The Kaggle competition for the MIT's course The Analytic Edge on edX is now over.
Here is my solution to the competition, it ranked 244 on the final leader board, which is by no means great but still rank within top 10%.
My approach is to minimizing the effort to do feature engineering by hand. Instead using a couple of automated methods to extracting features from the text in the dataset. For the modeling process, I used the Xgboost package, using cross-validation to pick the number of iterations to avoid overfit to the training set.
Set up working directory 设定工作环境
setwd("~/GitHub/edX/The Analytic Edge/Kaggle")
Load Libraries 装载函数包
library(tm) library(rCUR) library(topicmodels) library(xgboost)
Function Definition
Function for dummy encoding 用于生成虚拟编码的函数
dummyEncoding <- function(df, colname){ dummyDf <-[,colname])) names(dummyDf) <- paste(colname,as.character(levels(df[,colname])),sep="") df[,colname] <- NULL df <- cbind(df,dummyDf) df }
Loading Data
newsTrain <- read.csv("NYTimesBlogTrain.csv", stringsAsFactors = F) newsTest <- read.csv("NYTimesBlogTest.csv", stringsAsFactors = F) ntrain <- nrow(newsTrain) ntest <- nrow(newsTest) Y <- as.factor(newsTrain$Popular) newsTrain$Popular <- NULL originalDf <- rbind(newsTrain, newsTest)
Imputing missing categorical data 填补下缺失数据
I used a really simple approach, after inspecting the correlation among them.
imputedDf <- originalDf iY <- Y imputedDf$NewsDesk[originalDf$SectionName == "Arts"] <- "Culture" imputedDf$NewsDesk[originalDf$SectionName == "Business Day"] <- "Business" imputedDf$NewsDesk[originalDf$SectionName == "Crosswords/Games"] <- "Games" imputedDf$NewsDesk[originalDf$SectionName == "Health"] <- "Science" imputedDf$NewsDesk[originalDf$SectionName == "N.Y. / Region"] <- "Metro" imputedDf$NewsDesk[originalDf$SectionName == "Open"] <- "OpEd" imputedDf$NewsDesk[originalDf$SectionName == "Opinion"] <- "OpEd" imputedDf$NewsDesk[originalDf$SectionName == "Technology"] <- "Tech" imputedDf$NewsDesk[originalDf$SectionName == "Travel"] <- "Travel" imputedDf$NewsDesk[originalDf$SectionName == "World"] <- "Foreign" imputedDf$NewsDesk[originalDf$SubsectionName == "Education"] <- "Education"
Remove data entries which has a NewsDesk value not appeared in the testing data训练数据中有几个文章NewsDesk是National或者Sports,然而测试数据中没有这样的,干脆去掉
ntrain <- ntrain - sum(imputedDf$NewsDesk == "National") iY <- iY[(imputedDf$NewsDesk[1:length(iY)] != "National")] imputedDf <- imputedDf[(imputedDf$NewsDesk != "National"),] ntrain <- ntrain - sum(imputedDf$NewsDesk == "Sports") iY <- iY[(imputedDf$NewsDesk[1:length(iY)] != "Sports")] imputedDf <- imputedDf[(imputedDf$NewsDesk != "Sports"),]
Change "" to "Other", No effect on modeling, just don't like to see ""将""改成"Other",应该没什么影响
for (i in 1:nrow(imputedDf)){ for (j in 1:3){ if (imputedDf[i,j] == ""){ imputedDf[i,j] <- "Other"}}}
Log Transform "WordCount" 将字数做个对数转变
imputedDf$WordCount <- log(imputedDf$WordCount + 1)
QR = Question Mark in the title?QR表示标题中有无问号
imputedDf$QR <- rep(0,nrow(imputedDf)) imputedDf$QR[grep("//?", imputedDf$Headline)] <- 1
Extract Hour and day in week从发表日期中抽取时间和周几
imputedDf$PubDate <- strptime(imputedDf$PubDate, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") imputedDf$Hour <- as.factor(imputedDf$PubDate$h) imputedDf$Wday <- as.factor(imputedDf$PubDate$wday) imputedDf$PubDate <- NULL
Extract all headline and abstract to form a corpus抽取题名和摘要文本构建一个语料库
text <- vector() for (i in 1:nrow(imputedDf)) { text <- rbind(text, paste(imputedDf$Headline[i], " ", imputedDf$Abstract[i])) } Corpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(text))
Corpus processing语料库处理
Corpus <- tm_map(Corpus, tolower) Corpus <- tm_map(Corpus, PlainTextDocument) Corpus <- tm_map(Corpus, removePunctuation) Corpus <- tm_map(Corpus, removeWords, stopwords("english")) Corpus <- tm_map(Corpus, stemDocument) Corpus <- tm_map(Corpus, removeWords, c("york","time","today","day","said","say","report","week","will","year","articl","can","daili","news"))
Document ~ TF-IDF matrix And Document ~ TF matrix
构建文档~TF-IDF矩阵 以及文档~TF矩阵
dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(Corpus, control = list(weighting = weightTfIdf)) tfdtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(Corpus)
Get frequent terms matrix as feature抽取频繁的术语
sparse <- removeSparseTerms(dtm, 0.975) words <- terms <- names(words) row.names(words) <- c(1:nrow(imputedDf)) imputedDf <- cbind(imputedDf, words)
Clustering 聚类
kmclusters <- kmeans(words, 8, iter.max = 10000) imputedDf <- cbind(imputedDf, kmclusters$cluster)
PCA 主要成分分析
cMatrix <- cMatrix <- as.matrix(removeSparseTerms(dtm, 0.99)) s <- svd(cMatrix) Sig <- diag(s$d) # plot(s$d) totaleng <- sum(Sig^2) engsum <- 0 k <- 0 for (i in 1:nrow(Sig)){ engsum <- engsum + Sig[i,i]^2 if (engsum/totaleng > 0.8){ k <- i break}} set.seed(1126) res <- CUR(cMatrix, c = 9, r = 85, k = k) ncolC <- ncol(getC(res)) Ak <- getC(res) %*% getU(res)[,1:ncolC] AkDF <- imputedDf <- cbind(imputedDf, AkDF)
LDA 潜在狄利克雷分配
lda <- LDA(tfdtm, control = list(seed = 880306, alpha = 0.1), k = 3) imputedDf$topic3 <- topics(lda) lda <- LDA(tfdtm, control = list(seed = 880306, alpha = 0.1), k = 5) imputedDf$topic5 <- topics(lda) lda <- LDA(tfdtm, control = list(seed = 880306, alpha = 0.1), k = 7) imputedDf$topic7 <- topics(lda) lda <- LDA(tfdtm, control = list(seed = 880306, alpha = 0.1), k = 9) imputedDf$topic9 <- topics(lda)
Dummy Encoding 虚拟编码
trainingDf <- imputedDf[,c(1:3,7,9:ncol(imputedDf))] names(trainingDf) <- c(names(trainingDf)[1:52],"cluster",names(trainingDf)[54:ncol(trainingDf)]) trainingDf$SectionName <- as.factor(trainingDf$SectionName) trainingDf$SubsectionName <- as.factor(trainingDf$SubsectionName) trainingDf$NewsDesk <- as.factor(trainingDf$NewsDesk) trainingDf$Hour <- as.factor(trainingDf$Hour) trainingDf$Wday <- as.factor(trainingDf$Wday) trainingDf$cluster <- as.factor(trainingDf$cluster) trainingDf$topic3 <- as.factor(trainingDf$topic3) trainingDf$topic5 <- as.factor(trainingDf$topic5) trainingDf$topic7 <- as.factor(trainingDf$topic7) trainingDf$topic9 <- as.factor(trainingDf$topic9) toEnco <- c("NewsDesk","SectionName","SubsectionName","Hour","Wday","cluster","topic3","topic5","topic7","topic9") for (colname in toEnco){ trainingDf <- dummyEncoding(trainingDf, colname) } x <- trainingDf[1:ntrain,] xt <- trainingDf[((1+ntrain):nrow(trainingDf)),]
Using cross validation to pick number of rounds for Xgboost
dtrain <- xgb.DMatrix(data = as.matrix(x), label = as.numeric(as.character(iY))) nround <- 30 param <- list(max.depth=6, eta=0.5,silent=1,nthread = 4, objective='binary:logistic') set.seed(880306) cvresult <-, dtrain, nround, nfold=5, metrics={'auc'},showsd = FALSE) nround <- which.max(cvresult$test.auc.mean) set.seed(880306) dtrain <- xgb.DMatrix(data = as.matrix(x), label = as.numeric(as.character(iY))) bst <- xgboost(data = dtrain, max.depth = 6, eta = 0.5, nround = nround, nthread = 4, eval_metric = "auc", objective = "binary:logistic") XgboostPred <- predict(bst, newdata = as.matrix(xt)) MySubmission = data.frame(UniqueID = newsTest$UniqueID, Probability1 = XgboostPred) write.csv(MySubmission, "Xgboost880306.csv", row.names = F)