public class JvmStats implements Writeable, ToXContentFragment { private static final RuntimeMXBean runtimeMXBean; private static final MemoryMXBean memoryMXBean; private static final ThreadMXBean threadMXBean; private static final ClassLoadingMXBean classLoadingMXBean; static { runtimeMXBean = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean(); memoryMXBean = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean(); threadMXBean = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean(); classLoadingMXBean = ManagementFactory.getClassLoadingMXBean(); } public static JvmStats jvmStats() { MemoryUsage memUsage = memoryMXBean.getHeapMemoryUsage(); long heapUsed = memUsage.getUsed() < 0 ? 0 : memUsage.getUsed(); long heapCommitted = memUsage.getCommitted() < 0 ? 0 : memUsage.getCommitted(); long heapMax = memUsage.getMax() < 0 ? 0 : memUsage.getMax(); memUsage = memoryMXBean.getNonHeapMemoryUsage(); long nonHeapUsed = memUsage.getUsed() < 0 ? 0 : memUsage.getUsed(); long nonHeapCommitted = memUsage.getCommitted() < 0 ? 0 : memUsage.getCommitted(); List<MemoryPoolMXBean> memoryPoolMXBeans = ManagementFactory.getMemoryPoolMXBeans(); List<MemoryPool> pools = new ArrayList<>(); for (MemoryPoolMXBean memoryPoolMXBean : memoryPoolMXBeans) { try { MemoryUsage usage = memoryPoolMXBean.getUsage(); MemoryUsage peakUsage = memoryPoolMXBean.getPeakUsage(); String name = GcNames.getByMemoryPoolName(memoryPoolMXBean.getName(), null); if (name == null) { // if we can't resolve it, its not interesting.... (Per Gen, Code Cache) continue; } pools.add(new MemoryPool(name, usage.getUsed() < 0 ? 0 : usage.getUsed(), usage.getMax() < 0 ? 0 : usage.getMax(), peakUsage.getUsed() < 0 ? 0 : peakUsage.getUsed(), peakUsage.getMax() < 0 ? 0 : peakUsage.getMax() )); } catch (final Exception ignored) { } } Mem mem = new Mem(heapCommitted, heapUsed, heapMax, nonHeapCommitted, nonHeapUsed, Collections.unmodifiableList(pools)); Threads threads = new Threads(threadMXBean.getThreadCount(), threadMXBean.getPeakThreadCount()); List<GarbageCollectorMXBean> gcMxBeans = ManagementFactory.getGarbageCollectorMXBeans(); GarbageCollector[] collectors = new GarbageCollector[gcMxBeans.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < collectors.length; i++) { GarbageCollectorMXBean gcMxBean = gcMxBeans.get(i); collectors[i] = new GarbageCollector(GcNames.getByGcName(gcMxBean.getName(), gcMxBean.getName()), gcMxBean.getCollectionCount(), gcMxBean.getCollectionTime()); } GarbageCollectors garbageCollectors = new GarbageCollectors(collectors); List<BufferPool> bufferPoolsList = Collections.emptyList(); try { List<BufferPoolMXBean> bufferPools = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMXBeans(BufferPoolMXBean.class); bufferPoolsList = new ArrayList<>(bufferPools.size()); for (BufferPoolMXBean bufferPool : bufferPools) { bufferPoolsList.add(new BufferPool(bufferPool.getName(), bufferPool.getCount(), bufferPool.getTotalCapacity(), bufferPool.getMemoryUsed())); } } catch (Exception e) { // buffer pools are not available } Classes classes = new Classes(classLoadingMXBean.getLoadedClassCount(), classLoadingMXBean.getTotalLoadedClassCount(), classLoadingMXBean.getUnloadedClassCount()); return new JvmStats(System.currentTimeMillis(), runtimeMXBean.getUptime(), mem, threads, garbageCollectors, bufferPoolsList, classes); } private final long timestamp; private final long uptime; private final Mem mem; private final Threads threads; private final GarbageCollectors gc; private final List<BufferPool> bufferPools; private final Classes classes; public JvmStats(long timestamp, long uptime, Mem mem, Threads threads, GarbageCollectors gc, List<BufferPool> bufferPools, Classes classes) { this.timestamp = timestamp; this.uptime = uptime; this.mem = mem; this.threads = threads; this.gc = gc; this.bufferPools = bufferPools; this.classes = classes; } public JvmStats(StreamInput in) throws IOException { timestamp = in.readVLong(); uptime = in.readVLong(); mem = new Mem(in); threads = new Threads(in); gc = new GarbageCollectors(in); bufferPools = in.readList(BufferPool::new); classes = new Classes(in); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeVLong(timestamp); out.writeVLong(uptime); mem.writeTo(out); threads.writeTo(out); gc.writeTo(out); out.writeList(bufferPools); classes.writeTo(out); } public long getTimestamp() { return timestamp; } public TimeValue getUptime() { return new TimeValue(uptime); } public Mem getMem() { return this.mem; } public Threads getThreads() { return threads; } public GarbageCollectors getGc() { return gc; } public List<BufferPool> getBufferPools() { return bufferPools; } public Classes getClasses() { return classes; } @Override public XContentBuilder toXContent(XContentBuilder builder, Params params) throws IOException { builder.startObject(Fields.JVM); builder.field(Fields.TIMESTAMP, timestamp); builder.humanReadableField(Fields.UPTIME_IN_MILLIS, Fields.UPTIME, new TimeValue(uptime)); builder.startObject(Fields.MEM); builder.humanReadableField(Fields.HEAP_USED_IN_BYTES, Fields.HEAP_USED, new ByteSizeValue(mem.heapUsed)); if (mem.getHeapUsedPercent() >= 0) { builder.field(Fields.HEAP_USED_PERCENT, mem.getHeapUsedPercent()); } builder.humanReadableField(Fields.HEAP_COMMITTED_IN_BYTES, Fields.HEAP_COMMITTED, new ByteSizeValue(mem.heapCommitted)); builder.humanReadableField(Fields.HEAP_MAX_IN_BYTES, Fields.HEAP_MAX, new ByteSizeValue(mem.heapMax)); builder.humanReadableField(Fields.NON_HEAP_USED_IN_BYTES, Fields.NON_HEAP_USED, new ByteSizeValue(mem.nonHeapUsed)); builder.humanReadableField(Fields.NON_HEAP_COMMITTED_IN_BYTES, Fields.NON_HEAP_COMMITTED, new ByteSizeValue(mem.nonHeapCommitted)); builder.startObject(Fields.POOLS); for (MemoryPool pool : mem) { builder.startObject(pool.getName()); builder.humanReadableField(Fields.USED_IN_BYTES, Fields.USED, new ByteSizeValue(pool.used)); builder.humanReadableField(Fields.MAX_IN_BYTES, Fields.MAX, new ByteSizeValue(pool.max)); builder.humanReadableField(Fields.PEAK_USED_IN_BYTES, Fields.PEAK_USED, new ByteSizeValue(pool.peakUsed)); builder.humanReadableField(Fields.PEAK_MAX_IN_BYTES, Fields.PEAK_MAX, new ByteSizeValue(pool.peakMax)); builder.endObject(); } builder.endObject(); builder.endObject(); builder.startObject(Fields.THREADS); builder.field(Fields.COUNT, threads.getCount()); builder.field(Fields.PEAK_COUNT, threads.getPeakCount()); builder.endObject(); builder.startObject(Fields.GC); builder.startObject(Fields.COLLECTORS); for (GarbageCollector collector : gc) { builder.startObject(collector.getName()); builder.field(Fields.COLLECTION_COUNT, collector.getCollectionCount()); builder.humanReadableField(Fields.COLLECTION_TIME_IN_MILLIS, Fields.COLLECTION_TIME, new TimeValue(collector.collectionTime)); builder.endObject(); } builder.endObject(); builder.endObject(); if (bufferPools != null) { builder.startObject(Fields.BUFFER_POOLS); for (BufferPool bufferPool : bufferPools) { builder.startObject(bufferPool.getName()); builder.field(Fields.COUNT, bufferPool.getCount()); builder.humanReadableField(Fields.USED_IN_BYTES, Fields.USED, new ByteSizeValue(bufferPool.used)); builder.humanReadableField(Fields.TOTAL_CAPACITY_IN_BYTES, Fields.TOTAL_CAPACITY, new ByteSizeValue(bufferPool.totalCapacity)); builder.endObject(); } builder.endObject(); } builder.startObject(Fields.CLASSES); builder.field(Fields.CURRENT_LOADED_COUNT, classes.getLoadedClassCount()); builder.field(Fields.TOTAL_LOADED_COUNT, classes.getTotalLoadedClassCount()); builder.field(Fields.TOTAL_UNLOADED_COUNT, classes.getUnloadedClassCount()); builder.endObject(); builder.endObject(); return builder; } //...... }
static final class Fields { static final String JVM = "jvm"; static final String TIMESTAMP = "timestamp"; static final String UPTIME = "uptime"; static final String UPTIME_IN_MILLIS = "uptime_in_millis"; static final String MEM = "mem"; static final String HEAP_USED = "heap_used"; static final String HEAP_USED_IN_BYTES = "heap_used_in_bytes"; static final String HEAP_USED_PERCENT = "heap_used_percent"; static final String HEAP_MAX = "heap_max"; static final String HEAP_MAX_IN_BYTES = "heap_max_in_bytes"; static final String HEAP_COMMITTED = "heap_committed"; static final String HEAP_COMMITTED_IN_BYTES = "heap_committed_in_bytes"; static final String NON_HEAP_USED = "non_heap_used"; static final String NON_HEAP_USED_IN_BYTES = "non_heap_used_in_bytes"; static final String NON_HEAP_COMMITTED = "non_heap_committed"; static final String NON_HEAP_COMMITTED_IN_BYTES = "non_heap_committed_in_bytes"; static final String POOLS = "pools"; static final String USED = "used"; static final String USED_IN_BYTES = "used_in_bytes"; static final String MAX = "max"; static final String MAX_IN_BYTES = "max_in_bytes"; static final String PEAK_USED = "peak_used"; static final String PEAK_USED_IN_BYTES = "peak_used_in_bytes"; static final String PEAK_MAX = "peak_max"; static final String PEAK_MAX_IN_BYTES = "peak_max_in_bytes"; static final String THREADS = "threads"; static final String COUNT = "count"; static final String PEAK_COUNT = "peak_count"; static final String GC = "gc"; static final String COLLECTORS = "collectors"; static final String COLLECTION_COUNT = "collection_count"; static final String COLLECTION_TIME = "collection_time"; static final String COLLECTION_TIME_IN_MILLIS = "collection_time_in_millis"; static final String BUFFER_POOLS = "buffer_pools"; static final String TOTAL_CAPACITY = "total_capacity"; static final String TOTAL_CAPACITY_IN_BYTES = "total_capacity_in_bytes"; static final String CLASSES = "classes"; static final String CURRENT_LOADED_COUNT = "current_loaded_count"; static final String TOTAL_LOADED_COUNT = "total_loaded_count"; static final String TOTAL_UNLOADED_COUNT = "total_unloaded_count"; }
public static class GarbageCollectors implements Writeable, Iterable<GarbageCollector> { private final GarbageCollector[] collectors; public GarbageCollectors(GarbageCollector[] collectors) { this.collectors = collectors; } public GarbageCollectors(StreamInput in) throws IOException { collectors = in.readArray(GarbageCollector::new, GarbageCollector[]::new); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeArray(collectors); } public GarbageCollector[] getCollectors() { return this.collectors; } @Override public Iterator<GarbageCollector> iterator() { return Arrays.stream(collectors).iterator(); } }
public static class GarbageCollector implements Writeable { private final String name; private final long collectionCount; private final long collectionTime; public GarbageCollector(String name, long collectionCount, long collectionTime) { this.name = name; this.collectionCount = collectionCount; this.collectionTime = collectionTime; } public GarbageCollector(StreamInput in) throws IOException { name = in.readString(); collectionCount = in.readVLong(); collectionTime = in.readVLong(); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeString(name); out.writeVLong(collectionCount); out.writeVLong(collectionTime); } public String getName() { return this.name; } public long getCollectionCount() { return this.collectionCount; } public TimeValue getCollectionTime() { return new TimeValue(collectionTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } }
public static class Threads implements Writeable { private final int count; private final int peakCount; public Threads(int count, int peakCount) { this.count = count; this.peakCount = peakCount; } public Threads(StreamInput in) throws IOException { count = in.readVInt(); peakCount = in.readVInt(); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeVInt(count); out.writeVInt(peakCount); } public int getCount() { return count; } public int getPeakCount() { return peakCount; } }
public static class MemoryPool implements Writeable { private final String name; private final long used; private final long max; private final long peakUsed; private final long peakMax; public MemoryPool(String name, long used, long max, long peakUsed, long peakMax) { this.name = name; this.used = used; this.max = max; this.peakUsed = peakUsed; this.peakMax = peakMax; } public MemoryPool(StreamInput in) throws IOException { name = in.readString(); used = in.readVLong(); max = in.readVLong(); peakUsed = in.readVLong(); peakMax = in.readVLong(); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeString(name); out.writeVLong(used); out.writeVLong(max); out.writeVLong(peakUsed); out.writeVLong(peakMax); } public String getName() { return this.name; } public ByteSizeValue getUsed() { return new ByteSizeValue(used); } public ByteSizeValue getMax() { return new ByteSizeValue(max); } public ByteSizeValue getPeakUsed() { return new ByteSizeValue(peakUsed); } public ByteSizeValue getPeakMax() { return new ByteSizeValue(peakMax); } }
public static class Mem implements Writeable, Iterable<MemoryPool> { private final long heapCommitted; private final long heapUsed; private final long heapMax; private final long nonHeapCommitted; private final long nonHeapUsed; private final List<MemoryPool> pools; public Mem(long heapCommitted, long heapUsed, long heapMax, long nonHeapCommitted, long nonHeapUsed, List<MemoryPool> pools) { this.heapCommitted = heapCommitted; this.heapUsed = heapUsed; this.heapMax = heapMax; this.nonHeapCommitted = nonHeapCommitted; this.nonHeapUsed = nonHeapUsed; this.pools = pools; } public Mem(StreamInput in) throws IOException { heapCommitted = in.readVLong(); heapUsed = in.readVLong(); nonHeapCommitted = in.readVLong(); nonHeapUsed = in.readVLong(); heapMax = in.readVLong(); pools = in.readList(MemoryPool::new); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeVLong(heapCommitted); out.writeVLong(heapUsed); out.writeVLong(nonHeapCommitted); out.writeVLong(nonHeapUsed); out.writeVLong(heapMax); out.writeList(pools); } @Override public Iterator<MemoryPool> iterator() { return pools.iterator(); } public ByteSizeValue getHeapCommitted() { return new ByteSizeValue(heapCommitted); } public ByteSizeValue getHeapUsed() { return new ByteSizeValue(heapUsed); } /** * returns the maximum heap size. 0 bytes signals unknown. */ public ByteSizeValue getHeapMax() { return new ByteSizeValue(heapMax); } /** * returns the heap usage in percent. -1 signals unknown. */ public short getHeapUsedPercent() { if (heapMax == 0) { return -1; } return (short) (heapUsed * 100 / heapMax); } public ByteSizeValue getNonHeapCommitted() { return new ByteSizeValue(nonHeapCommitted); } public ByteSizeValue getNonHeapUsed() { return new ByteSizeValue(nonHeapUsed); } }
public static class BufferPool implements Writeable { private final String name; private final long count; private final long totalCapacity; private final long used; public BufferPool(String name, long count, long totalCapacity, long used) { this.name = name; this.count = count; this.totalCapacity = totalCapacity; this.used = used; } public BufferPool(StreamInput in) throws IOException { name = in.readString(); count = in.readLong(); totalCapacity = in.readLong(); used = in.readLong(); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeString(name); out.writeLong(count); out.writeLong(totalCapacity); out.writeLong(used); } public String getName() { return this.name; } public long getCount() { return this.count; } public ByteSizeValue getTotalCapacity() { return new ByteSizeValue(totalCapacity); } public ByteSizeValue getUsed() { return new ByteSizeValue(used); } }
public static class Classes implements Writeable { private final long loadedClassCount; private final long totalLoadedClassCount; private final long unloadedClassCount; public Classes(long loadedClassCount, long totalLoadedClassCount, long unloadedClassCount) { this.loadedClassCount = loadedClassCount; this.totalLoadedClassCount = totalLoadedClassCount; this.unloadedClassCount = unloadedClassCount; } public Classes(StreamInput in) throws IOException { loadedClassCount = in.readLong(); totalLoadedClassCount = in.readLong(); unloadedClassCount = in.readLong(); } @Override public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeLong(loadedClassCount); out.writeLong(totalLoadedClassCount); out.writeLong(unloadedClassCount); } public long getLoadedClassCount() { return loadedClassCount; } public long getTotalLoadedClassCount() { return totalLoadedClassCount; } public long getUnloadedClassCount() { return unloadedClassCount; } }