开源中国的 IT 公司开源软件整理计划介绍
Jenkins 1.612 发布,此版本主要包括以下更新:
Handle AbortException publisher status in the same way as deprecated false boolean status (issue 26964)Ensures GlobalSettingsProvider does not swallow fatal exceptions (issue 26604)
add datestamp to node-offline message (issue 23917)
Larger minimum popup menu height. (issue 27067)
As promised, shipping with Java7 class files. (issue 28120)
Descriptor.getId fix in 1.610 introduced regressions affecting at least the Performance and NodeJS plugins. (issue 28093 and issue 28110)
Under rare conditions Executor.getProgress() can throw a Division by zero exception. (issue 28115)
The Run from the command line option for launching a JNLP slave should display the configured JVM options. (issue 28111)
详细信息请查看 发行页面 。
Jenkins 的前身是Hudson是一个可扩展的持续集成引擎。