
使用 Vert.x Maven 插件快速创建项目

版权声明:版权归博主所有,转载请带上本文链接!联系方式:abel533@gmail.com https://blog.csdn.net/isea533/article/details/82655699

文档地址: https://reactiverse.io/vertx-maven-plugin


在项目 pom.xml 目录,执行下面的命令即可添加:

mvn io.reactiverse:vertx-maven-plugin:1.0.17:setup

执行该命令后,在 pom.xml 中会增加下面的配置:




自动引入的 vert.x 版本为 3.5.3,你可以通过在 mvn 命令增加 -DvertxVersion=3.4.0 这个参数来指定需要的版本。


首先你 必须创建一个目录 ,vert.x 插件不会自动给你创建目录,只会创建目录内的 src 和 pom.xml 等文件。


mvn io.reactiverse:vertx-maven-plugin:1.0.17:setup ^
    -DprojectGroupId=org.acme ^
    -DprojectArtifactId=acme-project ^
    -DprojectVersion=1.0-SNAPSHOT ^
    -Dverticle=org.acme.Foo ^
    -Dverticle=io.vertx.sample.MyFirstVerticle ^

如果你使用的 Linux 系统,将上面的 ^ 改为 /

这里和上面相比增加了项目 GAV 的配置。

通过 -Dverticle=io.vertx.sample.MyFirstVerticle ,可以生成一个默认的 Verticle 类。

通过 -Ddependencies=web 可以指定你想加入的 vert.x 的依赖,这里写的名字都是缩写,具体对应关系看下面的介绍。

使用上面命令后,就创建了一个基础 vert.x 项目,在开始学习 vert.x 的时候,通过这种方式可以更快的创建基础项目。

-Ddependencies 对照表

源码: dependencies.json

下面 JSON 中的 labels 就是缩写名,groupId 和 artifactId 是对应的依赖。

        "name": "Vert.x Web",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-web"
        "name": "Vert.x Web Client",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-web-client"
        "name": "Vert.x Mongo Client",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-mongo-client"
        "name": "Vert.x Kafka Client",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-kafka-client"
        "name": "Vert.x Consul Client",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-consul-client"
        "name": "Vert.x gRPC",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-grpc"
        "name": "Vert.x (async) JDBC Client",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-jdbc-client"
        "name": "Vert.x Redis Client",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-redis-client"
        "name": "Vert.x Mail Client",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-mail-client"
        "name": "Vert.x STOMP",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-stomp"
        "name": "Vert.x EventBus Bridge using TCP",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-tcp-eventbus-bridge"
        "name": "Vert.x - Apache Camel bridge",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-camel-bridge"
        "name": "Vert.x Bridge with AMQP",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-amqp-bridge"
        "name": "Vert.x Client for RabbitMQ",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-rabbitmq-client"
        "name": "Vert.x Authentication Support using JDBC",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-auth-jdbc"
        "name": "Vert.x Authentication Support using JWT",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-auth-jwt"
        "name": "Vert.x Authentication Support using Mongo",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-auth-mongo"
        "name": "Vert.x Authentication Support using Shiro",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-auth-shiro"
        "name": "Vert.x Authentication Support using OAuth 2",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-auth-oauth2"
        "name": "Vert.x support for RX Java",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-rx-java"
        "name": "Vert.x support for JavaScript (Nashorn)",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-lang-js"
        "name": "Vert.x support for Kotlin",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-lang-kotlin-compiler"
        "name": "Vert.x support for Ruby (JRuby)",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-lang-ruby"
        "name": "Vert.x support for Apache Groovy",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-lang-groovy"
        "name": "Vert.x Service Discovery",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-service-discovery"
        "name": "Vert.x Circuit Breaker",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-circuit-breaker"
        "name": "Vert.x Service Discovery for Kubernetes",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-service-discovery-bridge-kubernetes"
        "name": "Vert.x Service Discovery for Consul",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-service-discovery-bridge-consul"
        "name": "Vert.x Metrics using Dropwizard",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-dropwizard-metrics"
        "name": "Vert.x Metrics using Hawkular",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-hawkular-metrics"
        "name": "Vert.x Shell",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-shell"
        "name": "Vert.x Unit",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-unit",
        "scope": "test"
        "name": "Vert.x Cluster Manager based on Hazelcast",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-hazelcast"
        "name": "Vert.x Cluster Manager based on Infinipan",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-infinispan"
        "name": "Vert.x Cluster Manager based on Zookeeper",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-zookeeper"
        "name": "Vert.x Cluster Manager based on Apache Ignite",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-ignite"
        "name": "Vert.x Cluster Manager based on Apache Zookeeper",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-zookeeper"
        "name": "Vert.x Web Template Engine based on Pebble",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-web-templ-pebble",
        "classifier": "shaded"
        "name": "Vert.x Web Template Engine based on Apache Freemarker",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-web-templ-freemarker",
        "classifier": "shaded"
        "name": "Vert.x Web Template Engine based on Thymeleaf",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-web-templ-thymeleaf",
        "classifier": "shaded"
        "name": "Vert.x Web Template Engine based on Handlebars",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-web-templ-handlebars",
        "classifier": "shaded"
        "name": "Vert.x Web Template Engine based on Jade",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-web-templ-jade",
        "classifier": "shaded"
        "name": "Vert.x Web Template Engine based on MVEL",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-web-templ-mvel",
        "classifier": "shaded"
        "name": "Vert.x (async) RPC service proxies",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-service-proxy"
        "name": "Vert.x Service Factory using Apache Maven",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-maven-service-factory"
        "name": "Vert.x Service Factory",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-service-factory"
        "name": "Vert.x Service Factory using HTTP",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-http-service-factory"
        "name": "Vert.x Configuration",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-config"
        "name": "Vert.x Configuration with Kubernetes ConfigMap",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-config-kubernetes-configmap"
        "name": "Vert.x Configuration with a Git repository",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-config-git"
        "name": "Vert.x Configuration - HOCON format",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-config-hocon"
        "name": "Vert.x Configuration - Yaml format",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-config-yaml"
        "name": "Vert.x Configuration with a Zookeeper backend",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-config-zookeeper"
        "name": "Vert.x Configuration with a Redis backend",
        "labels": [
        "groupId": "io.vertx",
        "artifactId": "vertx-config-redis"


集成了 vert.x 插件后,打包变的极其容易,只需要下面的命令:

mvn clean package

通过这种方式就会打出一个 fat jar 包,可以直接通过 java -jar xxxx.jar 运行的包。


除了上面这些,还有 vertx:run, vertx:debug, vertx:start, vertx:stop 命令,这些命令可以在不打 jar 包的情况下运行或者关闭项目。



[INFO] 严重: java.net.BindException: Address already in use: bind

这种情况是因为使用类似 IDEA Maven 插件中的命令直接双击运行时,你无法关闭这个应用。如果你使用的纯命令行,直接 Ctrl+C 就能关闭。

使用 vertx:run 在命令行运行时可以直接关闭。

使用 vertx:start 运行时,需要通过 vertx:stop 关闭。

万一遇上无法关闭的情况,在 windows 中,可以用下面方式解决。


jps -m

这个命令会列出所有运行的 jvm:

15248 Jps -m
2384 Launcher run io.vertx.sample.MyFirstVerticle redeploy-termination-period=1000 -Dvertx.id=5fd656fa-55a9-46b4-8d23-caa95f2e5032-redeploy
11844 Launcher run io.vertx.sample.MyFirstVerticle redeploy-termination-period=1000 -Dvertx.id=bec46d01-d441-4949-a2d9-f8ffbe85f965-redeploy
14200 Launcher run io.vertx.sample.MyFirstVerticle --redeploy=F:/Git/my-first-vertx-app/target/classes/**/* --redeploy-scan-period=1000 redeploy-termi
nation-period=1000 --launcher-class=io.vertx.core.Launcher
7580 Launcher clean compile vertx:run

根据后面的信息找到你想关闭的 jvm。输入下面的命令(假设关闭 2384):

taskkill /f /pid 2384

当相同端口的 jvm 关闭后,你就可以再次运行了。

原文  https://blog.csdn.net/isea533/article/details/82655699