![可扩展的持续集成引擎Jenkins v2.47] 发布](http://static.open-open.com/news/uploadImg/20160513/20160513075207_69.png)
Jenkins 的前身是 Hudson 是一个可扩展的持续集成引擎。主要用于持续、自动地构建/测试软件项目,如CruiseControl与DamageControl。
- Update Groovy to 2.4.8 to address memory leak issue (issue 33358)
- Windows service restart did not retain build queue (issue 32820)
- Exceptions during Jenkins cleanup step should not block restart (issue 42164)
- Upgrade remoting to version 3.5 (full changelog)
- Remoting 3.5: Remoting clients now accept lowercase (HTTP 2) headers sent by reverse proxies (issue 40710)
- Remoting 3.5: Add option to specify the remoting protocol to use on the client (issue 41730)
- Remoting 3.5: Stability improvements (issue 41513, issue 41852)
- Developer: Snapshot builds of plugins that had dependencies on other snapshot builds were not having their version numbers compared correctly (issue 41899)