<dependency> <groupId>velocity-tools</groupId> <artifactId>velocity-tools-generic</artifactId> <version>1.4</version> </dependency>
public static void main(String[] args) {try { // 初始化(1) Velocity.init("velocity.properties"); // 创建context,存放变量(2) VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext(); Person person = new Person(); person.setName("jiaduo"); context.put("person", person); // 加载模板文件到内存(3) Template template = null; String templateFile = "healthview.vm"; template = Velocity.getTemplate(templateFile); // 渲染(4) StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); template.merge(context, stringWriter); // 打印结果 System.out.println(stringWriter.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
<html> <div>$!{person.sayHello()}:$!{person.name}</div> </html>
file.resource.loader.path = /Users/zhuizhumengxiang/workspace/mytool/SpringLean/src/
public synchronized void init() { if (!initialized && !initializing) { log.debug("Initializing Velocity, Calling init()..."); initializing = true; log.trace("*******************************************************************"); log.debug("Starting Apache Velocity v1.7 (compiled: 2010-11-19 12:14:37)"); log.trace("RuntimeInstance initializing."); initializeProperties();//配置文件解析 initializeLog();//初始化日志 initializeResourceManager();//初始化资源管理器和资源加载器 initializeDirectives();//初始化Directives initializeEventHandlers();// 初始化事件处理器 initializeParserPool();//初始化解析器 对象池 initializeIntrospection();// 初始化自省 initializeEvaluateScopeSettings(); /* * initialize the VM Factory. It will use the properties * accessable from Runtime, so keep this here at the end. */ vmFactory.initVelocimacro(); log.trace("RuntimeInstance successfully initialized."); initialized = true; initializing = false; } }
private void initializeResourceManager() { /* * org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.ResourceManagerImpl */ String rm = getString(RuntimeConstants.RESOURCE_MANAGER_CLASS); if (rm != null && rm.length() > 0) { Object o = null; //创建资源管理器实例 try { o = ClassUtils.getNewInstance( rm ); } ... resourceManager = (ResourceManager) o; //初始化资源管理器 resourceManager.initialize(this); } ... }//初始化资源管理器public synchronized void initialize(final RuntimeServices rsvc){ ... ResourceLoader resourceLoader = null; this.rsvc = rsvc; log = rsvc.getLog(); log.trace("Default ResourceManager initializing. (" + this.getClass() + ")"); assembleResourceLoaderInitializers(); //创建资源加载器 for (Iterator it = sourceInitializerList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { /** * Resource loader can be loaded either via class name or be passed * in as an instance. */ ExtendedProperties configuration = (ExtendedProperties) it.next(); String loaderClass = StringUtils.nullTrim(configuration.getString("class")); ResourceLoader loaderInstance = (ResourceLoader) configuration.get("instance"); if (loaderInstance != null) { resourceLoader = loaderInstance; } else if (loaderClass != null) { resourceLoader = ResourceLoaderFactory.getLoader(rsvc, loaderClass); } ... resourceLoader.commonInit(rsvc, configuration); resourceLoader.init(configuration); resourceLoaders.add(resourceLoader); } //org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.ResourceCacheImpl String cacheClassName = rsvc.getString(RuntimeConstants.RESOURCE_MANAGER_CACHE_CLASS); Object cacheObject = null; //创建缓存实例 if (org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotEmpty(cacheClassName)) { try { cacheObject = ClassUtils.getNewInstance(cacheClassName); } ... } /* * if we didn't get through that, just use the default. */ if (cacheObject == null) { cacheObject = new ResourceCacheImpl(); } globalCache = (ResourceCache) cacheObject; //初始化缓存 globalCache.initialize(rsvc); } //初始化缓存 public void initialize( RuntimeServices rs ){ rsvc = rs; //默认配置文件里没这个变量,所以默认最多缓存89个模板文件 int maxSize = rsvc.getInt(RuntimeConstants.RESOURCE_MANAGER_DEFAULTCACHE_SIZE, 89); if (maxSize > 0) { // Create a whole new Map here to avoid hanging on to a // handle to the unsynch'd LRUMap for our lifetime. Map lruCache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LRUMap(maxSize)); lruCache.putAll(cache); cache = lruCache; } rsvc.getLog().debug("ResourceCache: initialized ("+this.getClass()+") with "+ cache.getClass()+" cache map."); }
private void initializeParserPool() { /* * 配置中获取,org.apache.velocity.runtime.ParserPoolImpl */ String pp = getString(RuntimeConstants.PARSER_POOL_CLASS); if (pp != null && pp.length() > 0) { Object o = null; try {//实例化 o = ClassUtils.getNewInstance( pp ); } ... parserPool = (ParserPool) o; //调用初始化方法,创建parser对象池 parserPool.initialize(this); } ... }//创建Parser对象池 public void initialize(RuntimeServices rsvc) { //默认为20个 max = rsvc.getInt(RuntimeConstants.PARSER_POOL_SIZE, RuntimeConstants.NUMBER_OF_PARSERS); pool = new SimplePool(max); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { pool.put(rsvc.createNewParser()); } if (rsvc.getLog().isDebugEnabled()) { rsvc.getLog().debug("Created '" + max + "' parsers."); } }
private void initializeIntrospection() {//[org.apache.velocity.util.introspection.UberspectImpl] String[] uberspectors = configuration.getStringArray(RuntimeConstants.UBERSPECT_CLASSNAME); for (int i=0; i <uberspectors.length;i++) { String rm = uberspectors[i]; Object o = null; try { o = ClassUtils.getNewInstance( rm ); } 。。。 Uberspect u = (Uberspect)o; { if (u instanceof ChainableUberspector) { ((ChainableUberspector)u).wrap(uberSpect); uberSpect = u; } else { uberSpect = new LinkingUberspector(uberSpect,u); } } } if(uberSpect != null) { uberSpect.init(); } ... } public void init() { introspector = new Introspector(log); }
public Object put(String key, Object value) { if (key == null) { return null; } return internalPut(key.intern(), value); } public Object internalPut( String key, Object value ) { //context是一个HashMap return context.put( key, value ); }
public Resource getResource(final String resourceName, final int resourceType, final String encoding) throws ResourceNotFoundException, ParseErrorException { //先从缓存里面查找 String resourceKey = resourceType + resourceName; Resource resource = globalCache.get(resourceKey); if (resource != null) { try { // 缓存命中,则看是否开定时从磁盘加载,定时到了则从磁盘加载 if (resource.requiresChecking()) { //从磁盘加载 resource = refreshResource(resource, encoding); } } ... } else { try { //从磁盘加载 resource = loadResource(resourceName, resourceType, encoding); //开启了缓存,则放入缓存 if (resource.getResourceLoader().isCachingOn()) { globalCache.put(resourceKey, resource); } } ... } //返回资源 return resource; }
file.resource.loader.cache = false
file.resource.loader.modificationCheckInterval = 2
默认不开启缓存,CheckInterval = 2。
loadResource->() { resource.process() { RuntimeInstance.parse();//解析模板文件为AST node结构 } }public SimpleNode parse(Reader reader, String templateName, boolean dumpNamespace) throws ParseException { requireInitialization(); Parser parser = (Parser) parserPool.get(); boolean keepParser = true; if (parser == null) { //没有可用的则创建 if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { log.info("Runtime : ran out of parsers. Creating a new one. " + " Please increment the parser.pool.size property." + " The current value is too small."); } parser = createNewParser(); keepParser = false; } try { ... return parser.parse(reader, templateName); } finally { //如果从对象池获取则使用后归还 if (keepParser) { parserPool.put(parser); } } }
其中从左向右第一个节点是vm中 <html> <div> 解析为ASTText文本节点内容为:[<html> <div>]
第三个节点是对vm中:解析为ASTText文本节点内容为:[ :]
public boolean render( InternalContextAdapter context, Writer writer) throws IOException, MethodInvocationException, ParseErrorException, ResourceNotFoundException { int i, k = jjtGetNumChildren(); for (i = 0; i < k; i++) jjtGetChild(i).render(context, writer); return true; }
public boolean render( InternalContextAdapter context, Writer writer) throws IOException { writer.write(ctext); return true; }
public boolean render(InternalContextAdapter context, Writer writer) throws IOException, MethodInvocationException { ... { //执行execute方法 value = execute(null, context); } String localNullString = null; ... value = EventHandlerUtil.referenceInsert(rsvc, context, literal, value); String toString = null; if (value != null) { if (value instanceof Renderable) { Renderable renderable = (Renderable)value; try { if (renderable.render(context,writer)) return true; } catch(RuntimeException e) { // We commonly get here when an error occurs within a block reference. // We want to log where the reference is at so that a developer can easily // know where the offending call is located. This can be seen // as another element of the error stack we report to log. log.error("Exception rendering " + ((renderable instanceof Reference)? "block ":"Renderable ") + rootString + " at " + Log.formatFileString(this)); throw e; } } toString = value.toString(); } ... { //person.sayHello()结果写入writer writer.write(escPrefix); writer.write(morePrefix); writer.write(toString); return true; } }
ASTReference.execute public Object execute(Object o, InternalContextAdapter context) throws MethodInvocationException { ... //获取person对象 Object result = getVariableValue(context, rootString); try { Object previousResult = result; int failedChild = -1; for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) { ... previousResult = result; //递归解析,调用AstMethod.execute()反射调用person.sayHello(); result = jjtGetChild(i).execute(result,context); if (result == null && !strictRef) // If strict and null then well catch this // next time through the loop { failedChild = i; break; } } ... return result; } catch(MethodInvocationException mie) { mie.setReferenceName(rootString); throw mie; } }
Java ASTmethod.execute
public Object execute(Object o, InternalContextAdapter context) throws MethodInvocationException { Object [] params = new Object[paramCount]; final Class[] paramClasses = paramCount > 0 ? new Class[paramCount] : ArrayUtils.EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY; for (int j = 0; j < paramCount; j++) { params[j] = jjtGetChild(j + 1).value(context); if (params[j] != null) { paramClasses[j] = params[j].getClass(); } } VelMethod method = ClassUtils.getMethod(methodName, params, paramClasses, o, context, this, strictRef); if (method == null) return null; try { //反射调用person.sayHello() Object obj = method.invoke(o, params); if (obj == null) { if( method.getReturnType() == Void.TYPE) { return ""; } } return obj; } .... }
public Object execute(Object o, InternalContextAdapter context) throws MethodInvocationException { VelPropertyGet vg = null; try { /* * first, 是否在缓存里面. */ IntrospectionCacheData icd = context.icacheGet(this); if ( icd != null && (o != null) && (icd.contextData == o.getClass()) ) { vg = (VelPropertyGet) icd.thingy; } else { //自省获取,默认开启缓存 vg = rsvc.getUberspect().getPropertyGet(o,identifier, uberInfo); if (vg != null && vg.isCacheable() && (o != null)) { icd = new IntrospectionCacheData(); icd.contextData = o.getClass(); icd.thingy = vg; context.icachePut(this,icd); } } } ... try { //反射调用get方法 return vg.invoke(o); } 。。。 }
另外ASTIdentifier.execute中的 rsvc.getUberspect().getPropertyGet(o,identifier, uberInfo);的逻辑有必要单独说下:
另外如果开启了资源缓存,并且file.resource.loader.modificationCheckInterval >0还会实现hot deploy也就是会每隔一段时间从磁盘获取最新的模板,重新生成AST结构,即使使用了缓存。