这是 项目地址 ,下面来阐述下产生背景和它的一些特点。
接触 Flutter 也有一段时间了,在如何管理状态和处理数据流这块,并没有一个可以直接拿来用的现成方案。好吧,其实有,一个是 flutter_redux ,一个是 flutter_bloc 。先来说说 flutter_redux,这个可以算是 redux 在 flutter 的官方实现了,主要由两部分组成: StoreProvider
和 StoreConnector
,前者用来保存 store,后者用来响应新的 state,看一个代码片段:
// Every time the button is tapped, an action is dispatched and // run through the reducer. After the reducer updates the state, // the Widget will be automatically rebuilt with the latest // count. No need to manually manage subscriptions or Streams! new StoreConnector<int, String>( converter: (store) => store.state.toString(), builder: (context, count) { return new Text( count, style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.display1, ); }, )
这段代码的问题在于只要 reducer 有更新 state,那么所有消费该 Store 的 Connector 就会被 rebuild,哪怕这个 state 有 10 个属性,而 reducer 只是改了其中的一个 bool 值。
// Creates the base [NextDispatcher]. // // The base NextDispatcher will be called after all other middleware provided // by the user have been run. Its job is simple: Run the current state through // the reducer, save the result, and notify any subscribers. NextDispatcher _createReduceAndNotify(bool distinct) { return (dynamic action) { final state = reducer(_state, action); if (distinct && state == _state) return; _state = state; _changeController.add(state); }; }
这是 redux 这个 library 里的 Notify 机制,采用的是 ==
判断,这就是问题。在 react-redux 中,这块是有优化的,通过 connect
的 mapStateToProps
,可以让 Component 指定关心 State 的哪些属性,然后在 react-redux 内部会对 mapStateToProps
的返回值和上次保存的进行比较,如果不一样再 rebuild,这样的好处是只有当 Component 关心的哪些属性真的变化时才进行 render。而 flutter_redux 无法做到这点(可能跟 flutter 不让用反射有关),效率上就会打折扣。
再来看看 flutter_bloc ,这也是关注度蛮高的一个项目,说这个之前先说说 bloc,这是 flutter 提的一个概念,运行机制大致如下:
它更像一个提案,缺少标准和实现。flutter_bloc 就是对这个提案的一个实现。这个实现本质上没觉得跟 flutter_redux 有太大的区别,而复杂度倒是增加了不少,还提出了一些新的概念(比如 BlocSupervisor, BlocDelegate, Transation),增加了理解上的困难。在处理核心的 state 问题上依旧跟 flutter_redux 一样,甚至都没有做 ==
void _bindStateSubject() { Event currentEvent; (transform(_eventSubject) as Observable<Event>).concatMap((Event event) { currentEvent = event; return mapEventToState(_stateSubject.value, event); }).forEach( (State nextState) { final transition = Transition( currentState: _stateSubject.value, event: currentEvent, nextState: nextState, ); BlocSupervisor().delegate?.onTransition(transition); onTransition(transition); _stateSubject.add(nextState); }, ); }
可以看到在往 _stateSubject
里塞 nextState 时甚至都没有跟之前的 state 进行判断。同时从作者的意图上是希望多个 bloc 一起使用的,这也会造成使用上的不便(比如我这个 Event 到底应该 dispatch 给哪个 bloc?)。
return BlocBuilder<LoginEvent, LoginState>( bloc: widget.loginBloc, builder: ( BuildContext context, LoginState loginState, ) { if (_loginSucceeded(loginState)) { widget.authBloc.dispatch(Login(token: loginState.token)); widget.loginBloc.dispatch(LoggedIn()); } } );
综上,这两格 Library 都无法满足我,只能再造一个轮子了。
其实只要让 flutter_redux 能够更高效地把状态变化传递给 widgets,问题就解决了。那如何做呢?返回一个新的 state,也就是 reducer 之路,应该是行不通了,因为无法高效地找到变化过的属性,即使可以,还要维护一个属性跟 widgets 的 map,太复杂了。换一个想法,Flutter 不是提供了 StreamBuilder
么,那让 Widget 自己选择 listen 哪些 stream,然后当一个 action dispatch 过来后,这些 stream 获得相应的改变不就行了么?
其中处理 action 的 reducer 被替换成了 bloc,来看一下核心代码。
/// Action /// /// every action should extends this class abstract class BRAction<T> { T playload; } /// State /// /// Input are used to change state. /// usually filled with StreamController / BehaviorSubject. /// handled by blocs. /// /// implements disposable because stream controllers needs to be disposed. /// they will be called within store's dispose method. abstract class BRStateInput implements Disposable {} /// Output are streams. /// followed by input. like someController.stream /// UI will use it as data source. abstract class BRStateOutput {} /// State /// /// Combine these two into one. abstract class BRState<T extends BRStateInput, U extends BRStateOutput> { T input; U output; } /// Bloc /// /// like reducers in redux, but don't return a new state. /// when they found something needs to change, just update state's input /// then state's output will change accordingly. typedef Bloc<T extends BRStateInput> = void Function(BRAction action, T input); /// Store /// /// widget use `store.dispatch` to send action /// store will iterate all blocs to handle this action /// /// if this is an async action, blocs can dispatch another action /// after data has received from remote. abstract class BRStore<T extends BRStateInput, U extends BRState> implements Disposable { List<Bloc<T>> blocs; U state; void dispatch(BRAction action) { blocs.forEach((f) => f(action, state.input)); } dispose() { state.input.dispose(); } }
其中 State 被分成了 StateInput 和 StateOutput,其中 Input 部分给 Bloc,方便更新 Stream;Output 部分给 Widgets,方便接收最新数据。同时 Store 也有一个 dispose 方法,因为到时 store 会被放到 StoreProvider 里,当它被 dispose 时,可以让 store 也 dispose,让那些 stream 可以被 close。
就这么简单,我们来看一个 demo:
/// Actions class ColorActionSelect extends BRAction<Color> {} /// State class ColorStateInput extends BRStateInput { final BehaviorSubject<Color> selectedColor = BehaviorSubject(); final BehaviorSubject<List<ColorModel>> colors = BehaviorSubject(); dispose() { selectedColor.close(); colors.close(); } } class ColorStateOutput extends BRStateOutput { StreamWithInitialData<Color> selectedColor; StreamWithInitialData<List<ColorModel>> colors; ColorStateOutput(ColorStateInput input) { selectedColor = StreamWithInitialData( input.selectedColor.stream, input.selectedColor.value); colors = StreamWithInitialData(input.colors.stream, input.colors.value); } } class ColorState extends BRState<ColorStateInput, ColorStateOutput> { ColorState() { input = ColorStateInput(); output = ColorStateOutput(input); } } /// Blocs Bloc<ColorStateInput> colorSelectHandler = (action, input) { if (action is ColorActionSelect) { input.selectedColor.add(action.playload); var colors = input.colors.value .map((colorModel) => colorModel ..isSelected = colorModel.color.value == action.playload.value) .toList(); input.colors.add(colors); } }; /// Store class ColorStore extends BRStore<ColorStateInput, ColorState> { ColorStore() { state = ColorState(); blocs = [colorSelectHandler]; // init var _colors = List<ColorModel>.generate( 30, (int index) => ColorModel(RandomColor(index).randomColor())); _colors[0].isSelected = true; state.input.colors.add(_colors); state.input.selectedColor.add(_colors[0].color); } }
Store 就像人的大脑,负责接收信息做出决策,而信息的处理者就是一个个的 Bloc。再来看看 Widget 是如何接收数据,发送 action 的。
class ColorsWidget extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final store = StoreProvider.of<ColorStore>(context); final colors = store.state.output.colors; return StreamBuilder<List<ColorModel>>( stream: colors.stream, initialData: colors.initialData, builder: (context, snapshot) { final colors = snapshot.data; return SliverGrid.count( crossAxisCount: 6, children: colors.map((colorModel) { return GestureDetector( onTap: () { store.dispatch( ColorActionSelect()..playload = colorModel.color); }, child: Container( decoration: BoxDecoration( color: colorModel.color, border: Border.all(width: colorModel.isSelected ? 4 : 0)), ), ); }).toList()); }, ); } }
通过 StreamBuilder
来消费 state output,通过 store.dispatch
来发送 action,It’s that simple.
最后,附上项目地址: https://github.com/lzyy/bloc_redux