Hibernate Search的作用是对数据库中的数据进行检索的。它是hibernate对著名的全文检索系统Lucene的一个集成方案,作用在于对数据表中某些内容庞大的字段(如声明为text的字段)建立全文索引,这样通过hibernate search就可以对这些字段进行全文检索后获得相应的POJO,从而加快了对内容庞大字段进行模糊搜索的速度(sql语句中like匹配)。
Hibernate Search主要有以下功能特点:
- 功能强大,配置简单 - 配置只需要修改persistence.xml(JPA),hibernate.cfg.xml(Hibernate)
- 支持Hibernate,以及EJB3 JPA标准应用
- 集成全文搜索引擎Lucene - Lucene是Apache项目组下的一个功能强大的全文搜索引擎项目
- 可以简单透明索引查询过的数据
- 支持复杂检索 - 支持Wild Card(诸如*, ?等通配符号),多关键字,模糊查询,排序等
- 支持Clustering
- 支持直接访问Lucene API
- 对Lucene索引,API的高效管理
Hibernate Search运行的环境如下:
- JDK或JRE 5.0以上
- Hibernate-Search以及相应的依赖包
- Hibernate Core 3.2.X
- Hibernate Annotations 3.3.X
主/从结构的Hibernate Search architecture
- HSEARCH-2593 Node discovery uses the HTTP (not HTTPS) scheme by default and isn't configurable
- HSEARCH-2590 ElasticsearchHSQueryImpl allocates too much memory for query results
- HSEARCH-2587 Sort DSL on embedded fields throws NPE
- HSEARCH-2569 The "delete-by-query" plugin requirement for Elasticsearch isn't clear
- HSEARCH-2591 Upgrade to Apache Lucene 5.5.4
- HSEARCH-2588 Make byField(String) in the sort DSL automatically determine the sort type for metadata providing field bridges
- HSEARCH-2577 Separate the namespaces for Lucene and Elasticsearch analyzers
- HSEARCH-2576 FacetingManager should allocate maps lazily
- HSEARCH-2574 Java 8: Make the repeatable annotations actually Repeatable
- HSEARCH-2572 Missing labels for cross references in documentation
- HSEARCH-2568 IndexSchemaManagementStrategy#NONE throws an exception if index does not exist
- HSEARCH-2453 Add support for Elasticsearch authentication
- HSEARCH-2447 Make it easier to add sortable fields from custom field bridges
- HSEARCH-2585 Allow injecting Analyzer definitions using a Service
- HSEARCH-2418 Allow registering Analyzer definitions at bootstrap via an extension point
- HSEARCH-2597 Do not rely on automatic detection of JPA annotations from the classpath
- HSEARCH-2596 Point to the Hibernate ORM / WildFly modules documentation
- HSEARCH-2595 Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 5.2.8.Final
- HSEARCH-2580 Update of the "previous.stable" property following the 5.6.0.Final release
- HSEARCH-2578 Include the lucene-grouping artifact in the WildFly modules
- HSEARCH-2575 Update usage of deprecated options of Forbidden APIs code check
- HSEARCH-2573 Upgrade the Elasticsearch version used for tests to 2.4.4
- HSEARCH-2571 Upgrade the maven plugin dependencies
- HSEARCH-2570 Upgrade maven plugins to support Java 8 code
- HSEARCH-2564 Generic type signature of FullTextQuery should not be as flexible as the JPA Query
- HSEARCH-2563 Update some outdated information in the pom (CI and authors)
- HSEARCH-2562 Integrators can not use the AnalyzerDiscriminator to override analyzer mapping dynamically
- HSEARCH-2561 Allow sorting metadata to be overriden during query execution
- HSEARCH-2559 Switch to Asciidoctor output for the documentation
- HSEARCH-2558 Remove obsolete entries from the "limitations" section of the Elasticsearch integration documentation
- HSEARCH-2381 Avoid logging warnings caused by internal usage of the legacy Criteria API
- HSEARCH-2141 Improve reliability of JGroups integration tests