与CDH同级的概念是 HDP,Apache Hadoop.
到官方文档地址https://www.cloudera.com/documentation.html 可知CDH为Cloudera Enterprise产品中的一员。
查看Cloudera Enterprise文档的Introduction(当前5.12为最高版本) https://www.cloudera.com/documentation/enterprise/latest/topics/introduction.html
Cloudera provides a scalable, flexible, integrated platform that makes it easy to manage rapidly increasing volumes and varieties of data in your enterprise. Cloudera products and solutions enable you to deploy and manage Apache Hadoop and related projects, manipulate and analyze your data, and keep that data secure and protected.
Cloudera provides the following products and tools:
看完说明后,大体了解到Cloudera提供如下产品和工具:CDH,Apache Impala,Cloudera Search,Cloudera Manager,Cloudera Navigator . 其中CDH包含Apache Impala和Cloudera Search. 总结起来,Cloudera提供CDH,Cloudera Manager,Cloudera Navigator三大件.
CDH Overview
CDH delivers the core elements of Hadoop
Cloudera Manager 5 Overview
With Cloudera Manager, you can easily deploy and centrally operate the complete CDH stack and other managed services.
Cloudera Navigator Data Management Overview
Cloudera Navigator Data Management is a complete solution for data governance, auditing, and related data management tasks that is fully integrated with the Hadoop platform.
Is Cloudera Navigator a module of Cloudera Manager?
Not exactly. Cloudera Navigator is installed separately, after Cloudera Manager is installed, and it interacts behind the scenes with Cloudera Manager to deliver some of its core functionality. Cloudera Manager is used by cluster administrators to manage the cluster and all its services. Cloudera Navigator is used by administrators but also by security and governance teams, data stewards, and others to audit, trace data lineage from source raw data through final form, and perform other comprehensive data governance and stewardship tasks.
如果不涉及到数据安全审计等方面,Cloudera Navigator可以不用安装。