摘要: 原创出处 http://www.iocoder.cn/Spring-Cloud-Gateway/filter-factory/ 「芋道源码」欢迎转载,保留摘要,谢谢!
本文主要分享 GatewayFilterFactory 的实现类 。
GatewayFilterFactory 实现类较多,根据用途整理如下脑图 :
本小节分享 Header 相关的 GatewayFilterFactory 实现类。
用途 :添加指定请求 Header 为指定值。
配置 :
spring: cloud: gateway: routes: # ===================================== - id: add_request_header_route uri: http://example.org filters: - AddRequestHeader=X-Request-Foo, Bar
代码 :
1: public class AddRequestHeaderGatewayFilterFactory implements GatewayFilterFactory{ 2: 3: @Override 4: public List<String> argNames(){ 5: return Arrays.asList(NAME_KEY, VALUE_KEY); 6: } 7: 8: @Override 9: public GatewayFilter apply(Tuple args){ 10: String name = args.getString(NAME_KEY); 11: String value = args.getString(VALUE_KEY); 12: 13: return (exchange, chain) -> { // GatewayFilter 14: // 创建新的 ServerHttpRequest 15: ServerHttpRequest request = exchange.getRequest().mutate() 16: .header(name, value) 17: .build(); 18: 19: // 创建新的 ServerWebExchange ,提交过滤器链继续过滤 20: return chain.filter(exchange.mutate().request(request).build()); 21: }; 22: } 23: }
/ value
。 类似 AddRequestHeaderGatewayFilterFactory ,不重复分享,点击 《Spring Cloud Gateway —— RemoveRequestHeader GatewayFilter Factory》 查看官方文档。
类似 AddRequestHeaderGatewayFilterFactory ,不重复分享,点击 《Spring Cloud Gateway —— AddResponseHeader GatewayFilter Factory》 查看官方文档。
类似 AddRequestHeaderGatewayFilterFactory ,不重复分享,点击 《Spring Cloud Gateway —— RemoveResponseHeader GatewayFilter Factory》 查看官方文档。
类似 AddRequestHeaderGatewayFilterFactory ,不重复分享,点击 《Spring Cloud Gateway —— SetStatus GatewayFilter Factory》 查看官方文档。
用途 :移除请求 Proxy 相关的 Header 。默认值为 [ "Connection", "Keep-Alive", "Proxy-Authenticate", "Proxy-Authorization", "TE", "Trailer", "Transfer-Encoding", "Upgrade" ]
( 参考自 : https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-p1-messaging-14#section-7.1.3 ) ,可以通过 spring.cloud.gateway.filter.remove-non-proxy-headers
代码 :
1: @ConfigurationProperties("spring.cloud.gateway.filter.remove-non-proxy-headers") 2: public class RemoveNonProxyHeadersGatewayFilterFactory implements GatewayFilterFactory{ 3: 4: /** 5: * 默认 6: */ 7: public static final String[] DEFAULT_HEADERS_TO_REMOVE = new String[] {"Connection", "Keep-Alive", 8: "Proxy-Authenticate", "Proxy-Authorization", "TE", "Trailer", "Transfer-Encoding", "Upgrade"}; 9: 10: private List<String> headers = Arrays.asList(DEFAULT_HEADERS_TO_REMOVE); 11: 12: public List<String> getHeaders(){ 13: return headers; 14: } 15: 16: public void setHeaders(List<String> headers){ 17: this.headers = headers; 18: } 19: 20: @Override 21: public GatewayFilter apply(Tuple args){ 22: //TODO: support filter args 23: 24: return (exchange, chain) -> { 25: // 创建新的 ServerHttpRequest 26: ServerHttpRequest request = exchange.getRequest().mutate() 27: .headers(httpHeaders -> { 28: for (String header : this.headers) { 29: httpHeaders.remove(header); // 移除 30: } 31: }) 32: .build(); 33: 34: // 创建新的 ServerWebExchange ,提交过滤器链继续过滤 35: return chain.filter(exchange.mutate().request(request).build()); 36: }; 37: } 38:
用途 :添加响应 Secure 相关的 Header 。默认值在 org.springframework.cloud.gateway.filter.factory.SecureHeadersProperties
,可以通过 spring.cloud.gateway.filter.secure-headers
推荐文章 :
代码 :
1: public class SecureHeadersGatewayFilterFactory implements GatewayFilterFactory{ 2: 3: public static final String X_XSS_PROTECTION_HEADER = "X-Xss-Protection"; 4: public static final String STRICT_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_HEADER = "Strict-Transport-Security"; 5: public static final String X_FRAME_OPTIONS_HEADER = "X-Frame-Options"; 6: public static final String X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS_HEADER = "X-Content-Type-Options"; 7: public static final String REFERRER_POLICY_HEADER = "Referrer-Policy"; 8: public static final String CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY_HEADER = "Content-Security-Policy"; 9: public static final String X_DOWNLOAD_OPTIONS_HEADER = "X-Download-Options"; 10: public static final String X_PERMITTED_CROSS_DOMAIN_POLICIES_HEADER = "X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies"; 11: 12: private final SecureHeadersProperties properties; 13: 14: public SecureHeadersGatewayFilterFactory(SecureHeadersProperties properties){ 15: this.properties = properties; 16: } 17: 18: @Override 19: public GatewayFilter apply(Tuple args){ 20: //TODO: allow args to override properties 21: 22: return (exchange, chain) -> { 23: HttpHeaders headers = exchange.getResponse().getHeaders(); 24: 25: //TODO: allow header to be disabled 26: headers.add(X_XSS_PROTECTION_HEADER, properties.getXssProtectionHeader()); 27: headers.add(STRICT_TRANSPORT_SECURITY_HEADER, properties.getStrictTransportSecurity()); 28: headers.add(X_FRAME_OPTIONS_HEADER, properties.getFrameOptions()); 29: headers.add(X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS_HEADER, properties.getContentTypeOptions()); 30: headers.add(REFERRER_POLICY_HEADER, properties.getReferrerPolicy()); 31: headers.add(CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY_HEADER, properties.getContentSecurityPolicy()); 32: headers.add(X_DOWNLOAD_OPTIONS_HEADER, properties.getDownloadOptions()); 33: headers.add(X_PERMITTED_CROSS_DOMAIN_POLICIES_HEADER, properties.getPermittedCrossDomainPolicies()); 34: 35: return chain.filter(exchange); 36: }; 37: } 38: }
本小节分享 Parameter 相关的 GatewayFilterFactory 实现类。
类似 AddRequestHeaderGatewayFilterFactory ,不重复分享,点击 《Spring Cloud Gateway —— AddRequestParameter GatewayFilter Factory》 查看官方文档。
本小节分享 Path 相关的 GatewayFilterFactory 实现类。
用途 :根据配置的正则表达式 regexp
,使用配置的 replacement
重写请求 Path 。从功能目的上类似 《Module ngx_http_rewrite_module》 。
配置 :
spring: cloud: gateway: routes: # ===================================== - id: rewritepath_route uri: http://example.org predicates: - Path=/foo/** filters: - RewritePath=/foo/(?<segment>.*), /$/{segment}
用于替代 $
,避免和 YAML 语法冲突。 代码 :
1: public class RewritePathGatewayFilterFactory implements GatewayFilterFactory{ 2: 3: public static final String REGEXP_KEY = "regexp"; 4: public static final String REPLACEMENT_KEY = "replacement"; 5: 6: @Override 7: public List<String> argNames(){ 8: return Arrays.asList(REGEXP_KEY, REPLACEMENT_KEY); 9: } 10: 11: @Override 12: public GatewayFilter apply(Tuple args){ 13: final String regex = args.getString(REGEXP_KEY); 14: // `$/` 用于替代 `$` ,避免和 YAML 语法冲突。 15: String replacement = args.getString(REPLACEMENT_KEY).replace("$//", "$"); 16: 17: return (exchange, chain) -> { 18: ServerHttpRequest req = exchange.getRequest(); 19: // 添加 原始请求URI 到 GATEWAY_ORIGINAL_REQUEST_URL_ATTR 20: addOriginalRequestUrl(exchange, req.getURI()); 21: // 重写 Path 22: String path = req.getURI().getPath(); 23: String newPath = path.replaceAll(regex, replacement); 24: 25: // 创建新的 ServerHttpRequest 26: ServerHttpRequest request = req.mutate() 27: .path(newPath) // 设置 Path 28: .build(); 29: 30: // 添加 请求URI 到 GATEWAY_REQUEST_URL_ATTR 31: exchange.getAttributes().put(GATEWAY_REQUEST_URL_ATTR, request.getURI()); 32: 33: // 创建新的 ServerWebExchange ,提交过滤器链继续过滤 34: return chain.filter(exchange.mutate().request(request).build()); 35: }; 36: } 37: }
Tuple 参数 : regexp
/ replacement
第 15 行 : $/
用于替代 $
,避免和 YAML 语法冲突。
第 20 行 :调用 ServerWebExchangeUtils#addOriginalRequestUrl(...)
。代码如下 :
public static void addOriginalRequestUrl(ServerWebExchange exchange, URI url){ exchange.getAttributes().computeIfAbsent(GATEWAY_ORIGINAL_REQUEST_URL_ATTR, s -> new LinkedHashSet<>()); // 数组,考虑多次重写 LinkedHashSet<URI> uris = exchange.getRequiredAttribute(GATEWAY_ORIGINAL_REQUEST_URL_ATTR); uris.add(url); }
第 21 至 23 行 : 重写 请求 Path 。
第 26 至 28 行 :创建 新 的 ServerHttpRequest 。
第 34 行 :创建 新 的 ServerWebExchange ,提交过滤器链继续过滤。
类似 RewritePathGatewayFilterFactory ,不重复分享,点击 《Spring Cloud Gateway —— PrefixPath GatewayFilter Factory》 查看官方文档。
类似 RewritePathGatewayFilterFactory ,不重复分享,点击 《Spring Cloud Gateway —— SetPath GatewayFilter Factory》 查看官方文档。
本小节分享 Status 相关的 GatewayFilterFactory 实现类。
类似 RedirectToGatewayFilterFactory ,不重复分享,点击 《Spring Cloud Gateway —— SetStatus GatewayFilter Factory》 查看官方文档。
本小节分享 Redirect 相关的 GatewayFilterFactory 实现类。
用途 :将响应重定向到指定 URL ,并设置响应状态码为指定 Status 。 注意 ,Status 必须为 3XX 重定向状态码。
配置 :
spring: cloud: gateway: routes: # ===================================== - id: prefixpath_route uri: http://example.org filters: - RedirectTo=302, http://www.iocoder.cn
代码 :
1: public class RedirectToGatewayFilterFactory implements GatewayFilterFactory{ 2: 3: public static final String STATUS_KEY = "status"; 4: public static final String URL_KEY = "url"; 5: 6: @Override 7: public List<String> argNames(){ 8: return Arrays.asList(STATUS_KEY, URL_KEY); 9: } 10: 11: @Override 12: public GatewayFilter apply(Tuple args){ 13: String statusString = args.getRawString(STATUS_KEY); 14: String urlString = args.getString(URL_KEY); 15: 16: // 解析 status ,并判断是否是 3XX 重定向状态 17: final HttpStatus httpStatus = parse(statusString); 18: Assert.isTrue(httpStatus.is3xxRedirection(), "status must be a 3xx code, but was " + statusString); 19: // 创建 URL 20: final URL url; 21: try { 22: url = URI.create(urlString).toURL(); 23: } catch (MalformedURLException e) { 24: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid url " + urlString, e); 25: } 26: 27: return (exchange, chain) -> 28: chain.filter(exchange).then(Mono.defer(() -> { // After Filter 29: if (!exchange.getResponse().isCommitted()) { 30: // 设置响应 Status 31: setResponseStatus(exchange, httpStatus); 32: 33: // 设置响应 Header 34: final ServerHttpResponse response = exchange.getResponse(); 35: response.getHeaders().set(HttpHeaders.LOCATION, url.toString()); 36: return response.setComplete(); 37: } 38: return Mono.empty(); 39: })); 40: } 41: 42: }
,并判断是否是 3XX 重定向状态码。 urlString
,创建 URL 。 #then(Mono)
方法,实现 After Filter 逻辑。这里和 AddRequestHeaderGatewayFilterFactory 实现的 Before Filter 【方式】 不同 。 Location
) 。 熔断相关 GatewayFilter,我们在 《Spring-Cloud-Gateway 源码解析 —— 过滤器 (4.9) 之 HystrixGatewayFilterFactory 熔断》 详细解析。
限流相关 GatewayFilter,我们在 《Spring-Cloud-Gateway 源码解析 —— 过滤器 (4.10) 之 RequestRateLimiterGatewayFilterFactory 请求限流》 详细解析。