在上篇文章 从源码角度深入理解LayoutInflater.Factory 主要介绍了LayoutInflater.Factory是什么,并简单介绍了一下用Factory可以做些什么,本篇文章就具体介绍一下Factory在换肤上的具体应用。
gravity:0x11 background:#ffff0000 layout_width:-1 layout_height:48.0dip text:@2131361814
//位于AttributeSet类中 public String getAttributeName(int index);//属性名称 public String getAttributeValue(int index);//属性值 //位于Resources类 public String getResourceEntryName(@AnyRes int resid)//资源名称 public String getResourceTypeName(@AnyRes int resid)//资源类型
在对每一个需要换肤的View进行操作的时候,资源类型一般就是两种类型,要么是color要么是一个drawable,但是属性就比较多了,有可能是一个textColor,有可能是background,如单复选按钮还可能是一个button,因此我们可以将属性相关的类设计为一个工厂类SkinFactory,根据不同的属性设置不同的属性类,如TextColorAttr或者BackgroundAttr。另外一个需要注意的就是在进行换肤的时候资源应该都是以引用的形式设置,此时输出的结果都是 一个以@开始的属性值 ,@后面对应的值就是一个资源的ID,然后我们通过下面两个方法就可以获取资源真正的ID了。
String resName = context.getResources().getResourceEntryName(resId);
int trueResId = resources.getIdentifier(resName, “color”, skinPackageName);
/** * android:textColor="@color/text_default" * View属性名称 attrName:textColor * 资源ID attrValueId R类中对text_default对应的一个整型值 * 资源名称 attrEntryName:text_default * 资源类型 attrEntryType:color */ public abstract class SkinAttr { //资源类型color protected static final String TYPE_NAME_COLOR = "color"; //资源类型drawable protected static final String TYPE_NAME_DRAWABLE = "drawable"; //属性名称 public String attrName; //属性引用资源ID public int attrValueId; //资源名称 public String attrEntryName; //资源类型 public String attrEntryType; //不同子类必须要实现的方法 public abstract void apply(Viewview); @Override public String toString() { return "SkinAttr [attrName=" + attrName + ", attrValueId=" + attrValueId + ", attrEntryName=" + attrEntryName + ", attrEntryType=" + attrEntryType + "]"; } }
public class TextColorAttr extends SkinAttr { @Override public void apply(Viewview) { if (viewinstanceof TextView) { TextViewtv = (TextView) view; if (TYPE_NAME_COLOR.equals(attrEntryType)) { tv.setTextColor(SkinManager.getInstance().getColorStateList(attrValueId)); } } } } public class BackgroundAttr extends SkinAttr { @Override public void apply(Viewview) { if (TYPE_NAME_COLOR.equals(attrEntryType)) { view.setBackgroundColor(SkinManager.getInstance().getColor(attrValueId)); } else if (TYPE_NAME_DRAWABLE.equals(attrEntryType)) { Drawablebg = SkinManager.getInstance().getDrawable(attrValueId); view.setBackgroundDrawable(bg); } } }
public class AttrFactory { public static final String BACKGROUND = "background"; public static final String TEXT_COLOR = "textColor"; public static final String LIST_SELECTOR = "listSelector"; public static final String DIVIDER = "divider"; public static final String BUTTON = "button"; public static SkinAttrget(String attrName, int attrValueId, String attrEntryName, String attrEntryType) { SkinAttrmSkinAttr = null; if (BACKGROUND.equals(attrName)) { mSkinAttr = new BackgroundAttr(); } else if (TEXT_COLOR.equals(attrName)) { mSkinAttr = new TextColorAttr(); }else if (BUTTON.equals(attrName)) { mSkinAttr = new ButtonAttr(); } else if (LIST_SELECTOR.equals(attrName)) { mSkinAttr = new ListSelectorAttr(); } else if (DIVIDER.equals(attrName)) { mSkinAttr = new DividerAttr(); } else { return null; } mSkinAttr.attrName = attrName; mSkinAttr.attrValueId = attrValueId; mSkinAttr.attrEntryName = attrEntryName; mSkinAttr.attrEntryType = attrEntryType; return mSkinAttr; } /** * 判断是否需要换肤 * @param attrName * @return */ public static boolean isSupportedAttr(String attrName) { if (BACKGROUND.equals(attrName)) { return true; } if (BUTTON.equals(attrName)) { return true; } if (TEXT_COLOR.equals(attrName)) { return true; } if (LIST_SELECTOR.equals(attrName)) { return true; } if (DIVIDER.equals(attrName)) { return true; } return false; } }
public class SkinView { public Viewview; //所有涉及到需要换肤的属性 public List<SkinAttr> attrs; public SkinView() { attrs = new ArrayList<>(); } //将属性依次赋值到View public void apply() { if (view != null && !ListUtils.isEmpty(attrs)) { for (SkinAttrattr : attrs) { attr.apply(view); } } } //在销毁时清除 public void clean() { if (ListUtils.isEmpty(attrs)) { return; } for (SkinAttrat : attrs) { at = null; } } }
走到这里属性封装好了,涉及到换肤的View也封装完毕,接下来就是逻辑实现了,针对每个属性的apply()方法该如何实现呢?我们知道在设置字体颜色的时候一般使用的是 resource.getColor(@ColorRes int id)
,背景图片 resource.getDrawable(@DrawableRes int id)
/** * Add an additional set of assets to the asset manager. This can be * either a directory or ZIP file. Not for use by applications. Returns * the cookie of the added asset, or 0 on failure. * {@hide} */ public final int addAssetPath(String path) { synchronized (this) { int res = addAssetPathNative(path); makeStringBlocks(mStringBlocks); return res; } }
new AsyncTask<String, Void, Resources>() { @Override protected void onPreExecute() { if (listener != null) { listener.onStart(); } } @Override protected ResourcesdoInBackground(String... params) { try { if (params.length == 1) { String skinPkgPath = params[0]; Filefile = new File(skinPkgPath); if (file == null || !file.exists()) { return null; } PackageManagermgr = context.getPackageManager(); PackageInfoinfo = mgr.getPackageArchiveInfo(skinPkgPath, PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES); skinPackageName = info.packageName; AssetManagerassetManager = AssetManager.class.newInstance(); MethodaddAssetPath = assetManager.getClass().getMethod("addAssetPath", String.class); addAssetPath.invoke(assetManager, skinPkgPath); ResourcessuperRes = context.getResources(); ResourcesskinResource = new Resources(assetManager, superRes.getDisplayMetrics(), superRes.getConfiguration()); SkinConfig.saveSkinPath(context, skinPkgPath); skinPath = skinPkgPath; isDefaultSkin = false; return skinResource; } return null; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } protected void onPostExecute(Resourcesresult) { resources = result; if (resources != null) { if (listener != null) { listener.onSuccess(); } notifySkinUpdate(); } else { isDefaultSkin = true; if (listener != null) { listener.onFailed(); } } } }.execute(skinPackagePath);
public int getColor(int resId) { int originColor = ContextCompat.getColor(context, resId); if (resources == null || isDefaultSkin) { return originColor; } String resName = context.getResources().getResourceEntryName(resId); int trueResId = resources.getIdentifier(resName, "color", skinPackageName); int trueColor = 0; try { trueColor = ResourcesCompat.getColor(resources, trueResId, null); } catch (NotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); trueColor = originColor; } return trueColor; }
public void init(Contextctx) { context = ctx.getApplicationContext(); } public static SkinManagergetInstance() { return InstanceHolder.holder; } private static class InstanceHolder { private static SkinManagerholder = new SkinManager(); }
@Override public void attach(SkinObserverobserver) { if (skinObservers == null) { skinObservers = new ArrayList<SkinObserver>(); } if (!skinObservers.contains(observer)) { skinObservers.add(observer); } } @Override public void detach(SkinObserverobserver) { if (skinObservers == null) return; if (skinObservers.contains(observer)) { skinObservers.remove(observer); } }
public interface SkinObservable { void attach(SkinObserverobserver); void detach(SkinObserverobserver); void notifySkinUpdate(); } public interface SkinObserver { void onThemeUpdate(); } public class SkinManager implements SkinObservable { ... @Override public void notifySkinUpdate() { if (skinObservers == null) return; for (SkinObserverobserver : skinObservers) { observer.onThemeUpdate(); } } } public class BaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements SkinObserver { ... @Override public void onThemeUpdate() { skinFactory.applySkin(); } }