英特尔为黑客技术和学习的目的发布了Arduino 101实时操作系统(RTOS)。 Arduino 101可以被认为是一个基于Arduino UNO的渐进式改进。由于它有了Curie模块,它以蓝牙连接、手势识别和一个六轴运动传感器为特色。它包含了两个核心,一个x86和一个32位ARC(Argonaut RISC核心),它们都以32MHz的频率运行,这提供了比UNO的ATmega328微控制器更高的性能和更低的能量功耗。ViperOS RTOS在x86核心中运行,而ARC则管理I/O。101提供了与UNO一样的引脚分配和外围系统。
- Wait for scan response before reporting discovered peripheral
- Fix Burn bootloader rule
- temporarily disable x86 RTOS version check
- Add explicit core version
- fix arduino101copy and add core flag
- udapte expected RTOS FW signature
- avoid passing fw version info to "bootloader" receipe
- use flags for arduino101load parameters
- Move drivers in core
- Remove unnecessary delays from peripheral explorer example
- Remove comment about BatteryMonitor_Central sketch
- Jira 671, Support Connection Interval updating.
- Jira 896, merged to 01org/master
- Fix Jira876 BLE scanForName() device from previous scan is picked up
- Correct | to &, and swap order of write vs write without response
- Implement the block call for descriptor read method
- Set characteristic value internally if it not associated with a service yet
- Set all pins to INPUT on sketch startup
- Make sure LED is not lit on sketch start
- Jira 872, BLE sample sketch update from Arduino, PR 375
- cleanup unwanted file
- CDC-ACM CODK-M firmware compatibility changes
- -add error functions