Symfony是一个基于MVC模式的面向对象的PHP5框架。Symfony允许在一个web应用中分离事务控制,服务逻辑和表示层。简单的模板功能symfony是一个开源的PHP Web框架。
- bug #22285 [HttpKernel] Fix forward compat with Request::setTrustedProxies() (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #22265 Allow Upper Case property names (@insekticid)
- bug #22258 [DI] Autowiring and factories are incompatible with each others (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #22254 [DI] Don't use auto-registered services to populate type-candidates (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #22229 [ExpressionLanguage] Provide the expression in syntax errors (@k0pernikus, @stof)
- bug #22251 [PropertyInfo] Support nullable array or collection (@4rthem)
- bug #22240 [DI] Fix fatal error at ContainerBuilder::compile() if config is not installed (@chalasr)
- bug #22140 [Form] Improve the exceptions when trying to get the data in a PRE_SET_DATA listener and the data has not already been set (@fancyweb)
- bug #22217 [Console] Fix table cell styling (@ro0NL)
- bug #22194 [Console] CommandTester: disable color support detection (@julienfalque)
- bug #22188 [Console] Revised exception rendering (@ro0NL)
- bug #22154 [WebProfilerBundle] Normalize whitespace in exceptions passed in headers (@curry684)
- bug #22183 [Process] Fix bug which wiped or mangled env vars (@pjcdawkins)
- bug #22142 [Console] Escape exception messages in renderException (@chalasr)
- bug #22172 Fix port usage in server:status command (@alcaeus)
- bug #22164 [Bridge/Doctrine] Fix change breaking doctrine-bundle test suite (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #22159 [FrameworkBundle] Cache pool clear command requires at least 1 pool (@ro0NL)
- bug #22133 [Filesystem] normalize paths before making them relative (@xabbuh)
- bug #22138 [HttpFoundation][bugfix] $bags should always be initialized (@MacDada)
- bug #21810 #21809 [SecurityBundle] bugfix: if security provider's name contains upper cases then container didn't compile (@Antanas Arvasevicius)
- bug #22123 [WebProfilerBundle] Fix for CSS attribute at Profiler Translation Page (@e-moe)
- bug #19778 [Security] Fixed roles serialization on token from user object (@eko)
- bug #22036 Set Date header in Response constructor already (@mpdude)
- bug #22022 [Validator] fix URL validator to detect non supported chars according to RFC 3986 (@e-moe)
- bug #21849 [HttpFoundation] Fix missing handling of for/host/proto info from "Forwarded" header (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #21968 Fixed pathinfo calculation for requests starting with a question mark. (@syzygymsu)
- bug #22027 Revert "bug #21841 [Console] Do not squash input changes made from console.command event (chalasr)" (@chalasr)
- bug #21846 [HttpFoundation] Fix Request::getHost() when having several hosts in X_FORWARDED_HOST (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #21208 [Validator] Add object handling of invalid constraints in Composite (@SenseException)
- bug #22044 [Serializer] [XML] Ignore Process Instruction (@jordscream)
- bug #22090 [WebProfilerBundle] Fix Content-Security-Policy compatibility in case of a
style-src 'self'
policy (@romainneutron)
- bug #22079 [HttpKernel] Fixed bug with purging of HTTPS URLs (@ausi)
- bug #22045 [WebProfilerBundle] Handle Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header correctly (@romainneutron)
- bug #21523 #20411 fix Yaml parsing for very long quoted strings (@RichardBradley)
- bug #22001 [Doctrine Bridge] fix priority for doctrine event listeners (@dmaicher)
- bug #22040 [FrameworkBundle] improve message when workflows are missing (@xabbuh)
- bug #22032 [FrameworkBundle] Fix translation dep constraint (@chalasr)
- bug #21996 [Cache] Enhance error reporting for FilesystemAdapter (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #21981 [Console] Use proper line endings in BufferedOutput (@julienfalque)
- bug #21976 [VarDumper] Add missing isset() checks in some casters (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #21973 [VarDumper] Add missing isset() checks in some casters (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #21957 [Form] Choice type int values (BC Fix) (@mcfedr)