
Computers: Programming: Languages: Java: Development Tools: Performance and Testing: Static...

Static code analysis is a set of methods for analyzing software source code or object code in an effort to gain understanding of what the software does and establish certain correctness criteria. Schematically, there are several types of static analysis (which may be used in combination, even inside the same programming tool): - tools such as lint essentially look for constructs that "look dangerous" from an informal point of view; - formal methods consider the mathematical definition of the behaviors of programs, known as their semantics. Taken from Wikipedia.

静态代码分析是一组用于分析软件源代码或目标代码的方法,以便了解软件的功能并建立某些正确性标准。原理上,有几种类型的静态分析(可以在同一个编程工具中组合使用): - 像lint这样的工具基本上从非正式的角度寻找"看起来很危险"的结构; - 形式方法考虑程序行为的数学定义,称为语义。取自维基百科。

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Tool to help programmers write code that adheres to coding standards. Detects a variety of other coding problems. Supports the Sun Code Conventions, and is highly configurable. [Open source, LGPL v2.1, Apache License v2.0]

帮助程序员编写符合编码标准的代码的工具。检测各种其他编码问题。支持Sun代码约定,并且具有高度可配置性。 [开源,LGPL v2.1,Apache License v2.0]


Measures few Java code metrics, provides management and developer reports. Site includes screenshots and download option. Last stable release is from 2008. [GPL v3]

测量少量Java代码度量标准,提供管理和开发人员报告。网站包括截图和下载选项。最后稳定版本是从2008年开始的。[GPL v3]


Static code analysis tool that analyses Java bytecode and detects a wide range of problems. Available as stand-alone application or as plug-in for common Java IDEs. Site includes documentation, download option, overview of implemented checks, and relevant links. [Free software, LGPL]

静态代码分析工具,用于分析Java字节码并检测各种问题。可作为独立应用程序或作为常见Java IDE的插件使用。站点包括文档,下载选项,已实施检查的概述以及相关链接。 [免费软件,LGPL]


Platform for code quality governance with focus on outsourced software development. Site includes documentation, architecture description, download option, sample reports and release notes. [Free for non-commercial use]

代码质量治理平台,专注于外包软件开发。站点包括文档,体系结构描述,下载选项,示例报告和发行说明。 [免费用于非商业用途]


A static analyzer of Java source code, which provide set of predefined checks (such as tracking open/close or finding unused methods) and more general framework for implementing analyzing of semantics model of software project. [Open source]

一种Java源代码的静态分析器,提供一组预定义的检查(如跟踪打开/关闭或查找未使用的方法)和更一般的框架,用于实现软件项目语义模型的分析。 [开源]


Checks code and finds bugs, inconsistencies, and synchronization problems by doing data flow analysis and building a lock graph. [Open Source, GPL]

通过执行数据流分析和构建锁定图来检查代码并发现错误,不一致和同步问题。 [开源,GPL]


A static Java source code analyzer that detects locking and threading issues, performance and scalability problems, and checks complex contracts such as Java serialization by performing type, data flow, and lock graph analysis. [Freeware]

一种静态Java源代码分析器,可检测锁定和线程问题,性能和可伸缩性问题,并通过执行类型,数据流和锁图分析来检查复杂的合同(如Java序列化)。 [软件]


Scans source code and looks for potential problems possible bugs, unused and suboptimal code, over-complicated expressions and duplicate code. [Open Source, BSD license]

扫描源代码并查找潜在问题可能的错误,未使用的和次优的代码,过于复杂的表达式和重复的代码。 [开源,BSD许可]

UCDetector: Unnecessary Code Detector

Eclipse plug-in for identifying unused (dead) public Java classes, interfaces, methods and fields. Site includes documentation, download option, and FAQ section. [Eclipse Public License v1.0]

Eclipse插件,用于标识未使用的(死的)公共Java类,接口,方法和字段。网站包括文档,下载选项和常见问题解答部分。 [Eclipse Public License v1.0]


Tool to help programmers write code that adheres to coding standards. Detects a variety of other coding problems. Supports the Sun Code Conventions, and is highly configurable. [Open source, LGPL v2.1, Apache License v2.0]

帮助程序员编写符合编码标准的代码的工具。检测各种其他编码问题。支持Sun代码约定,并且具有高度可配置性。 [开源,LGPL v2.1,Apache License v2.0]


Measures few Java code metrics, provides management and developer reports. Site includes screenshots and download option. Last stable release is from 2008. [GPL v3]

测量少量Java代码度量标准,提供管理和开发人员报告。网站包括截图和下载选项。最后稳定版本是从2008年开始的。[GPL v3]

UCDetector: Unnecessary Code Detector

Eclipse plug-in for identifying unused (dead) public Java classes, interfaces, methods and fields. Site includes documentation, download option, and FAQ section. [Eclipse Public License v1.0]

Eclipse插件,用于标识未使用的(死的)公共Java类,接口,方法和字段。网站包括文档,下载选项和常见问题解答部分。 [Eclipse Public License v1.0]


Static code analysis tool that analyses Java bytecode and detects a wide range of problems. Available as stand-alone application or as plug-in for common Java IDEs. Site includes documentation, download option, overview of implemented checks, and relevant links. [Free software, LGPL]

静态代码分析工具,用于分析Java字节码并检测各种问题。可作为独立应用程序或作为常见Java IDE的插件使用。站点包括文档,下载选项,已实施检查的概述以及相关链接。 [免费软件,LGPL]


Platform for code quality governance with focus on outsourced software development. Site includes documentation, architecture description, download option, sample reports and release notes. [Free for non-commercial use]

代码质量治理平台,专注于外包软件开发。站点包括文档,体系结构描述,下载选项,示例报告和发行说明。 [免费用于非商业用途]


A static analyzer of Java source code, which provide set of predefined checks (such as tracking open/close or finding unused methods) and more general framework for implementing analyzing of semantics model of software project. [Open source]

一种Java源代码的静态分析器,提供一组预定义的检查(如跟踪打开/关闭或查找未使用的方法)和更一般的框架,用于实现软件项目语义模型的分析。 [开源]


Checks code and finds bugs, inconsistencies, and synchronization problems by doing data flow analysis and building a lock graph. [Open Source, GPL]

通过执行数据流分析和构建锁定图来检查代码并发现错误,不一致和同步问题。 [开源,GPL]


Scans source code and looks for potential problems possible bugs, unused and suboptimal code, over-complicated expressions and duplicate code. [Open Source, BSD license]

扫描源代码并查找潜在问题可能的错误,未使用的和次优的代码,过于复杂的表达式和重复的代码。 [开源,BSD许可]


A static Java source code analyzer that detects locking and threading issues, performance and scalability problems, and checks complex contracts such as Java serialization by performing type, data flow, and lock graph analysis. [Freeware]

一种静态Java源代码分析器,可检测锁定和线程问题,性能和可伸缩性问题,并通过执行类型,数据流和锁图分析来检查复杂的合同(如Java序列化)。 [软件]

September 24, 2018 at 5:15:07 UTC

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