概述:近期在使用QingCloud的Kubesphere,极好的用户体验,私有化部署,无基础设施依赖,无 Kubernetes 依赖,支持跨物理机、虚拟机、云平台部署,可以纳管不同版本、不同厂商的 Kubernetes 集群。在k8s上层进行了封装实现了基于角色的权限控制,DevOPS流水线快速实现CI/CD,内置harbor/gitlab/jenkins/sonarqube等常用工具,基于基于 OpenPitrix 提供应用的全生命周期管理,包含开发、测试、发布、升级,下架等应用相关操作自己体验还是非常的棒。 同样作为开源项目,难免存在一些bug,在自己的使用中遇到下排错思路,非常感谢qingcloud社区提供的技术协助,对k8s有兴趣的可以去体验下国产的平台,如丝般顺滑的体验,rancher的用户也可以来对不体验下。
docker rm `docker ps -a |grep Exited |awk '{print $1}'` 复制代码
kubectl delete pods -n kubesphere-devops-system $(kubectl get pods -n kubesphere-devops-system |grep Evicted|awk '{print $1}') kubectl delete pods -n kubesphere-devops-system $(kubectl get pods -n kubesphere-devops-system |grep CrashLoopBackOff|awk '{print $1}') 复制代码
#!/bin/bash # auth:kaliarch clear_evicted_pod() { ns=$1 kubectl delete pods -n ${ns} $(kubectl get pods -n ${ns} |grep Evicted|awk '{print $1}') } clear_crash_pod() { ns=$1 kubectl delete pods -n ${ns} $(kubectl get pods -n ${ns} |grep CrashLoopBackOff|awk '{print $1}') } clear_exited_container() { docker rm `docker ps -a |grep Exited |awk '{print $1}'` } echo "1.clear exicted pod" echo "2.clear crash pod" echo "3.clear exited container" read -p "Please input num:" num case ${num} in "1") read -p "Please input oper namespace:" ns clear_evicted_pod ${ns} ;; "2") read -p "Please input oper namespace:" ns clear_crash_pod ${ns} ;; "3") clear_exited_container ;; "*") echo "input error" ;; esac 复制代码
# 获取所有ns kubectl get ns|grep -v "NAME"|awk '{print $1}' # 清理驱逐状态的pod for ns in `kubectl get ns|grep -v "NAME"|awk '{print $1}'`;do kubectl delete pods -n ${ns} $(kubectl get pods -n ${ns} |grep Evicted|awk '{print $1}');done # 清理异常pod for ns in `kubectl get ns|grep -v "NAME"|awk '{print $1}'`;do kubectl delete pods -n ${ns} $(kubectl get pods -n ${ns} |grep CrashLoopBackOff|awk '{print $1}');done 复制代码
在安装过程中未指定docker数据目录,系统盘50G,随着时间推移磁盘不够用,需要迁移docker数据,使用软连接方式: 首选挂载新磁盘到/data目录
systemctl stop docker mkdir -p /data/docker/ rsync -avz /var/lib/docker/ /data/docker/ mv /var/lib/docker /data/docker_bak ln -s /data/docker /var/lib/ systemctl daemon-reload systemctl start docker 复制代码
root@fd1b8101475d:/# ip a
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet scope host lo valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 复制代码
2: tunl0@NONE: mtu 1480 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 1
link/ipip brd 复制代码
105: eth0@if106: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default
link/ether 02:42:ac:11:00:02 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netnsid 0 inet brd scope global eth0 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 复制代码
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue qlen 1
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet scope host lo valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 复制代码
2: tunl0@NONE: mtu 1480 qdisc noop qlen 1
link/ipip brd 复制代码
4: eth0@if18: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP,M-DOWN> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue
link/ether c2:27:44:13:df:5d brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet scope global eth0 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 复制代码
修改文件/etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/docker-options.conf中去掉参数:--iptables=false 这个参数等于false时会不写iptables
[Service] Environment="DOCKER_OPTS= --registry-mirror=https://registry.docker-cn.com --data-root=/var/lib/docker --log-opt max-size=10m --log-opt max-file=3 --insecure-registry=harbor.devops.kubesphere.local:30280" 复制代码
kind: Ingress apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 metadata: name: prod-app-ingress namespace: prod-net-route resourceVersion: '8631859' labels: app: prod-app-ingress annotations: desc: 生产环境应用路由 nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/client-body-buffer-size: 1024m nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size: 2048m nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-read-timeout: '3600' nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-send-timeout: '1800' nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/service-upstream: 'true' spec: tls: - hosts: - smartms.tools.anchnet.com secretName: smartms-ca - hosts: - smartsds.tools.anchnet.com secretName: smartsds-ca rules: - host: smartms.tools.anchnet.com http: paths: - path: / backend: serviceName: smartms-frontend-svc servicePort: 80 - host: smartsds.tools.anchnet.com http: paths: - path: / backend: serviceName: smartsds-frontend-svc servicePort: 80 复制代码
用户在自己的使用场景当中,可能会使用不同的语言版本活不同的工具版本。这篇文档主要介绍如何替换内置的 agent。
默认base-build镜像中没有sonar-scanner工具,Kubesphere Jenkins 的每一个 agent 都是一个Pod,如果要替换内置的agent,就需要替换 agent 的相应镜像。
构建最新 kubesphere/builder-base:advanced-1.0.0 版本的 agent 镜像
参考链接: kubesphere.io/docs/advanc…
在 KubeSphere 修改 jenkins-casc-config 以后,您需要在 Jenkins Dashboard 系统管理下的 configuration-as-code 页面重新加载您更新过的系统配置。
:warning:先修改kubesphere中jenkins的配置, jenkins-casc-config参考: www.cloudbees.com/blog/mail-s…
变量名 | 解释 |
BUILD_NUMBER | The current build number, such as "153" |
BUILD_ID | The current build ID, identical to BUILD_NUMBER for builds created in 1.597+, but a YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss timestamp for older builds |
BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME | The display name of the current build, which is something like "#153" by default. |
JOB_NAME | Name of the project of this build, such as "foo" or "foo/bar". (To strip off folder paths from a Bourne shell script, try: ${JOB_NAME##*/}) |
BUILD_TAG | String of "jenkins- {BUILD_NUMBER}". Convenient to put into a resource file, a jar file, etc for easier identification. |
EXECUTOR_NUMBER | The unique number that identifies the current executor (among executors of the same machine) that’s carrying out this build. This is the number you see in the "build executor status", except that the number starts from 0, not 1. |
NODE_NAME | Name of the slave if the build is on a slave, or "master" if run on master |
NODE_LABELS | Whitespace-separated list of labels that the node is assigned. |
WORKSPACE | The absolute path of the directory assigned to the build as a workspace. |
JENKINS_HOME | The absolute path of the directory assigned on the master node for Jenkins to store data. |
JENKINS_URL | Full URL of Jenkins, like http://server:port/jenkins/ (note: only available if Jenkins URL set in system configuration) |
BUILD_URL | Full URL of this build, like http://server:port/jenkins/job/foo/15/ (Jenkins URL must be set) |
SVN_REVISION | Subversion revision number that's currently checked out to the workspace, such as "12345" |
SVN_URL | Subversion URL that's currently checked out to the workspace. |
JOB_URL | Full URL of this job, like http://server:port/jenkins/job/foo/ (Jenkins URL must be set) |
mail to: 'xuel@net.com', charset:'UTF-8', // or GBK/GB18030 mimeType:'text/plain', // or text/html subject: "Kubesphere ${env.JOB_NAME} [${env.BUILD_NUMBER}] 发布正常Running Pipeline: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}", body: """ ---------Anchnet Devops Kubesphere Pipeline job-------------------- 项目名称 : ${env.JOB_NAME} 构建次数 : ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} 扫描信息 : 地址:${SONAR_HOST} 镜像地址 : ${REGISTRY}/${QHUB_NAMESPACE}/${APP_NAME}:${IMAGE_TAG} 构建详情:SUCCESSFUL: Job ${env.JOB_NAME} [${env.BUILD_NUMBER}] 构建状态 : ${env.JOB_NAME} jenkins 发布运行正常 构建URL : ${env.BUILD_URL}""" 复制代码