JVMTI(JVMTM Tool Interface),是JVM对外提供的一系列接口,提供了查看JVM内部状态和控制JVM执行等功能,包括不限于:性能调优、调试、监控、线程分析和覆盖率分析等。
JVMTI的具体描述和接口,可以参照 oracle官方文档 。
JVMTI agent加载机制和javaagent类似,事实上,javaagent的加载本身就是依赖JVMTI的。因此agent加载也可以通过两种模式:
该参数下,只需要提供agent动态链接库的名字。注意:这里的agent-lib-name 不是
动态链接库的全称,而是去除了动态链接库标准前缀和后缀之后的名称。例如参数为 -agentlib:demo
,对于类UNIX系统来说,JVM会加载 libdemo.so
,而对于windows则会加载 demo.dll
。同时,由于此处没有指定动态链接库的路径,JVM的查找路径和JNI库查找路径相同,对于类UNIX系统会在 LD_LIBRARY_PATH
环境变量指定的路径下查找,windows则在 PATH
环境变量指定的路径下查找。因此这种方式不太适合工程化部署。 -agentpath:<path-to-agent>=<options>
该参数下,需要提供agent的全路径。例如 -agentpath:/tmp/libdemo.so
。这种方式下,JVM不会试图扩展动态链接库的前缀和后缀。 对于大多数情况,agent都需要在JVM启动后动态加载,因此本文着重介绍这种加载方式。注意,本文仅包括Linux平台,其他平台可能存在不同的加载方式。
加载agent的最简单方式是通过 com.sun.tools.attach.VirtualMachine
类来进行。该类由jdk的lib目录下的 tools.jar
首先 com.sun.tools.attach.VirtualMachine
类是一个抽象类,源码位于 jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/attach/VirtualMachine.java
HotSpotVirtualMachine LinuxVirtualMachine
注意 LinuxVirtualMachine
类源码位于 jdk/src/solaris/classes/sun/tools/attach
先看看 HotSpotVirtualMachine
public void loadAgentLibrary(String agentLibrary, String options) throws AgentLoadException, AgentInitializationException, IOException { loadAgentLibrary(agentLibrary, false, options); } /* * Load agent - absolute path of library provided to target VM */ public void loadAgentPath(String agentLibrary, String options) throws AgentLoadException, AgentInitializationException, IOException { loadAgentLibrary(agentLibrary, true, options); } /* * Load JPLIS agent which will load the agent JAR file and invoke * the agentmain method. */ public void loadAgent(String agent, String options) throws AgentLoadException, AgentInitializationException, IOException { String args = agent; if (options != null) { args = args + "=" + options; } try { loadAgentLibrary("instrument", args); } ... }
从这里可以看见,所有加载相关的方法,最终都调用到了 loadAgentLibrary
方法。另外值得注意的是,专门提供给Java instrumentation API的loadAgent方法,实际上是记载了 instrument
这个库,对应的文件在 $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/amd64/libinstrument.so
再来看下 loadAgentLibrary
/* * Load agent library * If isAbsolute is true then the agent library is the absolute path * to the library and thus will not be expanded in the target VM. * if isAbsolute is false then the agent library is just a library * name and it will be expended in the target VM. */ private void loadAgentLibrary(String agentLibrary, boolean isAbsolute, String options) throws AgentLoadException, AgentInitializationException, IOException { InputStream in = execute("load", agentLibrary, isAbsolute ? "true" : "false", options); try { int result = readInt(in); if (result != 0) { throw new AgentInitializationException("Agent_OnAttach failed", result); } } finally { in.close(); } }
这里调用了 execute
方法,下发了 load
指令。 execute
方法的实现就在 LinuxVirtualMachine
类中。有兴趣的话,还可以再看看 HotSpot specific methods
// --- HotSpot specific methods --- // same as SIGQUIT public void localDataDump() throws IOException { executeCommand("datadump").close(); } // Remote ctrl-break. The output of the ctrl-break actions can // be read from the input stream. public InputStream remoteDataDump(Object ... args) throws IOException { return executeCommand("threaddump", args); } // Remote heap dump. The output (error message) can be read from the // returned input stream. public InputStream dumpHeap(Object ... args) throws IOException { return executeCommand("dumpheap", args); } ...
有没有很熟悉?的确 jstack
、 jmap
等工具在不使用 -F
最核心的是 execute
方法的实现:( LinuxVirtualMachine
InputStream execute(String cmd, Object ... args) throws AgentLoadException, IOException { assert args.length <= 3; // includes null // did we detach? String p; synchronized (this) { if (this.path == null) { throw new IOException("Detached from target VM"); } p = this.path; } // create UNIX socket int s = socket(); // connect to target VM try { connect(s, p); } catch (IOException x) { close(s); throw x; } IOException ioe = null; // connected - write request // <ver> <cmd> <args...> try { writeString(s, PROTOCOL_VERSION); writeString(s, cmd); for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { if (i < args.length && args[i] != null) { writeString(s, (String)args[i]); } else { writeString(s, ""); } } } catch (IOException x) { ioe = x; } ...
从上述代码可以看见,在Linux平台上和JVM交互,实际上是通过UNIX socket来进行的。这里的p是在构造方法中已经初始化好的socket文件。默认情况下JVM是不会暴露这个socket文件的,因此在连接之前,还需要一些额外的操作,具体在 LinuxVirtualMachine
LinuxVirtualMachine(AttachProvider provider, String vmid) throws AttachNotSupportedException, IOException { super(provider, vmid); // This provider only understands pids int pid; try { pid = Integer.parseInt(vmid); } catch (NumberFormatException x) { throw new AttachNotSupportedException("Invalid process identifier"); } // Find the socket file. If not found then we attempt to start the // attach mechanism in the target VM by sending it a QUIT signal. // Then we attempt to find the socket file again. path = findSocketFile(pid); if (path == null) { File f = createAttachFile(pid); try { // On LinuxThreads each thread is a process and we don't have the // pid of the VMThread which has SIGQUIT unblocked. To workaround // this we get the pid of the "manager thread" that is created // by the first call to pthread_create. This is parent of all // threads (except the initial thread). if (isLinuxThreads) { ... } else { sendQuitTo(pid); } // give the target VM time to start the attach mechanism int i = 0; long delay = 200; int retries = (int)(attachTimeout() / delay); do { try { Thread.sleep(delay); } catch (InterruptedException x) { } path = findSocketFile(pid); i++; } while (i <= retries && path == null); if (path == null) { throw new AttachNotSupportedException( "Unable to open socket file: target process not responding " + "or HotSpot VM not loaded"); } } finally { f.delete(); } } // Check that the file owner/permission to avoid attaching to // bogus process checkPermissions(path); // Check that we can connect to the process // - this ensures we throw the permission denied error now rather than // later when we attempt to enqueue a command. int s = socket(); try { connect(s, path); } finally { close(s); } }
让JVM创建socket文件的方式分为两步,首先是创建attach文件。该文件命名规则为 .attach_pid<pid>
,文件存放位置是待连接JVM的工作目录(从/proc/ .java_pid<pid>
当检测到socket文件之后,还会再确认下该文件权限。这个权限比较严格,只有确认该文件创建人和组和当前进程相同,并且文件访问权限中的组用户和其他用户读写权限均为0的时候,才认为有效。即使用root帐号执行jstack,也是无法通过这种方式来和JVM交互的。这个检查是native方法,源码在 jdk/src/solaris/native/sun/tools/attach/LinuxVirtualMachine.c
if ( (sb.st_uid != uid) || (sb.st_gid != gid) || ((sb.st_mode & (S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IROTH|S_IWOTH)) != 0) ) { JNU_ThrowIOException(env, "well-known file is not secure"); }
最后,让我们回到通过socket发送命令的代码,可以看见所有对socket文件的写操作,都是通过 writeString
private void writeString(int fd, String s) throws IOException { if (s.length() > 0) { byte b[]; try { b = s.getBytes("UTF-8"); } catch (java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException x) { throw new InternalError(x); } LinuxVirtualMachine.write(fd, b, 0, b.length); } byte b[] = new byte[1]; b[0] = 0; write(fd, b, 0, 1); }
当然了,最终写文件还是通过native方法实现的,这里会将写入的字符串转换成byte数组,然后写入到socket文件,然后再写入一个 /0
通过前面 execute
方法源码就可以推导出整个交互协议: 版本号/0命令/0参数1/0参数2/0参数3/0
,当参数不存在的时候,写入空字符串,但是其中的 /0
仍然存在。这里我们以 HotSpotVirtualMachine
public Properties getSystemProperties() throws IOException { InputStream in = null; Properties props = new Properties(); try { in = executeCommand("properties"); props.load(in); } finally { if (in != null) in.close(); } return props; }
这个命令没有参数,命令名字为 properties
#!/bin/bash PID=$1 ATTACH_FILE="/tmp/.attach_pid$PID" SO_FILE="/tmp/.java_pid$PID" touch $ATTACH_FILE kill -SIGQUIT $PID sleep 1 printf '1/0properties/0/0/0/0' | nc -U $SO_FILE | tail -n +2