const fetch = require('node-fetch'); async function getZhihuColumn(id){ const url = `${id}`; const response = await fetch(url); return await response.json(); } getZhihuColumn('feweekly') .then(column => { console.log(`NAME: ${}`); console.log(`INTRO: ${column.intro}`); })
const fetch = require('node-fetch'); const getZhihuColumn = async (id) => { const url = `${id}`; const response = await fetch(url); return await response.json(); } (async ()=>{ const column = await getZhihuColumn('feweekly'); console.log(`NAME: ${}`); console.log(`INTRO: ${column.intro}`); })();
class APIClient{ async getColumn(id){ const url = `${id}`; const response = await fetch(url); return await response.json(); } } (async ()=> { const client = new APIClient(); const column = await client.getColumn('feweekly'); console.log(`NAME: ${}`); console.log(`INTRO: ${column.intro}`); })();
const fetch = require('node-fetch'); async function getZhihuColumn(id){ const url = `${id}`; const response = await fetch(url); if(response.status != 200){ throw new Error(response.statusText); } return await response.json(); }
第一种:使用promise的 catch
getZhihuColumn('feweekl12y') .then( column => { console.log(`NAME: ${}`); console.log(`INTRO: ${column.intro}`); }) .catch(err => { console.log(err); });
第二种:写到另一个 async 函数里
const showColunmInfo = async (id) => { try{ const column = await getZhihuColumn(id); console.log(`NAME: ${}`); console.log(`INTRO: ${column.intro}`); }catch(err){ console.error(err); } } showColunmInfo('feweekl12y');
const fetch = require('node-fetch'); //延迟俩秒再发起promise const sleep = (timeout = 2000) => new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(resolve, timeout); }); async function getZhihuColumn(id){ await sleep(2000); const url = `${id}`; const response = await fetch(url); rerturn await response.json(); }
const showColumnInfro = async () => { console.time('SHOWCOLUMNINFO'); const feweekly = await getZhihuColumn('feweekly'); const toolingtips = await getZhihuColumn('toolingtips'); console.log(`NAME: ${}`); console.log(`INTRO: ${feweek.intro}`); console.log(`NAME: ${}`); console.log('INTRO: ${toolingtips.intro}'); console.timeEnd('SHOWCOLUMNINFO'); }; showColumnInfro();
NAME: 前端周刊 INTRO: 在前端领域跟上时代的脚步,广度和深度不断精进 NAME: tooling bits INTRO: 工欲善其事必先利其器 SHOWCOLUMNINFO: 4362.290ms
const showColumnInfro = async () => { console.time('SHOWCOLUMNINFO'); const feweeklyPromise = getZhihuColumn('feweekly'); const toolingtipsPromise = getZhihuColumn('toolingtips'); const feweekly = await feweeklyPromise; const toolingtips = await toolingtipsPromise; console.log(`NAME: ${}`); console.log(`INTRO: ${feweekly.intro}`); console.log(`NAME: ${}`); console.log(`INTRO: ${toolingtips.intro}`); console.timeEnd('SHOWCOLUMNINFO'); }; showColumnInfro();
NAME: 前端周刊 INTRO: 在前端领域跟上时代的脚步,广度和深度不断精进 NAME: tooling bits INTRO: 工欲善其事必先利其器 SHOWCOLUMNINFO: 2542.540ms
并行(二) 使用 promise.all 执行并行操作
const fetch = require('node-fetch'); const sleep = (timeout = 2000) => new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(resolve, timeout); }) async function getZhihuColumn(id){ await sleep(); const url = `${id}`; const response = await fetch(url); return await response.json(); } const showColumnInfro = async () => { console.time('SHOWCOLUMNINFO'); const [feweekly, toolingtips] = await Promise.all([ getZhihuColumn('feweekly'), getZhihuColumn('toolingtips') ]); console.log(`NAME: ${}`); console.log(`INTRO: ${feweekly.intro}`); console.log(`NAME: ${}`); console.log(`INTRO: ${toolingtips.intro}`); console.timeEnd('SHOWCOLUMNINFO'); }; showColumnInfro();
NAME: 前端周刊 INTRO: 在前端领域跟上时代的脚步,广度和深度不断精进 NAME: tooling bits INTRO: 工欲善其事必先利其器 SHOWCOLUMNINFO: 2532.700ms
async function main(){ const number = await 890; //const number = await Promise.resolve(890); console.log(number); } main();
const fetch = require('node-fetch'); const sleep = (timeout = 2000) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, timeout)); async function getZhihuColumn(id){ await sleep(2000); const url = `${id}`; const response = await fetch(url); return await response.json(); } const showColumnInfo = async () => { console.time('SHOWCOLUMNINFO'); const names = ['feweekly', 'toolingtips'];
for (let i = 0; i< names.length; i++){ const column = await getZhihuColumn(names[i]); console.log(`NAME: ${}`); console.log(`INTRO: ${column.intro}`); } console.timeEnd('SHOWCOLUMNINFO'); } showColumnInfo();
const promiseArr = => getZhihuColumn(val)); for(let promise of promiseArr){ const column = await promise; console.log(`NAME: ${}`); console.log(`INTRO: ${column.intro}`) } showColumnInfo();
await 只能用于 async 声明的函数上下文中。如下 forEach 中, 是不能直接使用await的,map,reduce中也不行
let array = [0,1,2,3,4,5]; (async ()=>{ array.forEach(function(item){ console.log(item); await wait(1000);//这是错误的写法 }); })(); //因await只能用于 async 声明的函数上下文中, 故不能写在forEach内.下面我们来看正确的写法 (async ()=>{ for(let i=0,len=array.length;i<len;i++){ console.log(array[i]); await wait(1000); } })();
async 做异步循环的时候最好用 for … of … 或者 Promise.all() 来完成并发请求
const sleep = (timeout = 2000) => { new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, timeout); }
这个是我写的sleep函数在测试的时候一直就没执行,这里我以前一直以为的是arrowFunction会自动返回,在去掉 {}
const sleep = (timeout = 2000) => new Promise( resolve => setTimeout(resolve, timeout); );
const sleep = (timeout = 2000) => { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, timeout); }
1.箭头函数只有在省略了 {}
的时候,才会隐式的返回。而且只有在只有一行函数体的时候才可以省略 {}
2.如果函数体只有一行,而且也没有省略 {}
的话应该在函数体内加上 return
3.当函数参数只有一个时,可以省略 ()
版权声明:本作品采用 知识共享署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议 进行许可。转载请注明出处!