AMQP 里主要要说两个组件:Exchange 和 Queue (在 AMQP 1.0 里还会有变动),如下图所示,绿色的 X 就是 Exchange ,红色的是 Queue ,这两者都在 Server 端,又称作 Broker ,这部分是 RabbitMQ 实现的,而蓝色的则是客户端,通常有 Producer 和 Consumer 两种类型。
Queue master locator could not be set using optional queue arguments (x-arguments
GitHub issue: rabbitmq-server#1172
Non-numerical values for numerical stats are now handled safety by stats aggregation. For example, if
free disk space monitor had to stop reporting data because it could not parse external tool output
that would break HTTP API GET /api/overview
GitHub issue: rabbitmq-management#375.
Stats are no longer emitted for connections that are not considered to be in the fully initialised
GitHub issue: rabbitmq-management-agent#42
Sample retention policies are now validated more strictly to avoid configurations that
are not supported and will lead to exceptions.
GitHub issue: rabbitmq-management-agent#41
UI operation for binding deletion did not respect optional (extra) binding arguments.
GitHub issue: rabbitmq-management#243
The plugin failed to start after being stopped and re-enabled.
GitHub issue: rabbitmq-web-stomp#72