true, dataType = "Integer"),
        @ApiImplicitParam(name = "orderBy", value = "排序:name_desc,id_asc", required = true, dataType = "String"),
        @ApiImplicitParam(name = "filter", value = "过滤规则:&filter=id_L_3_EQ_OR_,name_S_张三_EQ_OR_,name_S_李四_EQ_OR_", required = true, dataType = "String")
	@RequestMapping(value = "/findLikePageRowCount", method = RequestMethod.GET)
	public @ResponseBody ResultDataDto findLikePageRowCount(@RequestParam("pageNumber") Integer pageNumber, @RequestParam("pageSize") Integer pageSize, @RequestParam("orderBy") String orderBy, @RequestParam("filter") String filterStr) {
		Example example = FilterUtil.parsePropertyFilterExp(entityClass, filterStr, orderBy);
		Integer count = this.baseDao.findRowCount(example);
		return new ResultDataDto().setCode(ResultDataDto.CODE_SUCCESS).setDatas(count);





package com.training.core.dto;

import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlTransient;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonRootName;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.training.core.entity.BaseEntity;
import com.training.core.exception.RuntimeFunctionException;
import com.training.core.exception.RuntimeOtherException;
import com.training.core.exception.RuntimeServiceException;
import com.training.core.exception.RuntimeWebException;
@JsonAutoDetect(fieldVisibility = JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.ANY)
public class ResultDataDto {

	 * 200-成功
	public final static String CODE_SUCCESS = "200";

	 *	301-代表永久性转移
	public final static String CODE_PERMANENTLY_MOVED = "301";

	 * 500-业务逻辑错误
	public final static String CODE_ERROR_SERVICE = "500";

	 * 501-功能不完善,无对应方法
	public final static String CODE_ERROR_FUNCTION = "501";

	 * 502-网络异常
	public final static String CODE_ERROR_WEB = "502";
	 * 503-未知其它
	public final static String CODE_ERROR_OTHER = "503";
	 * 文件流导入返回值,因IE不支持json返回
	 * @return
	public static void addImportSuccess(HttpServletResponse response, String message) {
		try {
			response.getWriter().write(new Gson().toJson(ResultDataDto.addSuccess(message)));
		} catch (IOException e) {
			throw new RuntimeServiceException(e);
	 * 文件流导入返回值,因IE不支持json返回
	 * @return
	public static void addImportSuccess(HttpServletResponse response) {
		try {
			response.getWriter().write(new Gson().toJson(ResultDataDto.addSuccess("上传成功")));
		} catch (IOException e) {
			throw new RuntimeServiceException(e);
	public static void addImportError(HttpServletResponse response, String message) {
		try {
			response.getWriter().write(new Gson().toJson(new ResultDataDto(CODE_ERROR_SERVICE, message)));
		} catch (IOException e) {
			throw new RuntimeServiceException(e);
	public static ResultDataDto addSuccess() {
		return new ResultDataDto(CODE_SUCCESS, null);
	public static ResultDataDto addSuccess(String message) {
		return new ResultDataDto(CODE_SUCCESS, message);
	public static ResultDataDto addAddSuccess() {
		return new ResultDataDto(CODE_SUCCESS, "新增成功");
	public static ResultDataDto addUpdateSuccess() {
		return new ResultDataDto(CODE_SUCCESS, "更新成功");
	public static ResultDataDto addUpdateCheckSuccess() {
		return new ResultDataDto(CODE_SUCCESS, "确定成功");
	public static ResultDataDto addDeleteSuccess() {
		return new ResultDataDto(CODE_SUCCESS, "删除成功");
	public static ResultDataDto addOperationSuccess() {
		return new ResultDataDto(CODE_SUCCESS, "操作成功");
	public ResultDataDto() {
	public ResultDataDto(String code, String message) {
		this.code = code;
		this.message = message;
	public ResultDataDto(String message) {
		this.code = CODE_SUCCESS;
		this.message = message;

	 * 返回单个实体
	public<T extends BaseEntity> ResultDataDto(T entity) {
		this.code = CODE_SUCCESS;
		this.datas = entity;
	 * 返回集合类型
	public ResultDataDto(List<? extends BaseEntity> list) {
		this.code = CODE_SUCCESS;
		this.datas = list;
	 * 返回Map集合类型
	public ResultDataDto(Map<String, Object> map) {
		this.code = CODE_SUCCESS;
		this.datas = map;
	 * 返回分页集合
	public<T extends BaseEntity> ResultDataDto(List<T> list, FlexiPageDto flexiPageDto) {
		this.code = CODE_SUCCESS;
		this.datas = list;
		this.flexiPageDto = flexiPageDto;
	 * 500-业务逻辑错误
	public ResultDataDto(RuntimeServiceException rex) {
		this.code = CODE_ERROR_SERVICE;
		this.message = rex.getMessage();
	 * 501-功能不完善,无对应方法
	public ResultDataDto(RuntimeFunctionException rex) {
		this.code = CODE_ERROR_FUNCTION;
		this.message = rex.getMessage();
	 * 502-网络异常
	public ResultDataDto(RuntimeWebException rex) {
		this.code = CODE_ERROR_WEB;
		this.message = rex.getMessage();
	 * 503-未知其它
	public ResultDataDto(RuntimeOtherException rex) {
		this.code = CODE_ERROR_OTHER;
		this.message = rex.getMessage();

	 * 异常
	public ResultDataDto(Exception ex) {
		this.code = CODE_ERROR_OTHER;
		this.message = getErrorMessage(ex);
	 * 运行时异常
	public ResultDataDto(RuntimeException rex) {
		this.code = CODE_ERROR_OTHER;
		this.message = rex.getMessage();
	 * 运行时异常
	public ResultDataDto(Throwable tx) {
		this.code = CODE_ERROR_OTHER;
		this.message = tx.getMessage();
	 * 结果编码
	private String code;
	 * 消息
	private String message;
	 * 结果数据,单个实体 或 List<T>
	private Object datas;
	 * 分页数据
	private FlexiPageDto flexiPageDto;
	private static String getErrorMessage(Exception ex) {
		if (ex instanceof ArithmeticException) {
			return "系统异常:计算错误";
		if (ex instanceof NullPointerException) {
			return "系统异常:输入错误,缺少输入值";
		if (ex instanceof ClassCastException) {
			return "系统异常:类型转换错误";
		if (ex instanceof NegativeArraySizeException) {
			return "系统异常:集合负数";
		if (ex instanceof ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException) {
			return "系统异常:集合超出范围";
		if (ex instanceof FileNotFoundException) {
			return "系统异常:文件未找到";
		if (ex instanceof NumberFormatException) {
			return "系统异常:输入数字错误";
		if (ex instanceof SQLException) {
			return "系统异常:数据库异常";
		if (ex instanceof IOException) {
			return "系统异常:文件读写错误";
		if (ex instanceof NoSuchMethodException) {
			return "系统异常:方法找不到";
		return ex.getMessage();

	// -------------------------- getter and setter -----------------------------
	public String getCode() {
		return code;

	public ResultDataDto setCode(String code) {
		this.code = code;
		return this;

	public Object getDatas() {
		return datas;

	public ResultDataDto setDatas(Object datas) {
		this.datas = datas;
		return this;

	public String getMessage() {
		return message;

	public ResultDataDto setMessage(String message) {
		this.message = message;
		return this;

	public FlexiPageDto getFlexiPageDto() {
		return flexiPageDto;

	public ResultDataDto setFlexiPageDto(FlexiPageDto flexiPageDto) {
		this.flexiPageDto = flexiPageDto;
		return this;




package com.training.core.dto;

public class FlexiPageDto {

	public static final Integer MAX_PAGE_SIZE=3000;
	public static final Integer SHORT_PAGE_SIZE=5;
	public FlexiPageDto() {

	public FlexiPageDto(Integer page, Integer rp) {
		this.page = page;
		this.rp = rp;

	public FlexiPageDto(Integer page, Integer rp, String sortName) {
		this.page = page;
		this.rp = rp;
		this.sortName = sortName;

	public FlexiPageDto(Integer page, Integer rp, String sortName, String sortOrder) {
		this.page = page;
		this.rp = rp;
		this.sortName = sortName;
		this.sortOrder = sortOrder;
	public static FlexiPageDto createMaxPageDto(){
		FlexiPageDto flexiPageDto=new FlexiPageDto();
		return flexiPageDto;
	public static FlexiPageDto generateFlexiPageDto(Integer page, Integer rp, String orderBy) {
		FlexiPageDto flexiPageDto = new FlexiPageDto(page, rp);
		if (null != orderBy && "" != orderBy.trim()) {
			String[] orderBys = orderBy.split("_");
		return flexiPageDto;

	 * 当前页
	private Integer page;
	 * 每页显示,默认:10
	private Integer rp = 10;
	 * 总记录数
	private Integer rowCount;
	 * 排序字段
	private String sortName;
	 * 排序(asc/desc)
	private String sortOrder = "desc";
	public static final String SORTORDER_ACS = "asc";
	 * 数据开始坐标,Mysql从0开始
	public Integer getOffset(){
		return (this.getPage()-1)*this.getRp();
	 * 总页数
	public Integer getTotalPage() {
		if (null == rowCount) {
			return 0;
		int totalPage = (rowCount / rp);
		int remainder = rowCount % rp;
		if (rowCount > 0 && totalPage == 0) {
			totalPage = 1;
			return totalPage;
		if (remainder > 0) {
			return totalPage;
		return totalPage;		

	// -------------------------- getter and setter -----------------------------
	public Integer getRp() {
		return rp;

	public FlexiPageDto setRp(Integer rp) {
		this.rp = rp;
		return this;

	public Integer getPage() {
		return page;

	public FlexiPageDto setPage(Integer page) {
		this.page = page;
		return this;

	public String getSortName() {
		return sortName;

	public FlexiPageDto setSortName(String sortName) {
		this.sortName = sortName;
		return this;

	public String getSortOrder() {
		return sortOrder;

	public FlexiPageDto setSortOrder(String sortOrder) {
		this.sortOrder = sortOrder;
		return this;

	public Integer getRowCount() {
		return rowCount;

	public FlexiPageDto setRowCount(Integer rowCount) {
		this.rowCount = rowCount;
		return this;
	public String getSortString(){
		if (null == sortName) {
			return null;
		String[] fields = this.getSortName().split("_");
		String[] fieldsorts = this.getSortOrder().split("_");
			throw new RuntimeException("排序规则不一致");
		String sql = "";
		for(int index=0;index<fields.length;index++){
			sql = sql+" "+fields[index]+" "+fieldsorts[index];
		return sql;







集成Runtime Exception,其余略。

package com.training.core.exception;

public class RuntimeFunctionException extends RuntimeException {

	public RuntimeFunctionException() {

	public RuntimeFunctionException(String message, Throwable cause) {
		super(message, cause);

	public RuntimeFunctionException(String message) {

	public RuntimeFunctionException(Throwable cause) {
