where and customer_name
= #{customer_name} customer
where 1 = 1 and gender
= #{gender} customer
where and customer_name
= #{customer_name} and gender
= #{gender} <select id="getCustomer" resultType="com.zszxz.dynamic.entity.Customer" > select * from `customer` where 1=1 <if test="customer_name!=null and customer_name!='' "> and `customer_name` = #{customer_name} </if> <if test="gender!=null and gender!=''"> and `gender` = #{gender} </if> </select> 复制代码
2.1 中我们在 where 后面使用 1=1 的操作,表示永远为真,不是一个规范的数据库操作;我们通常在select 语句的条件部分会使用 where 标签 与 if 标签 搭配使用,此时就可以消除 1=1操作带来的负面影响
<select id="getCustomer" resultType="com.zszxz.dynamic.entity.Customer" > select * from `customer` <where> <if test="customer_name!=null and customer_name!='' "> and `customer_name` = #{customer_name} </if> <if test="gender!=null and gender!=''"> and `gender` = #{gender} </if> </where> </select> 复制代码
有时候需要一种场景就是 if else 形式的判断,如下示例中
from customer
; customer
; <select id="getCustomer" resultType="com.zszxz.dynamic.entity.Customer" > select <choose> <when test="customer_name=!null"> `gender` </when> <otherwise> * </otherwise> </choose> from `customer` </select> 复制代码
先说下trim 属性 代表的涵义
如下示例中 执行的SQL语句就是 select * from customer
where customer_name
= #{customer_name}
<select id="getCustomer" resultType="com.zszxz.dynamic.entity.Customer" > select * from `customer` <trim prefix="where" prefixOverrides="and"> and `customer_name` = #{customer_name} </trim> </select> 复制代码
set 标签 只有在 更新操作中能用到;如下示例中set标签会默认将最后一个多余的逗号去除;
<update id="updateCustomer" parameterType="com.zszxz.dynamic.entity.Customer"> update `customer` <set> <if test="customer_name!=null"> `customer_name` = #{customer_name}, </if> <if test="gender!=null"> `gender` = #{gender}, </if> <if test="telephone!=null"> `telephone` = #{telephone}, </if> <if test="register_time!=null"> `register_time` = #{register_time}, </if> </set> <where> id = #{id} </where> </update> 复制代码
如果所有的参数都不为空 执行的语句如下
update `customer` SET `customer_name` = ?, `gender` = ?, `telephone` = ?, `register_time` = ? WHERE id = ? 复制代码
<trim prefix="SET" suffixOverrides=","> ... </trim> 复制代码
foreach 标签属性说明如下
<select id="getCustomerById" resultType="com.zszxz.dynamic.entity.Customer" > select * from `customer` <where> <if test="ids!=null"> and id in <foreach collection="ids" open="(" separator="," item="id" index="i" close=")"> #{id} </foreach> </if> </where> </select> 复制代码
select * from `customer` WHERE id in ( ? , ? ) 复制代码
<insert id="addCustomer" > insert into `customer`( `customer_name`, `gender`, `telephone`, `register_time` )values <foreach collection="customers" separator="," item="customer" index="i"> ( #{customer.customer_name}, #{customer.gender}, #{customer.telephone}, #{customer.register_time} ) </foreach> </insert> 复制代码
部分测试类如下 在 for循环中创建3 个客户对象放入List,然后执行批量插入方法
@Test public void testInsert(){ // 获得mapper的形式 CustomerMapper mapper = sqlSession.getMapper(CustomerMapper.class); ArrayList<Customer> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Customer customer = new Customer(); customer.setCustomer_name("知识追寻者"); customer.setGender("男"); customer.setTelephone("999"+i); list.add(customer); } // 添加客户 mapper.addCustomer(list); sqlSession.commit(); sqlSession.close(); } 复制代码
insert into `customer`( `customer_name`, `gender`, `telephone`, `register_time` )values ( ?, ?, ?, ? ) , ( ?, ?, ?, ? ) , ( ?, ?, ?, ? ) 复制代码
script标签 用于 注解版本得动态SQL,官方示例如下
@Update({"<script>", "update Author", " <set>", " <if test='username != null'>username=#{username},</if>", " <if test='password != null'>password=#{password},</if>", " <if test='email != null'>email=#{email},</if>", " <if test='bio != null'>bio=#{bio}</if>", " </set>", "where id=#{id}", "</script>"}) void updateAuthorValues(Author author); 复制代码
sql 标签是个sql片段,如下示例中将查询条件抽出为一个sql片段,然后使用include标签实现引用;我们要进行复用sql片段时就很有用,减少代码量;
<sql id="condition"> <where> <if test="customer_name!=null and customer_name!='' "> and `customer_name` = #{customer_name} </if> <if test="gender!=null and gender!=''"> and `gender` = #{gender} </if> </where> </sql> <select id="getCustomer" resultType="com.zszxz.dynamic.entity.Customer" > select * from `customer` <include refid="condition"> </include> </select> 复制代码
元素可以从 OGNL 表达式中创建一个变量并将其绑定到上下文;使用bind标签好处就是在数据库替换过程中可以除去不同数据库语法得影响;如下示例中就可以实现在mysql,oracle,postgresql 中数据替换;如果使用 mysql 得concat 函数在oracle中不再适用;
<sql id="condition"> <where> <if test="customer_name!=null and customer_name!='' "> and customer_name like #{customer_name} </if> <if test="gender!=null and gender!=''"> and gender = #{gender} </if> </where> </sql> <select id="getCustomer" resultType="com.zszxz.dynamic.entity.Customer" > <bind name="customer_name" value="'%'+customer_name+'%'"/> select * from customer <include refid="condition"> </include> </select> 复制代码
如果是初学者,有些地方看不懂可以查阅作者得mybatis 专栏说明有源码地址,源码中每个示例都有齐全得代码提供个人学习;