
Android驱动开发---Linux Kernel/HAL Layer/Jni Layer实例全集

本人在开发Android Nfc POS之初,探索调试了一番驱动,目前在Nexus 5X 7.1.1上已经调成,之前的步骤可以参考我发的文章,Android驱动开发经验分享如下。

1. Linux 内核驱动实例

以下均在Android Linux内核目录下操作, 在drivers目录下创建驱动目录hello

这个目下要创建3个文件,hello.c, Makefile and Kconfig

1.1 hello.c

cd drivers

mkdir hello

vim hello.c
code as follows:

/ linux kernel driver: hello.c => /dev/hello /

please find the code in the below. here skip the code to make the page clean and clear.

1.2 Makefile

Create the Makefile and add:

obj-y += hello.o

1.3 Kconfig

Create Kconfig and add:

config HELLO 
    tristate "Eric: First Android Driver"
default n
  This is the first Android driver.

this file is used when we make menuconfig.

1.4 Modify drivers/Makefile

Add following in the end

obj-y += hello.o

1.5 Add the driver into system configuration

Before we build the kernal, we need to config the system.

1.5.1 Modify arch/arm64/Kconfig

Add following in the end

source "drivers/hello/Kconfig"

It seems that this config not work, may be skipped.

1.5.2 Modify drivers/Kconfig

Following the menu:

menu "Device Drivers"

Please add

source "drivers/hello/Kconfig"

1.5.3 Modify drivers/Kconfig

make menuconfig

To enble the menu 'Eric: First Android Driver' in the "Device Drivers" item.

And save , then to build the linux kernel code.

2. 测试驱动


2.1 create the application on externel


目录下将有两个文件:hello.c and Android.mk

cd external

mkdir hello

vim hello.c

/ AOSP app : ./external/hello.c =>/system/bin/hello /

Android.mk as follows:

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-c-files)

2.2 build the application

To build the hello application

mmm external/hello/

Add it into the system.img

make snod

2.3 Test/Debug the driver hello

Before flash, we can build the AOSP again, of cource, don't forget replace the linux kernel file 'Image.gz-dtb'.

After flash into the phone, reboot the phone, and then do follows:

C:/Users/ylgi>adb devices
List of devices attached
01059f9781509a67        device

C:/Users/ylgi>adb -s 01059f9781509a67 shell
bullhead:/ $ ls

Android驱动开发---Linux Kernel/HAL Layer/Jni Layer实例全集

cd /system/bin

Android驱动开发---Linux Kernel/HAL Layer/Jni Layer实例全集


原文  http://blog.51cto.com/12090569/2329081