经过前面对核心 API 的介绍,我们已经对 Picasso 有个大概的了解了,接下来通过不同的业务逻辑,来整体上掌握 Picasso 的实现流程。
Picasso.get() //1.获得 Picasso 单例 .load(url) //2.创建 RequestCreator .placeholder(R.drawable.placeholder) .error(R.drawable.error) .fit() .tag(context) .into(view); //3.发起请求
第一步 Picasso.get()
方法返回的是 Picasso 的单例,它通过 Picasso.Builder
public static Picasso get() { if (singleton == null) { synchronized (Picasso.class) { if (singleton == null) { if (PicassoProvider.context == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("context == null"); } singleton = new Builder(PicassoProvider.context).build(); } } } return singleton; }
我们看看 Picasso.Builder.build()
public Picasso build() { Context context = this.context; if (downloader == null) { downloader = new OkHttp3Downloader(context); //下载 } if (cache == null) { cache = new LruCache(context); //缓存 } if (service == null) { service = new PicassoExecutorService(); //线程池 } if (transformer == null) { transformer = RequestTransformer.IDENTITY; //请求转换,可以用作 CDN } Stats stats = new Stats(cache); //统计数据 Dispatcher dispatcher = new Dispatcher(context, service, HANDLER, downloader, cache, stats); return new Picasso(context, dispatcher, cache, listener, transformer, requestHandlers, stats, defaultBitmapConfig, indicatorsEnabled, loggingEnabled); }
,底层实现是 LinkedHashMap()
Picasso.get() //1.获得 Picasso 单例 .load(url) /
请求的第二步调用了 load(url)
public RequestCreator load(@Nullable Uri uri) { return new RequestCreator(this, uri, 0); }
可以看到创建了一个 RequestCreator
Picasso.get() //1.获得 Picasso 单例 .load(url) //2.创建 RequestCreator .placeholder(R.drawable.placeholder) .error(R.drawable.error) .fit() .tag(context) .into(view); //3.发起请求
public RequestCreator placeholder(@DrawableRes int placeholderResId) { //去掉检查方法 this.placeholderResId = placeholderResId; return this; } public RequestCreator error(@DrawableRes int errorResId) { //去掉检查方法 this.errorResId = errorResId; return this; } public RequestCreator fit() { deferred = true; return this; }
配置好后调用 into(ImageView)
public void into(ImageView target) { into(target, null); } public void into(ImageView target, Callback callback) { long started = System.nanoTime(); //1.延迟操作 if (deferred) { //延迟执行,配置 fit() 等操作后会进入这一步 if (data.hasSize()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Fit cannot be used with resize."); } int width = target.getWidth(); int height = target.getHeight(); if (width == 0 || height == 0) { if (setPlaceholder) { setPlaceholder(target, getPlaceholderDrawable()); } picasso.defer(target, new DeferredRequestCreator(this, target, callback)); return; } data.resize(width, height); } Request request = createRequest(started); String requestKey = createKey(request); //2.缓存获取 if (shouldReadFromMemoryCache(memoryPolicy)) { //先去内存缓存中获取 Bitmap bitmap = picasso.quickMemoryCacheCheck(requestKey); if (bitmap != null) { picasso.cancelRequest(target); //已经有了,别再请求了 setBitmap(target, picasso.context, bitmap, MEMORY, noFade, picasso.indicatorsEnabled); //放进去 if (picasso.loggingEnabled) { log(OWNER_MAIN, VERB_COMPLETED, request.plainId(), "from " + MEMORY); } if (callback != null) { callback.onSuccess(); } return; } } if (setPlaceholder) { setPlaceholder(target, getPlaceholderDrawable()); } //3.构造一个 action 去请求 Action action = new ImageViewAction(picasso, target, request, memoryPolicy, networkPolicy, errorResId, errorDrawable, requestKey, tag, callback, noFade); picasso.enqueueAndSubmit(action); }
有缓存时会去缓存取,否则就构造一个 action 调用 picasso.enqueueAndSubmit(action)
void enqueueAndSubmit(Action action) { Object target = action.getTarget(); if (target != null && targetToAction.get(target) != action) { //不重复 // This will also check we are on the main thread. cancelExistingRequest(target); targetToAction.put(target, action); } submit(action); } void submit(Action action) { dispatcher.dispatchSubmit(action); }
这个提交方法就是把要执行的操作和对象(这里是要显示的 ImageView)保存到一个 map 里,如果之前有这个 ImageView 的请求,就取消掉,避免重复加载。
最后调用了 dispatcher.dispatchSubmit(action)
,然后又调用到了 performSubmit(action)
public void dispatchSubmit(Action action) { handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(REQUEST_SUBMIT, action)); } public void performSubmit(Action action) { performSubmit(action, true); } /** * 提交获取请求 * @param action * @param dismissFailed */ public void performSubmit(Action action, boolean dismissFailed) { if (pausedTags.contains(action.getTag())) { //如果暂停集合里有这个 action 的 tag,这次就先不请求,返回 pausedActions.put(action.getTarget(), action); return; } //如果已经创建了这个 action 对应的 BitmapHunter,就把数据添加到待操作列表,不重复创建了 BitmapHunter hunter = hunterMap.get(action.getKey()); if (hunter != null) { hunter.attach(action); return; } if (service.isShutdown()) { //如果线程池退出,就直接结束 return; } //这一步是遍历 picasso 的 requestHandlers,找到合适的 requestHandler,构造 BitmapHunter hunter = forRequest(action.getPicasso(), this, cache, stats, action); hunter.future = service.submit(hunter); //提交任务 hunterMap.put(action.getKey(), hunter); if (dismissFailed) { failedActions.remove(action.getTarget()); } }
接着就是执行 BitmapHunter 的 run()
这段概括修改自: http://www.trinea.cn/android/android-image-cache-compare/
一张图片加载时打的 log:
我们先来看看 Picasso 是如何实现 取消请求的吧 。
picasso.load(url) .placeholder(R.drawable.placeholder) .error(R.drawable.error) .tag(context) .into(view); picasso.cancelRequest(view); picasso.cancelTag(context);
Picasso 提供了两种取消方法:
//Picasso.cancelRequest(view) public void cancelRequest(@NonNull ImageView view) { cancelExistingRequest(view); } //picasso.cancelExistingRequest(view) void cancelExistingRequest(Object target) { checkMain(); Action action = targetToAction.remove(target); //1.移除要加载数据 map 中的数据 if (action != null) { action.cancel(); //2.取消就是通过置一个标志位为 false,置空回调 dispatcher.dispatchCancel(action); //3.移除调度器里保存的未被执行的 action } if (target instanceof ImageView) { ImageView targetImageView = (ImageView) target; DeferredRequestCreator deferredRequestCreator = targetToDeferredRequestCreator.remove(targetImageView); //获取这个 ImageView 可能有的延迟执行,取消 if (deferredRequestCreator != null) { deferredRequestCreator.cancel(); } } } //Dispatcher.performCancel(action) void performCancel(Action action) { String key = action.getKey(); BitmapHunter hunter = hunterMap.get(key); if (hunter != null) { hunter.detach(action); //移除 hunter 中的这个 action if (hunter.cancel()) { //这个 hunter 没有操作了,移除 hunterMap.remove(key); } } if (pausedTags.contains(action.getTag())) { //如果处于暂停状态,也从暂停列表里移除 pausedActions.remove(action.getTarget()); } } //BitmapHunter.cancel() public boolean cancel() { return action == null && (actions == null || actions.isEmpty()) && future != null && future.cancel(false); }
方法,就是通过置一个标志位为 false,置空回调 BitmapHunter.detach(action)
和 BitmapHunter.cancel()
方法,停止 runnable 的执行 可以看到,取消一个请求要修改的状态好多。
接着看下通过 tag 批量取消如何实现:
public void cancelTag(@NonNull Object tag) { List<Action> actions = new ArrayList<>(targetToAction.values()); for (int i = 0, n = actions.size(); i < n; i++) { Action action = actions.get(i); if (tag.equals(action.getTag())) { cancelExistingRequest(action.getTarget()); } } //... }
哈哈,其实就是遍历 Picasso 的 targetToAction 列表,如果其中的 action 的 tag 和指定的 tag 一致,就挨个调用上面取消指定目标的方法取消了。
暂停请求只有一个方法 picasso.pauseTag(context)
,最后调用到 Dispatcher.performPauseTag(tag)
//picasso.pauseTag(context) public void pauseTag(@NonNull Object tag) { if (tag == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("tag == null"); } dispatcher.dispatchPauseTag(tag); } void performPauseTag(Object tag) { if (!pausedTags.add(tag)) { //首先添加暂停的 set 集合里,如果返回 false,说明这个 tag 已经暂停了 return; } //遍历所有的 BitmapHunter,解除、暂停请求 for (Iterator<BitmapHunter> it = hunterMap.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { BitmapHunter hunter = it.next(); Action single = hunter.getAction(); List<Action> joined = hunter.getActions(); boolean hasMultiple = joined != null && !joined.isEmpty(); //这个 Hunter 已经完成请求了,看看下一个是不是你要找的 if (single == null && !hasMultiple) { continue; } if (single != null && single.getTag().equals(tag)) { //找到了要暂停的 hunter.detach(single); //解除 pausedActions.put(single.getTarget(), single); //添加到暂停结合里 } if (hasMultiple) { for (int i = joined.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Action action = joined.get(i); if (!action.getTag().equals(tag)) { continue; } hunter.detach(action); pausedActions.put(action.getTarget(), action); } } //如果这个 hunter 没有请求并且停止成功了,就移除 if (hunter.cancel()) { it.remove(); } } }
从上面的代码和注释可以看到,暂停指定 tag 的请求比较简单,就这么 2 点:
public void resumeTag(@NonNull Object tag) {
void performResumeTag(Object tag) {
//如果这个 tag 并没有暂停,就返回
if (!pausedTags.remove(tag)) {
//遍历暂停的 action 集合