Spring 4.3.11 已发布,这次发布的维护版本是即将推出的 Spring Boot 1.5.7 的基础。
[ SPR-14603 ] - Invalid WARN when returning a BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor from within a @Configuration class
[ SPR-15802 ] - Logs fill with broken pipe when using SockJS
[ SPR-15807 ] - Follow-up: AbstractMethodError when calling validated method of MethodValidationPostProcessor is using a @Lazy validator
[ SPR-15828 ] - Parameter values are null when making a PUT request
[ SPR-15836 ] - spring-aspects should remain on AspectJ 1.8.9 by default (since aspectjrt 1.8.10 requires Java 7+)
[ SPR-15838 ] - SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster does not deal with lambda-defined listeners when ErrorHandler is set
[ SPR-15856 ] - Unable to use Hibernate Validator 4.3.2 if Bean Validation API 1.1 is on the classpath
[ SPR-15867 ] - Should call getNativeResponse() instead of getNativeRequest() in FrameworkServlet
[ SPR-15895 ] - SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor not respect ConcurrencyThrottleSupport.NO_CONCURRENCY limit
[ SPR-15900 ] - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException from RestTemplate.doExecute IOException handler when query string is empty
[ SPR-15916 ] - Error on type argument constraint validation failure
[ SPR-15937 ] - StompDecoder Logs Null Session IDs for Heartbeats
[ SPR-15825 ] - Consistent logging in Environment and PropertySource implementations
[ SPR-15852 ] - WebAsyncManager should cancel task thread on timeout
[ SPR-15858 ] - @Lazy collection of optional elements should not crash when no candidates are found
[ SPR-15880 ] - Merge EhCache 3 tests into spring-context-support
[ SPR-15863 ] - Token-based WebSocket Authentication Documentation Inaccuracy
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