开源中国的 IT 公司开源软件整理计划介绍
HttpComponents HttpAsyncClient 4.1 GA 发布,此版本主要有以下更新:
Support for pipelined request execution
Support for the latest HTTP state management specification (RFC 6265).
Enhanced, redesigned and rewritten default SSL hostname verifier with
improved RFC 2818 compliance
Default SSL hostname verifier and default cookie policy now validate
certificate identity and cookie domain of origin against the public
suffix list maintained by Mozilla.org<https://publicsuffix.org/list>
Authentication cache thread-safety: authentication cache used by
HttpClient is now thread-safe and can be shared by multiple threads in
order to re-use authentication state for subsequent requests
详细信息请查看 发行页面 。
4.1.tar.gz [ md5 ][ pgp ]
4.1.zip [ md5 ][ pgp ]
4.1.tar.gz [ md5 ][ pgp ]
4.1.zip [ md5 ][ pgp ]
HttpAsyncClient 是一个异步的 HTTP 客户端开发包,基于 HttpCore NIO 和 HttpClient 组件。
HttpAsyncClient 的出现并不是为了替换 HttpClient,而是作为一个补充用于需要大量并发连接,对性能要求非常高的基于HTTP的原生数据通信,而且提供了事件驱动的 API。