Junit是一个Java 编程语言的开源测试框架,用于编写和运行测试。官网 地址: https://junit.org/junit4/
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd"> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId>junit</groupId> <artifactId>junitTest</artifactId> <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version> <packaging>pom</packaging> <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/junit/junit --> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>junit</groupId> <artifactId>junit</artifactId> <version>4.12</version> </dependency> </dependencies> </project>
方法 | 示例 | 功能 |
assertArrayEquals | assertArrayEquals("message", expected, actual); | 判断两个数组是否相等 |
assertEquals | assertEquals("message", "text", "text"); | 判断两个对象是否相等 |
assertFalse | assertFalse("failure - should be false", false); | 判断表达式是否为false |
testAssertTrue | assertTrue("failure - should be true", true); | 判断表达式是否为true |
assertNotNull | assertNotNull("should not be null", new Object()); | 判断是否非空 |
assertNull | assertNull("should be null", null); | 判断是否为空 |
assertNotSame | assertNotSame("should not be same Object", new Object(), new Object()); | 判断是否为不同对象 |
assertSame | assertSame("should be same", aNumber, aNumber); | 判断是否为同一对象 |
...... | ...... | ...... |
JUnit中所有的测试方法都是由测试运行器负责执行。当一个类被 @RunWith 注释或拓展了一个@RunWith注释的类,JUnit将会使用引用的类来执行测试,而不是使用JUnit内置的运行器。
org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runClasses(TestClass1.class, ...);
Specialized Runners:
测试套件用于捆绑几个单元测试用例并且一起执行他们,使用@RunWith 和 @Suite 注解。
@RunWith(Suite.class) @Suite.SuiteClasses({AssertTests.class, CalculatorTest.class}) public class SuiteTest { // the class remains empty, used only as a holder for the above annotations }
要改变测试执行的顺序只需要在测试类上使用 @FixMethodOrder注解,并指定一个可用的MethodSorter即可:
@FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.JVM): 保留测试方法的执行顺序为JVM返回的顺序,每次测试的执行顺序有可能会所不同
@FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING) public class ExecutionOrderTest { @Test public void testB() { System.out.println("second"); } @Test public void testA() { System.out.println("first"); } @Test public void testC() { System.out.println("third"); } }
first second third
3、ExpectedException Rule方式:使用Rule标记来指定一个ExpectedException,并在测试相应操作之前指定期望的Exception类型。
public class ExpectedExceptionsTest { //方法一:@Test(expected=xxx) @Test(expected = IndexOutOfBoundsException.class) public void empty() { new ArrayList<Object>().get(0); } //方法二:try...fail...catch... 当没有异常被抛出的时候fail方法会被调用,输出测试失败的信息。 @Test public void testExceptionMessage() { try { new ArrayList<Object>().get(0); fail("Expected an IndexOutOfBoundsException to be thrown"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException anIndexOutOfBoundsException) { assertThat(anIndexOutOfBoundsException.getMessage(), is("Index: 0, Size: 0")); } } //方法三:在测试之前使用Rule标记来指定一个ExpectedException,并在测试相应操作之前指定期望的Exception类型(如IndexOutOfBoundException.class) @Rule public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none(); @Test public void shouldTestExceptionMessage() throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); thrown.expect(IndexOutOfBoundsException.class); thrown.expectMessage("Index: 0, Size: 0"); list.get(0); } }
assertThat(T actual, Matcher matcher);
assertThat(String reason, T actual, Matcher matcher);
http://hamcrest.org/JavaHamcrest/javadoc/1.3/org/hamcrest/Matchers.htmlpublic class IgnoreTest { @Ignore("Test is ignored as a demonstration") @Test public void testSame() { assertThat(1, is(1)); } }
@Timeout 注解用来测试特定方法的执行时间。如果测试方法的执行时间大于指定的超时参数,测试方法将抛出异常,测试结果为失败。指定的超时参数单位为 毫秒 。
@Test(timeout = 2000) public void testSleepForTooLong() throws Exception { log += "ran1"; TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(100); // sleep for 100 seconds }
public class TimeoutTests { public static String log; private final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); @Rule public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.seconds(3); // 3 seconds max per method tested @Test public void testSleepForTooLong() throws Exception { log += "ran1"; TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(100); // sleep for 100 seconds } @Test public void testBlockForever() throws Exception { log += "ran2"; latch.await(); // will block } }
@RunWith(Parameterized.class) public class FibonacciTest { @Parameters(name = "{index}: fib({0})={1}") public static Collection<Object[]> data() { return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] { { 0, 0 }, { 1, 1 }, { 2, 1 }, { 3, 2 }, { 4, 3 }, { 5, 5 }, { 6, 8 } }); } private int fInput; private int fExpected; public FibonacciTest(int input, int expected) { this.fInput = input; this.fExpected = expected; } @Test public void test() { assertEquals(fExpected, Fibonacci.compute(fInput)); } }
@RunWith(Parameterized.class) public class FibonacciTest { @Parameters(name = "{index}: fib({0})={1}") public static Collection<Object[]> data() { return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] { { 0, 0 }, { 1, 1 }, { 2, 1 }, { 3, 2 }, { 4, 3 }, { 5, 5 }, { 6, 8 } }); } @Parameter // first data value (0) is default public /* NOT private */ int fInput; @Parameter(1) public /* NOT private */ int fExpected; @Test public void test() { assertEquals(fExpected, Fibonacci.compute(fInput)); } }
public class AssumptionsTest { @Test public void testAssumTrue() { System.out.println("test"); assumeTrue(3>5); //该方法中下面所有的代码在上面假设的条件成立后执行 //如果上述假设不成立,则会忽略执行该行下面的代码,并报错 System.out.println("assume is true!"); } @Test public void testAssumFalse(){ assumeFalse(3>5); System.out.println("assume is true!"); } }
@Test public void testAssumTrueMessage() { assumeTrue(3<5, //第二个参数为当第一个参数不成立时,输出的自定义错误信息 () -> "Aborting test: not on developer workstation"); System.out.println("assume is true!"); } @Test public void testAssumeTrueLambda(){ //这个方法的第一个参数为函数式接口,无参数返回值为boolean assumeTrue(()->{ System.out.println("in assumeTrue"); boolean flag = false; return flag; }); System.out.println("out assumeTrue"); } @Test public void testAssumThat() { assumingThat(3>5, () -> { //与上述方法不同的是,仅当前面假设成立时,才会执行这里面的语句 //且只会影响到该lambda表达式中的代码 assertEquals(2, 2); }); //此处的断言不受上述assumingThat限制,在所有情况下都会执行 System.out.println("no effect"); assertEquals("a string", "a string"); }
一个JUnit Rule就是一个实现了TestRule的类,用来在每个测试方法的执行前后执行一些代码。
JUnit自带很多已经实现过好了的JUnit Rule,比如Timeout,ExpectedException等等。
自定义一个Rule就是implement一个TestRule interface,实现一个叫apply()的方法。
public class MethodNameExample implements TestRule { @Override public Statement apply(final Statement base, final Description description) { return new Statement() { @Override public void evaluate() throws Throwable { //base.evaluate()之前为测试方法运行之前所做操作 String className = description.getClassName(); String methodName = description.getMethodName(); //运行测试方法 base.evaluate(); //base.evaluate()之后为测试方法运行之后所做操作 System.out.println("Class name: "+className +", method name: "+methodName); } }; } }
public class RuleTest2 { @Rule public MethodNameExample methodNameExample = new MethodNameExample(); @Test public void addition_isCorrect() throws Exception { assertEquals(4, 2 + 2); } @Test public void mulitiplication_isCorrect() throws Exception { assertEquals(4, 2 * 2); } }
@RunWith(Theories.class) public class TheoryTest { //允许的最大误差 private static final double DELTA = 0.01; /*@DataPoints注解静态变量*/ @DataPoint public static int ZERO = 0; @DataPoint public static int TWO = 2; @DataPoint public static int EIGHT = 8; //标志这个测试为Theory测试 @Theory public void testDivide(int dividend, int divisor) { //跳过除数为0的case assumeThat(divisor, not(0)); //Calculator.divide(dividend, divisor)方法返回他们相除的结果 assertEquals(dividend / divisor, Calculator.divide(dividend, divisor), DELTA); System.out.println("Passed with: dividend=" + dividend + ", divisor=" + divisor); } }
@RunWith(Theories.class) public class TheoryTest { //允许的最大误差 private static final double DELTA = 0.01; /*@DataPoints注解一个静态方法*/ @DataPoints public static int[] getTestData() { return new int[]{0, 2, 8}; } //标志这个测试为Theory测试 @Theory public void testDivide(int dividend, int divisor) { //跳过除数为0的case assumeThat(divisor, not(0)); //Calculator.divide(dividend, divisor)方法返回他们相除的结果 assertEquals(dividend / divisor, Calculator.divide(dividend, divisor), DELTA); System.out.println("Passed with: dividend=" + dividend + ", divisor=" + divisor); } }
Passed with: dividend=0, divisor=2 Passed with: dividend=0, divisor=8 Passed with: dividend=2, divisor=2 Passed with: dividend=2, divisor=8 Passed with: dividend=8, divisor=2 Passed with: dividend=8, divisor=8
import org.junit.experimental.theories.Theories; import org.junit.experimental.theories.Theory; import org.junit.experimental.theories.suppliers.TestedOn; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; @RunWith(Theories.class) public class TheoryTest { //允许的最大误差 private static final double DELTA = 0.01; //如果需要限定某个参数,可以使用@TestOn注解 @Theory public void testDivide2( @TestedOn(ints = {0, 2, 8}) int dividend, @TestedOn(ints = {2, 8}) int divisor ) { assertEquals(dividend / divisor, Calculator.divide(dividend, divisor), DELTA); System.out.println("Passed with: dividend=" + dividend + ", divisor=" + divisor); } }
JUnit默认只提供了一个int型的简单 Parameter Supplier 实现,而Theory机制真正的价值在于,能参考@TestedOn的做法,相对简单的完全自定义出可重用 Parameter Supplier,适应于各种复杂要求的限定范围参数值测试场景,满足开发者所需的高度动态自定义范围取值自动化测试,同时保留与一般@Test相同的强大兼容性。
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) // 声明注解接口所使用的委托处理类 @ParametersSuppliedBy(BetweenSupplier.class) public @interface Between{ // 声明所有可用参数,效果为 @Between([first = int,] last = int) int first() default 0; // 声明默认值 int last(); }
public class BetweenSupplier extends ParameterSupplier { @Override public List<PotentialAssignment> getValueSources(ParameterSignature sig) { // 自定义实参值列表 List<PotentialAssignment> list = new ArrayList<PotentialAssignment>(); // 获取注解变量 Between between = sig.getAnnotation(Between.class); // 获取通过注解@Between传入的first值 int first = between.first(); // 获取通过注解@Between传入的last值 int last = between.last(); for (int i = first; i <= last; i++) { // PotentialAssignment.forValue(String name, Object value) // name为value的描述标记,没实际作用 // value为实参可选值 list.add(PotentialAssignment.forValue("name", i)); } return list; } }
@RunWith(Theories.class) public class TheoryDefinedTest { @Theory public final void test(@Between(last = 0) int i, @Between(first = 3, last= 10) int j) { // i 取值为 0(first默认=0,last=0),j 取值为 3-10 System.out.println("i="+i+" j="+j); } }
i=0 j=3 i=0 j=4 i=0 j=5 i=0 j=6 i=0 j=7 i=0 j=8 i=0 j=9 i=0 j=10
Test Fixture是指一个测试运行所需的固定环境,也是就是测试运行之前所需的稳定的、公共的可重复的运行环境,这个“环境”不仅可以是数据,也可以指对被测软件的准备,例如实例化被测方法所依赖的类、加载数据库等等。
public class FixtureTest { private static int quantity = 0; public FixtureTest() { quantity++; } @BeforeClass public static void breforeTestOnlyOnce() throws Exception { System.out.println("Run before all test only once..."+ quantity); } @AfterClass public static void afterTestOnlyOnce() throws Exception { System.out.println("Run after all test only once..."+ quantity); } @Before public void beforePerTest() { System.out.println("Run before per test ..."+ quantity); } @After public void afterPerTest() { System.out.println("Run after per test ..."+ quantity); } //Test Method @Test public void testOne() { System.out.println("testOne Start..."+ quantity); } @Test public void testTwo() { System.out.println("testTwo Start..."+ quantity); } }
Run before all test only once...0 Run before per test ...1 testOne Start...1 Run after per test ...1 Run before per test ...2 testTwo Start...2 Run after per test ...2 Run after all test only once...2
category 和 testSuite的比较:testSuite是类级分组(xx.class),category是用例级分组(@Test),category是testSuite的升级
public interface FastTests { /* category marker */ } public interface SlowTests { /* category marker */ } public class A { @Test public void a() { fail(); } @Category(SlowTests.class) @Test public void b() { } } @Category({SlowTests.class, FastTests.class}) public class B { @Test public void c() { } } @RunWith(Categories.class) @IncludeCategory(SlowTests.class) @SuiteClasses( { A.class, B.class }) // Note that Categories is a kind of Suite public class SlowTestSuite { // Will run A.b and B.c, but not A.a } @RunWith(Categories.class) @IncludeCategory(SlowTests.class) @ExcludeCategory(FastTests.class) @SuiteClasses( { A.class, B.class }) // Note that Categories is a kind of Suite public class SlowTestSuite { // Will run A.b, but not A.a or B.c }
如果你觉得此文对你有帮助,如果你对软件测试、接口测试、自动化测试、面试经验交流感兴趣欢迎加入 软件测试技术群:695458161 ,群里发放的免费资料都是笔者十多年测试生涯的精华。还有同行大神一起交流技术哦。