函数作为程序运行的入口,正常情况下,函数会执行毫秒级别的操作,然后返回一个 0
表示程序正常终止。为了避免应用启动即终止,苹果设计了 runloop
机制来维持线程的生命, runloop
在每一次的循环当中不断的去处理事件,或控制线程的休眠和唤醒。 runloop
还结合了 libdispatch
的任务派发机制,可以循环地处理 async
从 runloop
无条件的启动。这种启动方式缺少停止 runloop
的手段,唯一的结束方式是 kill
- (void)run;
设定超时时间。直接 run
会调用这个接口并且传入 distantFuture
,表示无限长的超时时间。如果超时时间不是无限长,那么 runloop
会在处理完事件或者超时后终止,优于直接 run
- (void)runUntilDate: (NSDate *)limitDate;
设置超时时间和运行模式。比起第二种,允许我们让 runloop
- (BOOL)runMode: (NSRunLoopMode)mode beforeDate: (NSDate *)limitDate;
如果 runloop
在启动之后没有任何 sources
、 timers
或者 ports
事件可以处理,那么会自动退出,否则会在处理完成后让线程陷入休眠,等待这些事件重新唤醒线程处理。下面是最常用来表示 runloop
除开图中列出的事件之外, main loop
会处理 timer
之后检测队列中是否存在待执行的 block
主线程的 runloop
会在应用启动后被 UIApplication
启动,其他线程则需要我们主动去 run
。从接触 iOS
开发到现在,笔者了解的需要主动启动 runloop
子线程使用 timer
由于 NSTimer
本身就不是一个能确保稳定回调的定时器机制,并且主线程会经常处在忙碌状态,这又进一步降低了 NSTimer
的准确性。为了提高定时的准确性,多数人会采用子线程启动 runloop
线程保活是一种不太常见的需求,但是如果你曾经了解过 AFNetworking
的做法,会发现创建了子线程之后,采用一个空 port
的方式来启动 runloop
上面两种不同的应用场景,实际上是使用 timer
和 port
维持 runloop
假设现在需要使用一个子线程的 runloop
来实现定时器,由于 runloop
在停止之前,线程会一直存活,因此可能会想利用这个存活的线程处理其他的任务。因此除了 NSTimer
之外,我们添加一个 GCD Timer
定时的派发任务给这个启动 runloop
dispatch_queue_t serialQueue = dispatch_queue_create("serial.queue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL); dispatch_async(serialQueue, ^{ NSLog(@"the task run in the thread: %d", mach_thread_self()); [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 0.5 repeats: YES block: ^(NSTimer * _Nonnull timer) { NSLog(@"ns timer in the thread: %d", mach_thread_self()); }]; [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate: [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: 600]]; }); dispatch_source_t timer = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, serialQueue); dispatch_source_set_timer(timer, DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 0.5 * NSEC_PER_SEC, 0 * NSEC_PER_SEC); dispatch_source_set_event_handler(timer, ^{ NSLog(@"gcd timer in the thread: %d", mach_thread_self()); }); dispatch_resume(timer);
按照预期,这段代码充分利用了已经被保活的线程,除了已有的 NSTimer
之外,线程还能在空闲的时间去处理不断派发的任务,但实际上只有 NSTimer
2018-04-14 10:32:54.667718+0800 PThreads[7693:94702] the task run in the thread: 4355 2018-04-14 10:32:55.168871+0800 PThreads[7693:94702] ns timer in the thread: 4355 2018-04-14 10:32:55.672011+0800 PThreads[7693:94702] ns timer in the thread: 4355 2018-04-14 10:32:56.169150+0800 PThreads[7693:94702] ns timer in the thread: 4355 2018-04-14 10:32:56.669411+0800 PThreads[7693:94702] ns timer in the thread: 4355 2018-04-14 10:32:57.169665+0800 PThreads[7693:94702] ns timer in the thread: 4355 2018-04-14 10:32:57.669234+0800 PThreads[7693:94702] ns timer in the thread: 4355 2018-04-14 10:32:58.172068+0800 PThreads[7693:94702] ns timer in the thread: 4355 2018-04-14 10:32:58.669446+0800 PThreads[7693:94702] ns timer in the thread: 4355 2018-04-14 10:32:59.169223+0800 PThreads[7693:94702] ns timer in the thread: 4355 2018-04-14 10:32:59.671802+0800 PThreads[7693:94702] ns timer in the thread: 4355
导致保活线程无法处理 async
和 queue
和 queue
各自维护着自己的一个任务队列,在 runloop
的每个周期里面,会检测自身的任务队列里面是否存在待执行的 task
并且执行。但主线程的情况比较特殊,在 main runloop
的每个周期,会去检测 main queue
是否存在待执行任务,如果存在,那么 copy
在非主线程之外, runloop
和 queue
的任务队列是互不干扰的,因此两者处理任务的机制也是完全不同的。当 async
任务到队列时, GCD
会尝试寻找一个线程来执行任务。由于串行队列同时只能与一个线程挂钩,因此 GCD
会让该线程执行完已有任务后,才执行 async
到队列中的任务。但由于线程被保活,任务是一个条件死循环 condition-loop
,因此 async
为了证明这些原因,可以通过 CFRunLoopPerformBlock
将任务直接加入到 runloop
__block CFRunLoopRef serialRunLoop = NULL; dispatch_queue_t mainQueue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); dispatch_queue_t serialQueue = dispatch_queue_create("serial.queue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL); dispatch_async(serialQueue, ^{ NSLog(@"the task run in the thread: %d", mach_thread_self()); [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 0.5 repeats: YES block: ^(NSTimer * _Nonnull timer) { NSLog(@"ns timer in the thread: %d", mach_thread_self()); }]; serialRunLoop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop].getCFRunLoop; [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate: [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: 600]]; }); dispatch_source_t timer = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, mainQueue); dispatch_source_set_timer(timer, DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 0.5 * NSEC_PER_SEC, 0 * NSEC_PER_SEC); dispatch_source_set_event_handler(timer, ^{ dispatch_async(serialQueue, ^{ NSLog(@"gcd timer in the thread: %d", mach_thread_self()); }); CFRunLoopPerformBlock(serialRunLoop, NSDefaultRunLoopMode, ^{ NSLog(@"perform block in thread: %d", mach_thread_self()); }); }); dispatch_resume(timer);
再次运行之后, async
的任务依旧无法被处理,但是 perform block
的任务总是能在 timer
2018-04-14 11:01:29.925924+0800 PThreads[15619:198121] the task run in the thread: 4355 2018-04-14 11:01:30.428175+0800 PThreads[15619:198121] ns timer in the thread: 4355 2018-04-14 11:01:30.428982+0800 PThreads[15619:198121] perform block in thread: 4355 2018-04-14 11:01:30.429410+0800 PThreads[15619:198121] perform block in thread: 4355 2018-04-14 11:01:30.932411+0800 PThreads[15619:198121] ns timer in the thread: 4355 2018-04-14 11:01:30.932674+0800 PThreads[15619:198121] perform block in thread: 4355 2018-04-14 11:01:31.430281+0800 PThreads[15619:198121] ns timer in the thread: 4355 2018-04-14 11:01:31.430546+0800 PThreads[15619:198121] perform block in thread: 4355 2018-04-14 11:01:31.929485+0800 PThreads[15619:198121] ns timer in the thread: 4355 2018-04-14 11:01:31.929691+0800 PThreads[15619:198121] perform block in thread: 4355 2018-04-14 11:01:32.432369+0800 PThreads[15619:198121] ns timer in the thread: 4355 2018-04-14 11:01:32.432726+0800 PThreads[15619:198121] perform block in thread: 4355 2018-04-14 11:01:32.930981+0800 PThreads[15619:198121] ns timer in the thread: 4355 2018-04-14 11:01:32.931179+0800 PThreads[15619:198121] perform block in thread: 4355 2018-04-14 11:01:33.429207+0800 PThreads[15619:198121] ns timer in the thread: 4355 2018-04-14 11:01:33.429519+0800 PThreads[15619:198121] perform block in thread: 4355
队列的 串并行
__block CFRunLoopRef serialRunLoop = NULL; dispatch_queue_t mainQueue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); dispatch_queue_t serialQueue = dispatch_queue_create("concurrent.queue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT); dispatch_async(serialQueue, ^{ NSLog(@"the task run in the thread: %d", mach_thread_self()); [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 0.5 repeats: YES block: ^(NSTimer * _Nonnull timer) { NSLog(@"ns timer in the thread: %d", mach_thread_self()); }]; serialRunLoop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop].getCFRunLoop; [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate: [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: 600]]; }); dispatch_source_t timer = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, mainQueue); dispatch_source_set_timer(timer, DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 0.5 * NSEC_PER_SEC, 0 * NSEC_PER_SEC); dispatch_source_set_event_handler(timer, ^{ dispatch_async(serialQueue, ^{ NSLog(@"gcd timer in the thread: %d", mach_thread_self()); }); CFRunLoopPerformBlock(serialRunLoop, NSDefaultRunLoopMode, ^{ NSLog(@"perform block in thread: %d", mach_thread_self()); }); }); dispatch_resume(timer);
2018-04-14 11:02:47.348083+0800 PThreads[15988:203200] the task run in the thread: 4867 2018-04-14 11:02:47.397174+0800 PThreads[15988:203203] gcd timer in the thread: 3843 2018-04-14 11:02:47.840678+0800 PThreads[15988:203206] gcd timer in the thread: 9219 2018-04-14 11:02:47.852870+0800 PThreads[15988:203200] ns timer in the thread: 4867 2018-04-14 11:02:47.853122+0800 PThreads[15988:203200] perform block in thread: 4867 2018-04-14 11:02:47.853552+0800 PThreads[15988:203200] perform block in thread: 4867 2018-04-14 11:02:48.340602+0800 PThreads[15988:203206] gcd timer in the thread: 9219 2018-04-14 11:02:48.352863+0800 PThreads[15988:203200] ns timer in the thread: 4867 2018-04-14 11:02:48.353149+0800 PThreads[15988:203200] perform block in thread: 4867 2018-04-14 11:02:48.840085+0800 PThreads[15988:203206] gcd timer in the thread: 9219 2018-04-14 11:02:48.853918+0800 PThreads[15988:203200] ns timer in the thread: 4867 2018-04-14 11:02:48.854120+0800 PThreads[15988:203200] perform block in thread: 4867 2018-04-14 11:02:49.340729+0800 PThreads[15988:203206] gcd timer in the thread: 9219 2018-04-14 11:02:49.354172+0800 PThreads[15988:203200] ns timer in the thread: 4867 2018-04-14 11:02:49.354470+0800 PThreads[15988:203200] perform block in thread: 4867 2018-04-14 11:02:49.840661+0800 PThreads[15988:203206] gcd timer in the thread: 9219 2018-04-14 11:02:49.853115+0800 PThreads[15988:203200] ns timer in the thread: 4867 2018-04-14 11:02:49.853288+0800 PThreads[15988:203200] perform block in thread: 4867 2018-04-14 11:02:50.340078+0800 PThreads[15988:203206] gcd timer in the thread: 9219 2018-04-14 11:02:50.354262+0800 PThreads[15988:203200] ns timer in the thread: 4867 2018-04-14 11:02:50.354537+0800 PThreads[15988:203200] perform block in thread: 4867 2018-04-14 11:02:50.840653+0800 PThreads[15988:203206] gcd timer in the thread: 9219 2018-04-14 11:02:50.854117+0800 PThreads[15988:203200] ns timer in the thread: 4867 2018-04-14 11:02:50.854406+0800 PThreads[15988:203200] perform block in thread: 4867 2018-04-14 11:02:51.339972+0800 PThreads[15988:203206] gcd timer in the thread: 9219 2018-04-14 11:02:51.353246+0800 PThreads[15988:203200] ns timer in the thread: 4867 2018-04-14 11:02:51.353472+0800 PThreads[15988:203200] perform block in thread: 4867 2018-04-14 11:02:51.839917+0800 PThreads[15988:203206] gcd timer in the thread: 9219
虽然并行队列的 async
功能并不会因为启动了 runloop
受到影响,但是可以发现如果不去保存 runloop
,这个保活的线程除了定时器能正常处理之外,其他时候不会再被 GCD
如果不使用 NSTimer
这种稳定的唤醒机制来保活线程,而是采用 port
__block CFRunLoopRef serialRunLoop = NULL; dispatch_queue_t mainQueue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); dispatch_queue_t serialQueue = dispatch_queue_create("concurrent.queue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT); dispatch_async(serialQueue, ^{ serialRunLoop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop].getCFRunLoop; [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addPort: [NSPort new] forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode]; [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate: [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: 600]]; }); dispatch_source_t timer = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, mainQueue); dispatch_source_set_timer(timer, DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 0.5 * NSEC_PER_SEC, 0 * NSEC_PER_SEC); dispatch_source_set_event_handler(timer, ^{ CFRunLoopPerformBlock(serialRunLoop, NSDefaultRunLoopMode, ^{ NSLog(@"perform block in thread: %d", mach_thread_self()); }); }); dispatch_resume(timer);
此时任务总是不会被处理。由于 runloop
需要被唤醒才能处理队列任务,而 perform block
只是单纯的添加任务,没有唤醒功能。为了线程能够继续执行任务,这时候还需要不断的 wake up
dispatch_source_t timer = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, mainQueue); dispatch_source_set_timer(timer, DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 0.5 * NSEC_PER_SEC, 0 * NSEC_PER_SEC); dispatch_source_set_event_handler(timer, ^{ CFRunLoopPerformBlock(serialRunLoop, NSDefaultRunLoopMode, ^{ NSLog(@"perform block in thread: %d", mach_thread_self()); }); CFRunLoopWakeUp(serialRunLoop); }); dispatch_resume(timer); /// 日志输出 2018-04-14 11:15:10.314064+0800 PThreads[19459:248764] perform block in thread: 2563 2018-04-14 11:15:10.763480+0800 PThreads[19459:248764] perform block in thread: 2563 2018-04-14 11:15:11.263651+0800 PThreads[19459:248764] perform block in thread: 2563 2018-04-14 11:15:11.763957+0800 PThreads[19459:248764] perform block in thread: 2563 2018-04-14 11:15:12.264006+0800 PThreads[19459:248764] perform block in thread: 2563 2018-04-14 11:15:12.763384+0800 PThreads[19459:248764] perform block in thread: 2563
从测试来看,在子线程启动 runloop
并不是一个很明智的选择:这会导致线程保活期间被遗弃,失去了处理消息派发的能力,且无法响应其他线程的通信。其次,即便可以通过 perform block
来继续为保活线程添加任务处理,但在保活线程的 runloop