
Java性能 -- 命令行工具

$ free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 15948 15261 687 304 37 6343
-/+ buffers/cache: 8880 7068
Swap: 0 0 0
  1. Mem 是从 操作系统 的角度来看的
    • 总共有15948M物理内存,其中15261M被使用了,还有687可用, 15948 = 15261 + 687
    • 有若干线程共享了304M物理内存,已经被弃用(值总为0)
    • buffer / cached :为了 提高IO性能 ,由OS管理
      • A buffer is something that has yet to be “written” to disk.
      • A cache is something that has been “read” from the disk and stored for later use.
      • buffer和cached占用的内存可以 被快速回收
  2. -/+ buffers/cache 是从 应用程序 的角度来看的
    8880 ≈ (15261 - 37 - 6343 = 8881)
    7068 ≈ (687 + 37 + 6343 = 7067)


$ vmstat -S M 1 5
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- -----cpu-----
r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa st
2 0 0 295 1 5684 0 0 8 23 1 2 5 1 93 0 0
0 0 0 295 1 5684 0 0 0 0 11326 25112 6 5 90 0 0
0 0 0 295 1 5685 0 0 0 0 10855 24065 2 2 96 0 0
0 0 0 294 1 5686 0 0 0 4 11756 25472 4 2 94 0 0
0 0 0 294 1 5686 0 0 0 0 10208 22726 4 4 91 0 0

$ free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 15948 15655 293 5362 1 5687
-/+ buffers/cache: 9966 5981
Swap: 0 0 0
  1. vmstat是一款指定采样周期和次数的 功能性监控工具 ,可以用来监控进程上下文切换的情况
  2. procs
    • r: The number of runnable processes ( running or waiting for run time)
    • b: The number of processes in uninterruptible sleep
  3. memory
    • swpd: the amount of virtual memory used
    • free: the amount of idle memory
    • buff: the amount of memory used as buffers
    • cache: the amount of memory used as cache
  4. swap
    • si: Amount of memory swapped in from disk (/s)
    • so: Amount of memory swapped to disk (/s)
  5. io
    • bi: Blocks received from a block device (blocks/s)
    • bo: Blocks sent to a block device (blocks/s)
  6. system
    • in: The number of interrupts per second, including the clock
    • cs: The number of context switches per second
  7. cpu
    • us: Time spent running non-kernel code
    • sy: Time spent running kernel code
    • id: Time spent idle, this includes IO-wait time
    • wa: Time spent waiting for IO, included in idle
    • st: Time stolen from a virtual machine


  1. pidstat可以监测到 具体线程的上下文切换 ,pidstat是 sysstat 中的一个组件
  2. 常用参数
    • -u : Report CPU utilization
    • -r : Report page faults and memory utilization
    • -d : Report I/O statistics
    • -w : Report task switching activity
    • -t : Also display statistics for threads associated with selected tasks
    • -p { pid [,...] | SELF | ALL } : Select tasks (processes) for which statistics are to be reported


$ pidstat -u -p 4256 1 3
Linux 2.6.32-696.el6.x86_64 (XXXX) 2019年XX月XX日 _x86_64_ (32 CPU)

22时59分32秒 PID %usr %system %guest %CPU CPU Command
22时59分33秒 4256 71.00 13.00 0.00 84.00 1 java
22时59分34秒 4256 60.00 10.00 0.00 70.00 1 java
22时59分35秒 4256 76.24 12.87 0.00 89.11 1 java
平均时间: 4256 69.10 11.96 0.00 81.06 - java

$ pidstat -u -I -p 4256 1 3
Linux 2.6.32-696.el6.x86_64 (XXXX) 2019年XX月XX日 _x86_64_ (32 CPU)

23时06分18秒 PID %usr %system %guest %CPU CPU Command
23时06分19秒 4256 69.31 12.87 0.00 2.63 1 java
23时06分20秒 4256 69.00 12.00 0.00 2.57 1 java
23时06分21秒 4256 62.00 12.00 0.00 2.34 1 java
平均时间: 4256 66.78 12.29 0.00 2.51 - java
  1. %usr
    • Percentage of CPU used by the task while executing at the user level ( application )
    • Note that this field does NOT include time spent running a virtual processor
  2. %system
    • Percentage of CPU used by the task while executing at the system level ( kernel )
  3. %guest
    • Percentage of CPU spent by the task in virtual machine (running a virtual processor )
  4. %CPU
    • Total percentage of CPU time used by the task
    • In an SMP environment, the task’s CPU usage will be divided by the total number of CPU’s if option -I has been entered on the command line
  5. CPU
    • Processor number to which the task is attached

页错误 + 内存使用率

$ pidstat -r -p 4256 1 3
23时11分26秒 PID minflt/s majflt/s VSZ RSS %MEM Command
23时11分27秒 4256 2132.00 0.00 22427892 5172756 7.84 java
23时11分28秒 4256 1623.00 0.00 22427892 5172728 7.84 java
23时11分29秒 4256 1942.00 0.00 22427892 5172728 7.84 java
平均时间: 4256 1899.00 0.00 22427892 5172737 7.84 java
  1. minflt/s
    • Total number of minor faults the task has made per second, those which have not required loading a memory page from disk
  2. majflt/s
    • Total number of major faults the task has made per second, those which have required loading a memory page from disk
  3. VSZ
    • Virtual Size: The virtual memory usage of entire task in kilobytes
  4. RSS
    • Resident Set Size: The non-swapped physical memory used by the task in kilobytes


$ pidstat -d -p 4256 1 3
23时24分59秒 PID kB_rd/s kB_wr/s kB_ccwr/s Command
23时25分00秒 4256 0.00 408.00 0.00 java
23时25分01秒 4256 0.00 356.44 0.00 java
23时25分02秒 4256 0.00 375.76 0.00 java
平均时间: 4256 0.00 380.00 0.00 java
  1. kB_rd/s
    • Number of kilobytes the task has caused to be read from disk per second
  2. kB_wr/s
    • Number of kilobytes the task has caused, or shall cause to be written to disk per second
  3. kB_ccwr/s
    • Number of kilobytes whose writing to disk has been cancelled by the task
    • This may occur when the task truncates some dirty pagecache
      • In this case, some IO which another task has been accounted for will not be happening


$ pidstat -w -p 4256 1 3
22时54分33秒 PID cswch/s nvcswch/s Command
22时54分34秒 4256 0.00 0.00 java
22时54分35秒 4256 0.00 0.00 java
22时54分36秒 4256 0.00 0.00 java
平均时间: 4256 0.00 0.00 java
  1. cswch/s
    • Total number of voluntary context switches the task made per second
    • A voluntary context switch occurs when a task blocks because it requires a resource that is unavailable
  2. nvcswch/s
    • Total number of non voluntary context switches the task made per second
    • A involuntary context switch takes place when a task executes for the duration of its time slice and then is forced to relinquish the processor


$ pidstat -w -t -p 4256 | head -n 10

23时32分03秒 TGID TID cswch/s nvcswch/s Command
23时32分03秒 4256 - 0.00 0.00 java
23时32分03秒 - 4256 0.00 0.00 |__java
23时32分03秒 - 4259 0.00 0.00 |__java
23时32分03秒 - 4306 0.04 0.01 |__java
23时32分03秒 - 4307 0.04 0.01 |__java
23时32分03秒 - 4308 0.04 0.01 |__java
23时32分03秒 - 4315 0.04 0.01 |__java


jstack可以查看 线程堆栈 的运行情况,可以结合 pidstat -t -p PID 来查看具体线程的 状态

$ sudo /usr/local/java/bin/jstack -F 5850
Thread 5853: (state = BLOCKED)
- java.lang.Object.wait(long) @bci=0 (Interpreted frame)
- java.lang.Object.wait() @bci=2, line=503 (Interpreted frame)
- xx.xx.xx.service.client.proxy.Provider.start() @bci=889, line=208 (Interpreted frame)
- xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.main(java.lang.String[]) @bci=368, line=90 (Interpreted frame)
原文  http://zhongmingmao.me/2019/09/04/java-performance-command-line-tool/