看到Node.js这个名字,初学者可能会误以为这是一个Javascript应用,事实上,Node.js采用C++语言编写而成,是一个Javascript的运行环境。为什么采用C++语言呢?据Node.js创始人Ryan Dahl回忆,他最初希望采用Ruby来写Node.js,但是后来发现Ruby虚拟机的性能不能满足他的要求,后来他尝试采用V8引擎,所以选择了C++语言。既然不是Javascript应用,为何叫.js呢?因为Node.js是一个Javascript的运行环境。Node.js是一个后端的Javascript运行环境(支持的系统包括Linux、Windows和Mac等),这意味着你可以编写系统级或者服务器端的Javascript代码,交给Node.js来解释执行,Node.js采用了Google Chrome浏览器的V8引擎,性能很好,同时还提供了很多系统级的API,如文件操作、网络编程等。浏览器端的Javascript代码在运行时会受到各种安全性的限制,对客户系统的操作有限。相比之下,Node.js则是一个全面的后台运行时,为Javascript提供了其他语言能够实现的许多功能。
] - build: add node_use_openssl check to install.py (Daniel Bevenius) #117662fcefeeda0
] - dgram: refactor dgram to module.exports (Claudio Rodriguez) #11696dd3e6adaa7
] - doc: add missing changelog heading for 7.7.2 (Evan Lucas) #11823b543fd441c
] - doc: update to current V8 versions (Franziska Hinkelmann) #117876cc7b30c62
] - doc: improve child_process maxBuffer
text (Rich Trott) #11791188cbc6eea
] - doc: package main can be directory with an index (Bradley Farias) #11581a20aa0ee48
] - doc: http cleanup and missing argument types (Amelia Clarke) #116818a1b2b4417
] - doc: reduce font size on smaller screens (Gibson Fahnestock) #116955bea8b42d9
] - doc: fix occurences of "the the" (Jeroen Mandersloot) #11711517c3af21a
] - doc: fix process links to console.log/error (Sam Roberts) #11718108449b6ff
] - doc: add Franziska Hinkelmann to the CTC (Rod Vagg) #114889c3cf13cbc
] - doc: argument types for https methods (Amelia Clarke) #11681103458772a
] - module: fix loading from global folders on Windows (Richard Lau) #92831dff218cd1
] - net: allow missing callback for Socket.connect (Juwan Yoo) #1176252f0092f54
] - s390: enable march=z196 (Junliang Yan) #11730032becdc28
] - src: add missing #include <unicode/ustring.h> (Steven R. Loomis) #117541da2afcc26
] - src: drop the NODE_ISOLATE_SLOT macro (Anna Henningsen) #11692734ddbe77b
] - test: fix flaky test-http-set-timeout-server (Santiago Gimeno) #11790aaf8536dbc
] - test: add test for loading from global folders (Richard Lau) #9283c01c7a490a
] - test: add script to create 0-dns-cert.pem (Shigeki Ohtsu) #115794477e15217
] - test: add regex in test_cyclic_link_protection (Clarence Dimitri CHARLES) #116223d55cf06b1
] - test: add more WHATWG URL origin tests (Brian White) #11691a98d963082
] - test: increase coverage of console (DavidCai) #116531af0fa4b84
] - test: test buffer behavior when zeroFill undefined (Rich Trott) #117061e52ba3b3d
] - test: limit lint rule disabling in message test (Rich Trott) #117245e7baa5a72
] - tools: add links to the stability index reference (Michael Cox) #11664c5874d1bd4
] - url: remove invalid file protocol check (Brian White) #11691本站原创,转载时保留以下信息: