首先说结论: PowerMock和Sonar使用的覆盖率工具JaCoCo(Java Code Coverage)冲突导致的 。具体而言:
工具,该工具在加载类的时候会直接从.class文件中重新读取字节码导致JaCoCo的修改全没了。点击查看PowerMock作者已经做在github上做的 官方解释
: The simplest way to use JaCoCo it is — on-the-fly instrumentation with using JaCoCo Java Agent. In this case a class in modified when it is being loaded . You can just run you application with JaCoCo agent and a code coverage is calculated. This way is used by Eclemma and Intellij Idea. But there is a big issue. PowerMock instruments classes also. Javassist is used to modify classes. The main issue is that Javassist reads classes from disk and all JaCoCo changes are disappeared . As result zero code coverage for classes witch are loaded by PowerMock class loader.
但是还有两点迷惑的地方:1 github官方文档上言之凿凿: But right now there is**NO WAY TO USE**PowerMock with JaCoCo On-the-fly instrumentation
但是根据笔者使用实际只要没有加入到@PerpareForTest中和JaCoCo配合使用是没有问题的;2在Jacoco官网上还找到另外一种解释并且在笔者Jenkins上也看到了类似的报错: For report generation the same class files must be used as at runtime
关于第一点:经过一番对于PowerMock源代码的分析可知只有在而在@PrepareForTest中的类才会使用 Javassist
public ClassLoader createForClass(final MockTransformer... extraMockTransformer) { final ByteCodeFramework byteCodeFramework = ByteCodeFramework.getByteCodeFrameworkForTestClass(testClass); if (testClass.isAnnotationPresent(PrepareEverythingForTest.class)) { return create(byteCodeFramework, new String[]{MockClassLoader.MODIFY_ALL_CLASSES}, extraMockTransformer); } else { final String[] prepareForTestClasses = prepareForTestExtractor.getTestClasses(testClass); final String[] suppressStaticClasses = suppressionExtractor.getTestClasses(testClass); return create(byteCodeFramework, arrayMerger.mergeArrays(String.class, prepareForTestClasses, suppressStaticClasses), extraMockTransformer); } }
而ClassLoader加载过程中会判断是否需要Mock也就是否在@PrepareForTest的类的列表中,如果再的话就使用LoadMockClass方法加载,这个里面就用到了上文说的 Javassist
@Override protected Class<?> loadClassByThisClassLoader(String className) throws ClassFormatError, ClassNotFoundException { final Class<?> loadedClass; Class<?> deferClass = deferTo.loadClass(className); if (getConfiguration().shouldMockClass(className)) { loadedClass = loadMockClass(className, deferClass.getProtectionDomain()); } else { loadedClass = loadUnmockedClass(className, deferClass.getProtectionDomain()); } return loadedClass; }
The root of the problem: "JaCoCo uses a hashcode of the class definition for class identity."
So the cglib modified classes has different hashcodes than the originals.
I don't think the PowerMock guys can solve this problem, so I think this will be a long-term problem.
关于 Javassist
加载的问题在GitHub上大神 thekingn0thing
试图使用ByteBuddy来替代Javassist并已经有了部分实现不过最后由于ByteBuddy还不完善很多 Javassist
的功能在ByteBuddy上没能得到很好支持,thekingn0thing不得不自己实现,导致issue过多而又 revert
了: 并表示短期内不会重拾这项工作了