


python中的多线程其实并不是真正的多线程,如果想要充分地使用多核CPU的资源,在python中大部分情况需要使用多进程。Python提供了非常好用的多进程包multiprocessing,只需要定义一个函数,Python会完成其他所有事情。借助这个包,可以轻松完成从单进程到 并发执行 的转换。multiprocessing支持子进程、通信和共享数据、执行不同形式的同步,提供了Process、Queue、Pipe、Lock等组件。

1. Process

创建进程的类:Process([group [, target [, name [, args [, kwargs]]]]]),target表示调用对象,args表示调用对象的位置参数元组。kwargs表示调用对象的字典。name为别名。group实质上不使用。




import multiprocessing import time def worker(interval):  n = 5  while n > 0:   print("The time is {0}".format(time.ctime()))   time.sleep(interval)   n -= 1 if __name__ == "__main__":  p = multiprocessing.Process(target = worker, args = (3,))  p.start()  print "p.pid:", p.pid  print "p.name:", p.name  print "p.is_alive:", p.is_alive() 


p.pid: 8736 p.name: Process-1 p.is_alive: True The time is Tue Apr 21 20:55:12 2015 The time is Tue Apr 21 20:55:15 2015 The time is Tue Apr 21 20:55:18 2015 The time is Tue Apr 21 20:55:21 2015 The time is Tue Apr 21 20:55:24 2015


import multiprocessing import time def worker_1(interval):  print "worker_1"  time.sleep(interval)  print "end worker_1" def worker_2(interval):  print "worker_2"  time.sleep(interval)  print "end worker_2" def worker_3(interval):  print "worker_3"  time.sleep(interval)  print "end worker_3" if __name__ == "__main__":  p1 = multiprocessing.Process(target = worker_1, args = (2,))  p2 = multiprocessing.Process(target = worker_2, args = (3,))  p3 = multiprocessing.Process(target = worker_3, args = (4,))  p1.start()  p2.start()  p3.start()  print("The number of CPU is:" + str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()))  for p in multiprocessing.active_children():   print("child   p.name:" + p.name + "/tp.id" + str(p.pid))  print "END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 


The number of CPU is:4 child   p.name:Process-3 p.id7992 child   p.name:Process-2 p.id4204 child   p.name:Process-1 p.id6380 END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! worker_1 worker_3 worker_2 end worker_1 end worker_2 end worker_3


import multiprocessing import time class ClockProcess(multiprocessing.Process):  def __init__(self, interval):      multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self)   self.interval = interval  def run(self):   n = 5   while n > 0:    print("the time is {0}".format(time.ctime()))    time.sleep(self.interval)    n -= 1 if __name__ == '__main__':  p = ClockProcess(3)  p.start()    



the time is Tue Apr 21 20:31:30 2015 the time is Tue Apr 21 20:31:33 2015 the time is Tue Apr 21 20:31:36 2015 the time is Tue Apr 21 20:31:39 2015 the time is Tue Apr 21 20:31:42 2015

例1.4:daemon程序对比 结果


import multiprocessing import time def worker(interval):  print("work start:{0}".format(time.ctime()));  time.sleep(interval)  print("work end:{0}".format(time.ctime())); if __name__ == "__main__":  p = multiprocessing.Process(target = worker, args = (3,))  p.start()  print "end!" 


end! work start:Tue Apr 21 21:29:10 2015 work end:Tue Apr 21 21:29:13 2015


import multiprocessing import time def worker(interval):  print("work start:{0}".format(time.ctime()));  time.sleep(interval)  print("work end:{0}".format(time.ctime())); if __name__ == "__main__":  p = multiprocessing.Process(target = worker, args = (3,))  p.daemon = True  p.start()  print "end!" 





import multiprocessing import time def worker(interval):  print("work start:{0}".format(time.ctime()));  time.sleep(interval)  print("work end:{0}".format(time.ctime())); if __name__ == "__main__":  p = multiprocessing.Process(target = worker, args = (3,))  p.daemon = True  p.start()  p.join()  print "end!" 


work start:Tue Apr 21 22:16:32 2015 work end:Tue Apr 21 22:16:35 2015 end!

2. Lock


import multiprocessing import sys def worker_with(lock, f):  with lock:   fs = open(f, 'a+')   n = 10   while n > 1:    fs.write("Lockd acquired via with/n")    n -= 1   fs.close() def worker_no_with(lock, f):  lock.acquire()  try:   fs = open(f, 'a+')   n = 10   while n > 1:    fs.write("Lock acquired directly/n")    n -= 1   fs.close()  finally:   lock.release() if __name__ == "__main__":  lock = multiprocessing.Lock()  f = "file.txt"  w = multiprocessing.Process(target = worker_with, args=(lock, f))  nw = multiprocessing.Process(target = worker_no_with, args=(lock, f))  w.start()  nw.start()  print "end" 


Lockd acquired via with Lockd acquired via with Lockd acquired via with Lockd acquired via with Lockd acquired via with Lockd acquired via with Lockd acquired via with Lockd acquired via with Lockd acquired via with Lock acquired directly Lock acquired directly Lock acquired directly Lock acquired directly Lock acquired directly Lock acquired directly Lock acquired directly Lock acquired directly Lock acquired directly

3. Semaphore


import multiprocessing import time def worker(s, i):  s.acquire()  print(multiprocessing.current_process().name + "acquire");  time.sleep(i)  print(multiprocessing.current_process().name + "release/n");  s.release() if __name__ == "__main__":  s = multiprocessing.Semaphore(2)  for i in range(5):   p = multiprocessing.Process(target = worker, args=(s, i*2))   p.start() 


Process-1acquire Process-1release  Process-2acquire Process-3acquire Process-2release  Process-5acquire Process-3release  Process-4acquire Process-5release  Process-4release

4. Event


import multiprocessing import time def wait_for_event(e):  print("wait_for_event: starting")  e.wait()  print("wairt_for_event: e.is_set()->" + str(e.is_set())) def wait_for_event_timeout(e, t):  print("wait_for_event_timeout:starting")  e.wait(t)  print("wait_for_event_timeout:e.is_set->" + str(e.is_set())) if __name__ == "__main__":  e = multiprocessing.Event()  w1 = multiprocessing.Process(name = "block",    target = wait_for_event,    args = (e,))  w2 = multiprocessing.Process(name = "non-block",    target = wait_for_event_timeout,    args = (e, 2))  w1.start()  w2.start()  time.sleep(3)  e.set()  print("main: event is set") 


wait_for_event: starting wait_for_event_timeout:starting wait_for_event_timeout:e.is_set->False main: event is set wairt_for_event: e.is_set()->True

5. Queue



import multiprocessing def writer_proc(q):     try:      q.put(1, block = False)   except:      pass    def reader_proc(q):     try:      print q.get(block = False)   except:      pass if __name__ == "__main__":  q = multiprocessing.Queue()  writer = multiprocessing.Process(target=writer_proc, args=(q,))    writer.start()     reader = multiprocessing.Process(target=reader_proc, args=(q,))    reader.start()    reader.join()    writer.join() 


6. Pipe

Pipe方法返回(conn1, conn2)代表一个管道的两个端。Pipe方法有duplex参数,如果duplex参数为True(默认值),那么这个管道是全双工模式,也就是说conn1和conn2均可收发。duplex为False,conn1只负责接受消息,conn2只负责发送消息。


import multiprocessing import time def proc1(pipe):  while True:   for i in xrange(10000):    print "send: %s" %(i)    pipe.send(i)    time.sleep(1) def proc2(pipe):  while True:   print "proc2 rev:", pipe.recv()   time.sleep(1) def proc3(pipe):  while True:   print "PROC3 rev:", pipe.recv()   time.sleep(1) if __name__ == "__main__":  pipe = multiprocessing.Pipe()  p1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=proc1, args=(pipe[0],))  p2 = multiprocessing.Process(target=proc2, args=(pipe[1],))  #p3 = multiprocessing.Process(target=proc3, args=(pipe[1],))   p1.start()  p2.start()  #p3.start()   p1.join()  p2.join()  #p3.join() 


