ThreadLocal<String> threadLocal = new ThreadLocal<>();
in thread 1
//in thread1 treadLocal.set("value1"); ..... //value的值是value1 String value = threadLocal.get();
in thread 2
//in thread2 treadLocal.set("value2"); ..... //value的值是value2 String value = threadLocal.get();
static void testUsage() throws InterruptedException { Utils.println("-------------testUsage-------------------"); ThreadLocal<Long> threadLocal = new ThreadLocal<>(); AtomicBoolean threadSafe = new AtomicBoolean(true); int count = 10; CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(count); Random random = new Random(736832); for (int i = 0; i < count; i ++){ new Thread(() -> { try { //生成一个随机数 Long value = System.nanoTime() + random.nextInt(); threadLocal.set(value); Thread.sleep(1000); Long value2 = threadLocal.get(); if (!value.equals(value2)) { //get和set的value不一致,说明被别的线程修改了,但这是不可能出现的 threadSafe.set(false); Utils.println("thread unsafe, this could not be happen!"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { }finally { countDownLatch.countDown(); } }).start(); } countDownLatch.await(); Utils.println("all thread done, and threadSafe is " + threadSafe.get()); Utils.println("------------------------------------------"); }
-------------testUsage------------------ all thread done, and threadSafe is true -----------------------------------------
public void set(T value) { Thread t = Thread.currentThread(); ThreadLocalMap map = getMap(t); if (map != null) map.set(this, value); else createMap(t, value); } ThreadLocalMap getMap(Thread t) { return t.threadLocals; }
Thread的threadLocals字段是ThreadLocalMap类型(你可以简单理解为一个key value的Map),key是ThreadLocal对象,value是我们在外层设置的值
Thread.currentThread().threadLocals.set(threadLocal1, "value1"); ..... //value的值是value1 String value = Thread.currentThread().threadLocals.get(threadLocal1);
static Object getThreadLocalMap(Thread thread) throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException { //get thread.threadLocals Field threadLocals = Thread.class.getDeclaredField("threadLocals"); threadLocals.setAccessible(true); return threadLocals.get(thread); } static void printThreadLocalMap(Object threadLocalMap) throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException { String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); if(threadLocalMap == null){ Utils.println("threadMap is null, threadName:" + threadName); return; } Utils.println(threadName); //get threadLocalMap.table Field tableField = threadLocalMap.getClass().getDeclaredField("table"); tableField.setAccessible(true); Object[] table = (Object[])tableField.get(threadLocalMap); Utils.println("----threadLocals (ThreadLocalMap), table.length = " + table.length); for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i ++){ WeakReference<ThreadLocal<?>> entry = (WeakReference<ThreadLocal<?>>)table[i]; printEntry(entry, i); } } static void printEntry(WeakReference<ThreadLocal<?>> entry, int i) throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException { if(entry == null){ Utils.println("--------table[" + i + "] -> null"); return; } ThreadLocal key = entry.get(); //get entry.value Field valueField = entry.getClass().getDeclaredField("value"); valueField.setAccessible(true); Object value = valueField.get(entry); Utils.println("--------table[" + i + "] -> entry key = " + key + ", value = " + value); }
static void testStructure() throws InterruptedException { Utils.println("-------------testStructure----------------"); ThreadLocal<String> threadLocal1 = new ThreadLocal<>(); ThreadLocal<String> threadLocal2 = new ThreadLocal<>(); Thread thread1 = new Thread(() -> { threadLocal1.set("threadLocal1-value"); threadLocal2.set("threadLocal2-value"); try { Object threadLocalMap = getThreadLocalMap(Thread.currentThread()); printThreadLocalMap(threadLocalMap); } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }, "thread1"); thread1.start(); //wait thread1 done thread1.join(); Thread thread2 = new Thread(() -> { threadLocal1.set("threadLocal1-value"); try { Object threadLocalMap = getThreadLocalMap(Thread.currentThread()); printThreadLocalMap(threadLocalMap); } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }, "thread2"); thread2.start(); thread2.join(); Utils.println("------------------------------------------"); }
-------------testStructure---------------- thread1 ----threadLocals (ThreadLocalMap), table.length = 16 --------table[0] -> null --------table[1] -> entry key = java.lang.ThreadLocal@33baa315, value = threadLocal2-value --------table[2] -> null --------table[3] -> null --------table[4] -> null --------table[5] -> null --------table[6] -> null --------table[7] -> null --------table[8] -> null --------table[9] -> null --------table[10] -> entry key = java.lang.ThreadLocal@4d42db5c, value = threadLocal1-value --------table[11] -> null --------table[12] -> null --------table[13] -> null --------table[14] -> null --------table[15] -> null thread2 ----threadLocals (ThreadLocalMap), table.length = 16 --------table[0] -> null --------table[1] -> null --------table[2] -> null --------table[3] -> null --------table[4] -> null --------table[5] -> null --------table[6] -> null --------table[7] -> null --------table[8] -> null --------table[9] -> null --------table[10] -> entry key = java.lang.ThreadLocal@4d42db5c, value = threadLocal1-value --------table[11] -> null --------table[12] -> null --------table[13] -> null --------table[14] -> null --------table[15] -> null ------------------------------------------
static class Entry extends WeakReference<ThreadLocal<?>> { /** The value associated with this ThreadLocal. */ Object value; Entry(ThreadLocal<?> k, Object v) { super(k); value = v; } }
Weak reference objects, which do not prevent their referents from being
made finalizable, finalized, and then reclaimed. Weak references are most
often used to implement canonicalizing mappings.
当一个对象仅仅被weak reference(弱引用), 而没有任何其他strong reference(强引用)的时候, 不论当前的内存空间是否足够,当GC运行的时候, 这个对象就会被回收。
static void testWeakReference(){ Object obj1 = new Object(); Object obj2 = new Object(); WeakReference<Object> obj1WeakRef = new WeakReference<>(obj1); WeakReference<Object> obj2WeakRf = new WeakReference<>(obj2); //obj32StrongRef是强引用 Object obj2StrongRef = obj2; Utils.println("before gc: obj1WeakRef = " + obj1WeakRef.get() + ", obj2WeakRef = " + obj2WeakRf.get() + ", obj2StrongRef = " + obj2StrongRef); //把obj1和obj2设为null obj1 = null; obj2 = null; //强制gc forceGC(); Utils.println("after gc: obj1WeakRef = " + obj1WeakRef.get() + ", obj2WeakRef = " + obj2WeakRf.get() + ", obj2StrongRef = " + obj2StrongRef); }
before gc: obj1WeakRef = java.lang.Object@4554617c, obj2WeakRef = java.lang.Object@74a14482, obj2StrongRef = java.lang.Object@74a14482 after gc: obj1WeakRef = null, obj2WeakRef = java.lang.Object@74a14482, obj2StrongRef = java.lang.Object@74a14482
/** * 测试ThreadLocal对象什么时候被回收 * @throws InterruptedException */ static void testGC() throws InterruptedException { Utils.println("-----------------testGC-------------------"); Thread thread1 = new Thread(() -> { ThreadLocal<String> threadLocal1 = new ThreadLocal<>(); ThreadLocal<String> threadLocal2 = new ThreadLocal<>(); threadLocal1.set("threadLocal1-value"); threadLocal2.set("threadLocal2-value"); try { Object threadLocalMap = getThreadLocalMap(Thread.currentThread()); Utils.println("print threadLocalMap before gc"); printThreadLocalMap(threadLocalMap); //set threadLocal1 unreachable threadLocal1 = null; forceGC(); Utils.println("print threadLocalMap after gc"); printThreadLocalMap(threadLocalMap); } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }, "thread1"); thread1.start(); thread1.join(); Utils.println("------------------------------------------"); }
-----------------testGC------------------- print threadLocalMap before gc thread1 ----threadLocals (ThreadLocalMap), table.length = 16 --------table[0] -> null --------table[1] -> entry key = java.lang.ThreadLocal@7bf9cebf, value = threadLocal2-value --------table[2] -> null --------table[3] -> null --------table[4] -> null --------table[5] -> null --------table[6] -> null --------table[7] -> null --------table[8] -> null --------table[9] -> null --------table[10] -> entry key = java.lang.ThreadLocal@56342d38, value = threadLocal1-value --------table[11] -> null --------table[12] -> null --------table[13] -> null --------table[14] -> null --------table[15] -> null print threadLocalMap after gc thread1 ----threadLocals (ThreadLocalMap), table.length = 16 --------table[0] -> null --------table[1] -> entry key = java.lang.ThreadLocal@7bf9cebf, value = threadLocal2-value --------table[2] -> null --------table[3] -> null --------table[4] -> null --------table[5] -> null --------table[6] -> null --------table[7] -> null --------table[8] -> null --------table[9] -> null --------table[10] -> entry key = null, value = threadLocal1-value --------table[11] -> null --------table[12] -> null --------table[13] -> null --------table[14] -> null --------table[15] -> null ------------------------------------------
但是你发现没有,table[10]的key虽然是null了,但value还活着! table[10]这个entry对象,也活着!
set: 当一个新的threadLocal对象(没有set过value)发生set调用时,会在map中加入新的entry,此时有机会清除掉无用的entry,清除的逻辑是:
每个ThreadLocal对象,都有一个threadLocalHashCode变量,在加入ThreadLocalMap的时候,根据这个threadLocalHashCode的值,对entry数组的长度取余(hash & (len - 1)),余数作为下标。
public class ThreadLocal<T>{ private final int threadLocalHashCode = nextHashCode(); private static AtomicInteger nextHashCode = new AtomicInteger(); private static final int HASH_INCREMENT = 0x61c88647; private static int nextHashCode() { return nextHashCode.getAndAdd(HASH_INCREMENT); } ... }
int hashCode = 0; int HASH_INCREMENT = 0x61c88647; int length = 16; for(int i = 0; i < length ; i ++){ int h = hashCode & (length - 1); hashCode += HASH_INCREMENT; System.out.println("h = " + h + ", i = " + i); }
h = 0, i = 0 h = 7, i = 1 h = 14, i = 2 h = 5, i = 3 h = 12, i = 4 h = 3, i = 5 h = 10, i = 6 h = 1, i = 7 h = 8, i = 8 h = 15, i = 9 h = 6, i = 10 h = 13, i = 11 h = 4, i = 12 h = 11, i = 13 h = 2, i = 14 h = 9, i = 15
你看,h的值在16次递增内,没有发生重复。 但是要记住,2的N次方作为长度才会有这个效果,这也解释了为什么ThreadLocalMap的entry数组初始长度是16,每次都是2倍的扩容。
static void resetNextHashCode() throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException { Field nextHashCodeField = ThreadLocal.class.getDeclaredField("nextHashCode"); nextHashCodeField.setAccessible(true); nextHashCodeField.set(null, new AtomicInteger(1253254570)); }
static void testExpungeSomeEntriesWhenGetOrSet() throws InterruptedException { Utils.println("----------testExpungeStaleEntries----------"); Thread thread1 = new Thread(() -> { try { resetNextHashCode(); //注意,这里必须有两个ThreadLocal,才能验证出threadLocal1被清理 ThreadLocal<String> threadLocal1 = new ThreadLocal<>(); ThreadLocal<String> threadLocal2 = new ThreadLocal<>(); threadLocal1.set("threadLocal1-value"); threadLocal2.set("threadLocal2-value"); Object threadLocalMap = getThreadLocalMap(Thread.currentThread()); //set threadLocal1 unreachable threadLocal1 = null; threadLocal2 = null; forceGC(); Utils.println("print threadLocalMap after gc"); printThreadLocalMap(threadLocalMap); ThreadLocal<String> newThreadLocal1 = new ThreadLocal<>(); newThreadLocal1.get(); Utils.println("print threadLocalMap after call a new newThreadLocal1.get"); printThreadLocalMap(threadLocalMap); ThreadLocal<String> newThreadLocal2 = new ThreadLocal<>(); newThreadLocal2.set("newThreadLocal2-value"); Utils.println("print threadLocalMap after call a new newThreadLocal2.set"); printThreadLocalMap(threadLocalMap); } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }, "thread1"); thread1.start(); thread1.join(); Utils.println("------------------------------------------"); }
----------testExpungeStaleEntries---------- print threadLocalMap after gc thread1 ----threadLocals (ThreadLocalMap), table.length = 16 --------table[0] -> null --------table[1] -> entry key = null, value = threadLocal2-value --------table[2] -> null --------table[3] -> null --------table[4] -> null --------table[5] -> null --------table[6] -> null --------table[7] -> null --------table[8] -> null --------table[9] -> null --------table[10] -> entry key = null, value = threadLocal1-value --------table[11] -> null --------table[12] -> null --------table[13] -> null --------table[14] -> null --------table[15] -> null print threadLocalMap after call a new newThreadLocal1.get thread1 ----threadLocals (ThreadLocalMap), table.length = 16 --------table[0] -> null --------table[1] -> entry key = null, value = threadLocal2-value --------table[2] -> null --------table[3] -> null --------table[4] -> null --------table[5] -> null --------table[6] -> null --------table[7] -> null --------table[8] -> entry key = java.lang.ThreadLocal@2b63dc81, value = null --------table[9] -> null --------table[10] -> null --------table[11] -> null --------table[12] -> null --------table[13] -> null --------table[14] -> null --------table[15] -> null print threadLocalMap after call a new newThreadLocal2.set thread1 ----threadLocals (ThreadLocalMap), table.length = 16 --------table[0] -> null --------table[1] -> null --------table[2] -> null --------table[3] -> null --------table[4] -> null --------table[5] -> null --------table[6] -> null --------table[7] -> null --------table[8] -> entry key = java.lang.ThreadLocal@2b63dc81, value = null --------table[9] -> null --------table[10] -> null --------table[11] -> null --------table[12] -> null --------table[13] -> null --------table[14] -> null --------table[15] -> entry key = java.lang.ThreadLocal@2e93c547, value = newThreadLocal2-value ------------------------------------------
static void testExpungeAllEntries() throws InterruptedException { Utils.println("----------testExpungeStaleEntries----------"); Thread thread1 = new Thread(() -> { try { resetNextHashCode(); int threshold = 16 * 2 / 3; ThreadLocal[] threadLocals = new ThreadLocal[threshold - 1]; for(int i = 0; i < threshold - 1; i ++){ threadLocals[i] = new ThreadLocal<String>(); threadLocals[i].set("threadLocal" + i + "-value"); } Object threadLocalMap = getThreadLocalMap(Thread.currentThread()); threadLocals[1] = null; threadLocals[8] = null; //threadLocals[6] = null; //threadLocals[4] = null; //threadLocals[2] = null; forceGC(); Utils.println("print threadLocalMap after gc"); printThreadLocalMap(threadLocalMap); ThreadLocal<String> newThreadLocal1 = new ThreadLocal<>(); newThreadLocal1.set("newThreadLocal1-value"); Utils.println("print threadLocalMap after call a new newThreadLocal1.get"); printThreadLocalMap(threadLocalMap); } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }, "thread1"); thread1.start(); thread1.join(); Utils.println("------------------------------------------"); }
----------testExpungeStaleEntries---------- print threadLocalMap after gc thread1 ----threadLocals (ThreadLocalMap), table.length = 16 --------table[0] -> null --------table[1] -> entry key = null, value = threadLocal1-value --------table[2] -> entry key = null, value = threadLocal8-value --------table[3] -> null --------table[4] -> entry key = java.lang.ThreadLocal@60523912, value = threadLocal6-value --------table[5] -> null --------table[6] -> entry key = java.lang.ThreadLocal@48fccd7a, value = threadLocal4-value --------table[7] -> null --------table[8] -> entry key = java.lang.ThreadLocal@188bbe72, value = threadLocal2-value --------table[9] -> null --------table[10] -> entry key = java.lang.ThreadLocal@19e0ebe8, value = threadLocal0-value --------table[11] -> entry key = java.lang.ThreadLocal@688bcb6f, value = threadLocal7-value --------table[12] -> null --------table[13] -> entry key = java.lang.ThreadLocal@46324c19, value = threadLocal5-value --------table[14] -> null --------table[15] -> entry key = java.lang.ThreadLocal@38f1283, value = threadLocal3-value print threadLocalMap after call a new newThreadLocal1.get thread1 ----threadLocals (ThreadLocalMap), table.length = 32 --------table[0] -> null --------table[1] -> null --------table[2] -> null --------table[3] -> null --------table[4] -> null --------table[5] -> null --------table[6] -> entry key = java.lang.ThreadLocal@48fccd7a, value = threadLocal4-value --------table[7] -> null --------table[8] -> null --------table[9] -> entry key = java.lang.ThreadLocal@1dae16b1, value = newThreadLocal1-value --------table[10] -> entry key = java.lang.ThreadLocal@19e0ebe8, value = threadLocal0-value --------table[11] -> null --------table[12] -> null --------table[13] -> entry key = java.lang.ThreadLocal@46324c19, value = threadLocal5-value --------table[14] -> null --------table[15] -> null --------table[16] -> null --------table[17] -> null --------table[18] -> null --------table[19] -> null --------table[20] -> entry key = java.lang.ThreadLocal@60523912, value = threadLocal6-value --------table[21] -> null --------table[22] -> null --------table[23] -> null --------table[24] -> entry key = java.lang.ThreadLocal@188bbe72, value = threadLocal2-value --------table[25] -> null --------table[26] -> null --------table[27] -> entry key = java.lang.ThreadLocal@688bcb6f, value = threadLocal7-value --------table[28] -> null --------table[29] -> null --------table[30] -> null --------table[31] -> entry key = java.lang.ThreadLocal@38f1283, value = threadLocal3-value ------------------------------------------
所以在确定不再需要ThreadLocal中的值的情况下, 还是老老实实的调用remove方法吧!