#5495 [component: docs] [component: server] Document non-script and programmatic use
#5541 [component: build] Label image diff results "expected" vs "actual"
#5613 [component: build] Windows setup.py build from source and versioneer
#5625 [component: bokehjs] Drop jquery from core bokehjs
#5638 [component: docs] Examples / charts/ readme states incorrect location for jupyter notebook example code
#5640 [component: examples] New app example: exploding pivot charts
#5647 [API: charts] Make the default hover tooltip work for donut charts
#5664 Remove old deprecations
#5666 [py3] Python 3.6 compatibility
#5677 Permission denied error when invoking show() from inside jupyter notebook
#5679 [component: build] Deploy script should automatically create and upload examples tarballs
#5691 [component: docs] Fix a typo in layoutdom
#5699 [component: examples] Not necessary loop in weather example?
#5704 Move abstract out of properties.py
#5705 [notebook] Print bokeh version in notebook "bokehjs loaded" message
#5710 [API: models] Deprecate bokeh.models.layouts hbox and vbox
#5712 [component: tests] Make sure examples' tests wait until bokeh finished rendering
#5718 [component: docs] Bad formatting in selected docstring
#5726 [component: bokehjs] Tooltip font color can be turned white by outside css because it's not specified by bokeh
#5729 [component: bokehjs] Use only what we need from underscore
#5748 [component: tests] Bokehjs/examples/electron/node_modules interfere with code quality tests
#5754 Revert "clean up and refactor build"
#5756 Revert "bryanv/refactor build"
#5757 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] Remove bokehjs/src/vendor/kiwi and use bokeh/kiwi
#5759 [component: docs] Typo in axes docs
#5770 [component: build] Bryanv/build fixups
#5771 [component: build] Break up conda operations to prevent timeout
#5772 [component: build] Need to call chdir for persistent effect
#5773 [component: build] Fix path for css upload
#5775 [component: build] Try token with repr, add some diagnostics
#5776 [component: build] Globs don't work in subprocesses w/o shell=true
#5777 [component: build] Correctly implement put
#5787 [component: build] Pin mpl < 2.0
#5788 [component: docs] Migration notes and exceptions about mpl compat.
#5793 Bokeh calls logging.basicconfig()
#5796 [component: docs] Bokeh 0.12.4 needs python 3.3 but this isn't documented anywhere
#5799 Revert "fix rect rendering with log axis"
#5810 [component: bokehjs] Don't rely on typedarray.map
#5822 Hovertool for last value of a line plot sticks on second last value (works fine with circles)
#5826 [API: models] Add bokeh.plotting.gmap to create gmapplot correctly and easily
#5827 [component: build] Restore pip installable dev builds
#5834 [component: docs] Need to use different sintaxis when using command "bokeh serve" in windows command line
#5835 [component: examples] County data: most independent cities in virginia have 'city' left out, which causes confusion when trying to match based on county name