
GCC 5.1 发布,C/C++ 编译器

GCC 5.1 发布,此版本包括大量新特性及 Bug 修复:


  • Inter-procedural optimization improvements

  • Link-time optimization improvements

  • Feedback directed optimization improvements

  • Register allocation improvements

  • UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer gained a few new sanitization options

  • Pointer Bounds Checker, a bounds violation detector, has been added and can be enabled via -fcheck-pointer-bounds. Memory accesses are instrumented with run-time checks of used pointers against their bounds to detect pointer bounds violations (overflows). The Pointer Bounds Checker is available on x86/x86-64 GNU/Linux targets with a new ISA extension Intel MPX support. See the Pointer Bounds Checker Wiki page for more details.


  • OpenMP 4.0 specification offloading features are now supported by the C, C++, and Fortran compilers. Generic changes:
    Infrastructure (suitable for any vendor).
    Testsuite which covers offloading from the OpenMP 4.0 Examples document.

  • Specific for upcoming Intel Xeon Phi products:
    Run-time library.
    Card emulator.

  • GCC 5 includes a preliminary implementation of the OpenACC 2.0a specification. OpenACC is intended for programming accelerator devices such as GPUs. See the OpenACC wiki page for more information.

详细信息请查看 发行页面



GCC(GNU Compiler Collection,GNU编译器套装),是一套由 GNU 开发的 编程语言 编译器 。它是一套以 GPLLGPL 许可证所发行的 自由软件 ,也是 GNU计划 的关键部分,亦是自由的 类Unix 及苹果计算机 Mac OS X 操作系统 的标准编译器。GCC(特别是其中的C语言编译器)也常被认为是跨平台编译器的事实标准。

GCC 原名为GNU C 语言编译器(GNU C Compiler),因为它原本只能处理 C语言 。GCC 很快地扩展,变得可处理 C++。之后也变得可处理 Fortran、Pascal、Objective-C、Java, 以及 Ada 与其他语言。

文章转载自: 开源中国社区 [ http://www.oschina.net


本文标题:GCC 5.1 发布,C/C++ 编译器


