Symfony是一个基于MVC模式的面向对象的PHP5框架。Symfony允许在一个web应用中分离事务控制,服务逻辑和表示层。简单的模板功能symfony是一个开源的PHP Web框架。
- bug #21634 [VarDumper] Added missing persistent stream cast (lyrixx)
- bug #21436 [DependencyInjection] check for circular refs caused by method calls (xabbuh)
- bug #21400 [Serializer] fix upper camel case conversion (see #21399) (markusu49)
- bug #21599 [Console][Table] fixed render when using multiple rowspans. (aitboudad)
- bug #21613 [Process] Permit empty suffix on Windows (Bilge)
- bug #21057 [DI] Auto register extension configuration classes as a resource (ro0NL)
- bug #21607 Improve tracking of environment variables in the case of private services (tgalopin)
- bug #21592 [Validator] property constraints can be added in child classes (angelk, xabbuh)
- bug #21458 [Config] Early return for DirectoryResource (robfrawley)
- bug #21562 [DoctrineBridge] make sure that null can be the invalid value (xabbuh)
- bug #21556 [FrameworkBundle] Wire ArrayCache for annotation reader at bootstrap (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #21584 [WebProfilerBundle] Readd Symfony version status in the toolbar (wouterj)
- bug #21557 [VarDumper] Improve dump of AMQP* Object (lyrixx)
- bug #21579 [Security] LdapUserProvider should not throw an exception if the UID key does not exist in an LDAP entry (csarrazi)
- bug #21552 [FrameworkBundle] Fix annotations cache folder path (akeeman)
- bug #21542 [VarDumper] Fixed dumping of terminated generator (lyrixx)
- bug #21292 Ignore missing 'debug.file_link_formatter' service in Debug bundle (core23)