Spring Shell 2.0 M1 是 Spring Shell 2.x 的首个里程碑版,开发者花了两年时间进行完全重写,将利用更新的组件(如 JLine 3 ),应用更好的模块化功能。
A long requested feature, positional parameters are now supported (can even mix and match, to some extent)
Use of the standard Spring conversion API allows re-use of many existing converters, while Shell 1 had its own dedicated approach
Building on top of JLine 3 brings nice user experience enhancements, such as navigating among completion proposals using TAB
Integration with the bean validation API makes commands more expressive
The new help
is way more useful than it used to be, resembling the output of a man
Commands parameters that accept a collection or an array value may now specify a non default arity
Another long requested feature, multi-line commands are now supported
Turning commands on and off is still supported, with a more natural programming model now as well as the ability to provide an explanation of why a command is currently unavailable
更多技术详情和演示视频请查看 发行说明
Spring Shell 提供了一个交互式 Shell ,它允许您使用一个简单的基于 Spring 的编程模型来提供命令。