
Jest 5.3.4 和 6.3.1 发布,Elasticsearch 的 Java Http Rest 客户端

Jest 5.3.4 和 6.3.1 已发布。

Jest 是 Elasticsearch 的 Java Http Rest 客户端。ElasticSearch 已经具备应用于 Elasticsearch 内部的 Java API ,但是 Jest 弥补了 ES 自有 API 缺少 Elasticsearch Http Rest 接口客户端的不足。



  • Jest for ES6.

Status ES API Jest API Notes
CHANGED Create Index CreateIndex Now there exist separate methods for setting aliasesmappings and  settings . Adding a  payload ignores all other fields. These fields can be added as Map Objects or Strings.
CHANGED Index AbstractDocumentTargetedAction Document id is no longer encoded while creating documents. Now, you should encode the  id before indexing the document.


Status ES API Jest API Notes
CHANGED Create Index CreateIndex Now there exist separate methods for setting aliasesmappings and  settings . Adding a  payload ignores all other fields. These fields can be added as Map Objects or Strings.
CHANGED Index AbstractDocumentTargetedAction Document id is no longer encoded while creating documents. Now, you should encode the  id before indexing the document.

源码下载 https://github.com/searchbox-io/Jest/releases

原文  https://www.oschina.net/news/98987/elasticsearch-jest-5-3-4-and-6-3-1-released