
Shiro RCE again(Padding Oracle Attack)

Shiro RCE again(Padding Oracle Attack)



前一段时间Apache发了一个Shiro的漏洞通告 RememberMe Padding Oracle Vulnerability ,原因是Shiro使用了AES-128-CBC模式对cookie进行加密,导致恶意用户可以通过padding oracle攻击方式构造序列化数据进行 反序列化攻击 。

shiro是一个JAVA WEB中使用率很高的权限管理组件,平时HW、攻防演练遇到的也很多,于是拿来研究一下,记录一下。


shiro反序列化的攻击流程大家都比较熟悉,然而这次漏洞加入了padding oracle攻击方式比较令人费解,这里首先介绍一下padding oracle的利用方式。

Padding Oracle构造数据

网上已经有很多介绍Padding Oracle Attack的原理介绍和利用方法的文章,但是绝大部分都是讲如何获取明文,这就让人很难利用Padding Oracle方式攻击Shiro,Padding Oracle的另外一种利用方法就是构造加密数据,可以参考这篇文章。 Going the other way with padding oracles: Encrypting arbitrary data!

利用Padding Oracle构造密文

  • Select a string, P, that you want to generate ciphertext, C, for
  • Pad the string to be a multiple of the blocksize, using appropriate padding, then split it into blocks numbered from 1 to N
  • Generate a block of random data (CN – ultimately, the final block of ciphertext)
  • For each block of plaintext, starting with the last one…
    • Create a two-block string of ciphertext, C’, by combining an empty block (00000…) with the most recently generated ciphertext block (Cn+1) (or the random one if it’s the first round)
    • Change the last byte of the empty block until the padding errors go away, then use math (see below for way more detail) to set the last byte to 2 and change the second-last byte till it works. Then change the last two bytes to 3 and figure out the third-last, fourth-last, etc.
    • After determining the full block, XOR it with the plaintext block Pn to create Cn
    • Repeat the above process for each block (prepend an empty block to the new ciphertext block, calculate it, etc)

To put that in English: each block of ciphertext decrypts to an unknown value, then is XOR’d with the previous block of ciphertext. By carefully selecting the previous block, we can control what the next block decrypts to. Even if the next block decrypts to a bunch of garbage, it’s still being XOR’d to a value that we control, and can therefore be set to anything we want.


Shiro RCE again(Padding Oracle Attack)



Shiro RCE again(Padding Oracle Attack)


Shiro RCE again(Padding Oracle Attack)


Shiro RCE again(Padding Oracle Attack)

根据以上条件我们的思路是在正常序列化数据(需要一个已知的用户凭证获取正常序列化数据)后利用padding oracle构造我们自己的数据(需要学习的另一个知识点是java序列化数据后的脏数据不影响反序列化结果,感谢 @imbeee ),此时会有两中情况

  1. 构造的数据不能通过字符填充验证,返回deleteme
  2. 构造的数据可以成功解密通过字符填充验证,之后数据可以正常反序列化,不返回deleteme的cookie



Shiro RCE again(Padding Oracle Attack)


Shiro RCE again(Padding Oracle Attack)


Shiro RCE again(Padding Oracle Attack)


原文  https://www.anquanke.com/post/id/192819