SQL syntax for prepared statements is based on three SQL statements:
prepares a statement for execution (see Section 13.5.1, “PREPARE Statement” ). EXECUTE
executes a prepared statement (see Section 13.5.2, “EXECUTE Statement” ). DEALLOCATE PREPARE
releases a prepared statement (see Section 13.5.3, “DEALLOCATE PREPARE Statement” ). mysql> PREPARE stmt1 FROM 'SELECT * FROM words where id = ?'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Statement prepared mysql> SET @i=1; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> EXECUTE stmt1 USING @i; Empty set (0.01 sec) mysql> SET @i=2; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> EXECUTE stmt1 USING @i; +----+------+ | id | word | +----+------+ | 2 | 123 | +----+------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> deallocate prepare stmt1; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> EXECUTE stmt1 USING @i; ERROR 1243 (HY000): Unknown prepared statement handler (stmt1) given to EXECUTE
@Test @SneakyThrows public void testPreCompile() { String connectString = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/test?user=root&password=toor&useLocalSessionState=true&useSSL=false"; Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver") .newInstance(); try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connectString)) { Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted(); try (PreparedStatement psts = conn.prepareStatement("delete from words where id = ?")) { psts.setInt(1, 1); psts.execute(); stopwatch.stop(); System.out.println("stopwatch = " + stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); psts.setInt(1, 10); psts.execute(); } } }
mysql general log:
2020-05-04T13:06:07.883131Z 15 Connect root@localhost on test using TCP/IP 2020-05-04T13:06:07.885668Z 15 Query /* mysql-connector-java-8.0.16 (Revision: 34cbc6bc61f72836e26327537a432d6db7c77de6) */SELECT @@session.auto_increment_increment AS auto_increment_increment, @@character_set_client AS character_set_client, @@character_set_connection AS character_set_connection, @@character_set_results AS character_set_results, @@character_set_server AS character_set_server, @@collation_server AS collation_server, @@collation_connection AS collation_connection, @@init_connect AS init_connect, @@interactive_timeout AS interactive_timeout, @@license AS license, @@lower_case_table_names AS lower_case_table_names, @@max_allowed_packet AS max_allowed_packet, @@net_write_timeout AS net_write_timeout, @@performance_schema AS performance_schema, @@sql_mode AS sql_mode, @@system_time_zone AS system_time_zone, @@time_zone AS time_zone, @@transaction_isolation AS transaction_isolation, @@wait_timeout AS wait_timeout 2020-05-04T13:06:07.905021Z 15 Query SET character_set_results = NULL 2020-05-04T13:06:07.929557Z 15 Query delete from words where id = 1 2020-05-04T13:06:07.934906Z 15 Query delete from words where id = 10 2020-05-04T13:06:07.940645Z 15 Quit
Use server-side prepared statements if the server supports them?
Default: false
Since version: 3.1.0
jdbc的连接参数加上 useServerPrepStmts=true
后面执行的时候,只传了对应的statement id 1和占位符对应的值 1,大大减少了网络的传输:
mysql的general log如下,也是先prepare, 然后excute了两次, 最后关闭stmt:
2020-05-04T13:15:55.611149Z 16 Connect root@localhost on test using TCP/IP 2020-05-04T13:15:55.615655Z 16 Query /* mysql-connector-java-8.0.16 (Revision: 34cbc6bc61f72836e26327537a432d6db7c77de6) */SELECT @@session.auto_increment_increment AS auto_increment_increment, @@character_set_client AS character_set_client, @@character_set_connection AS character_set_connection, @@character_set_results AS character_set_results, @@character_set_server AS character_set_server, @@collation_server AS collation_server, @@collation_connection AS collation_connection, @@init_connect AS init_connect, @@interactive_timeout AS interactive_timeout, @@license AS license, @@lower_case_table_names AS lower_case_table_names, @@max_allowed_packet AS max_allowed_packet, @@net_write_timeout AS net_write_timeout, @@performance_schema AS performance_schema, @@sql_mode AS sql_mode, @@system_time_zone AS system_time_zone, @@time_zone AS time_zone, @@transaction_isolation AS transaction_isolation, @@wait_timeout AS wait_timeout 2020-05-04T13:15:55.640086Z 16 Query SET character_set_results = NULL 2020-05-04T13:15:55.672345Z 16 Prepare delete from words where id = ? 2020-05-04T13:15:55.676355Z 16 Execute delete from words where id = 1 2020-05-04T13:15:55.681600Z 16 Execute delete from words where id = 10 2020-05-04T13:15:55.681949Z 16 Close stmt 2020-05-04T13:15:55.687659Z 16 Quit
Should the driver cache the parsing stage of PreparedStatements of client-side prepared statements, the “check” for suitability of server-side prepared and server-side prepared statements themselves?
Default: false
Since version: 3.0.10
这里就是加上缓存,stmt close的时候,并不会把之前预编译的stmt给关闭,这个缓存是connection级别的。
@Test @SneakyThrows public void testPreCompile() { String connectString = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/test?user=root&password=toor&useLocalSessionState=true&useSSL=false&useServerPrepStmts=true&cachePrepStmts=true"; Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver") .newInstance(); try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connectString)) { Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted(); try (PreparedStatement psts = conn.prepareStatement("delete from words where id = ?")) { psts.setInt(1, 1); psts.execute(); stopwatch.stop(); System.out.println("stopwatch = " + stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); psts.setInt(1, 10); psts.execute(); } // 上面的stmt关闭之后,再次执行 try (PreparedStatement psts = conn.prepareStatement("delete from words where id = ?")) { psts.setInt(1, 100); psts.execute(); } } // 上面的connection关闭之后,再次执行 try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connectString)) { try (PreparedStatement psts = conn.prepareStatement("delete from words where id = ?")) { psts.setInt(1, 66); psts.execute(); } } }
mysql的general log:
2020-05-04T15:17:32.921041Z 19 Connect root@localhost on test using TCP/IP 2020-05-04T15:17:32.929561Z 19 Query /* mysql-connector-java-8.0.16 (Revision: 34cbc6bc61f72836e26327537a432d6db7c77de6) */SELECT @@session.auto_increment_increment AS auto_increment_increment, @@character_set_client AS character_set_client, @@character_set_connection AS character_set_connection, @@character_set_results AS character_set_results, @@character_set_server AS character_set_server, @@collation_server AS collation_server, @@collation_connection AS collation_connection, @@init_connect AS init_connect, @@interactive_timeout AS interactive_timeout, @@license AS license, @@lower_case_table_names AS lower_case_table_names, @@max_allowed_packet AS max_allowed_packet, @@net_write_timeout AS net_write_timeout, @@performance_schema AS performance_schema, @@sql_mode AS sql_mode, @@system_time_zone AS system_time_zone, @@time_zone AS time_zone, @@transaction_isolation AS transaction_isolation, @@wait_timeout AS wait_timeout 2020-05-04T15:17:32.949986Z 19 Query SET character_set_results = NULL 2020-05-04T15:17:32.983173Z 19 Prepare delete from words where id = ? 2020-05-04T15:17:32.990498Z 19 Execute delete from words where id = 1 2020-05-04T15:17:32.997115Z 19 Execute delete from words where id = 10 2020-05-04T15:17:32.997566Z 19 Reset stmt 2020-05-04T15:17:32.997725Z 19 Execute delete from words where id = 100 2020-05-04T15:17:33.003682Z 19 Quit 2020-05-04T15:17:33.009206Z 20 Connect root@localhost on test using TCP/IP 2020-05-04T15:17:33.009643Z 20 Query /* mysql-connector-java-8.0.16 (Revision: 34cbc6bc61f72836e26327537a432d6db7c77de6) */SELECT @@session.auto_increment_increment AS auto_increment_increment, @@character_set_client AS character_set_client, @@character_set_connection AS character_set_connection, @@character_set_results AS character_set_results, @@character_set_server AS character_set_server, @@collation_server AS collation_server, @@collation_connection AS collation_connection, @@init_connect AS init_connect, @@interactive_timeout AS interactive_timeout, @@license AS license, @@lower_case_table_names AS lower_case_table_names, @@max_allowed_packet AS max_allowed_packet, @@net_write_timeout AS net_write_timeout, @@performance_schema AS performance_schema, @@sql_mode AS sql_mode, @@system_time_zone AS system_time_zone, @@time_zone AS time_zone, @@transaction_isolation AS transaction_isolation, @@wait_timeout AS wait_timeout 2020-05-04T15:17:33.010569Z 20 Query SET character_set_results = NULL 2020-05-04T15:17:33.011244Z 20 Prepare delete from words where id = ? 2020-05-04T15:17:33.011475Z 20 Execute delete from words where id = 66 2020-05-04T15:17:33.114892Z 20 Quit
If prepared statement caching is enabled, how many prepared statements should be cached?
Default: 25
Since version: 3.0.10
If prepared statement caching is enabled, what’s the largest SQL the driver will cache the parsing for?
Default: 256
Since version: 3.0.10
@Test @SneakyThrows public void testPreCompile() { String connectString = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/test?user=root&password=toor&useLocalSessionState=true&useSSL=false&useServerPrepStmts=true&cachePrepStmts=true"; final DruidDataSource druidDataSource = new DruidDataSource(); druidDataSource.setUrl(connectString); druidDataSource.setUsername("root"); druidDataSource.setPassword("toor"); druidDataSource.setFilters("slf4j"); // druidDataSource.setTestOnBorrow(true); // druidDataSource.setTestOnReturn(true); // druidDataSource.setTestWhileIdle(true); druidDataSource.setMaxActive(1); druidDataSource.setInitialSize(1); druidDataSource.setTimeBetweenLogStatsMillis(900); try (Connection conn = druidDataSource.getConnection()) { Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted(); try (PreparedStatement psts = conn.prepareStatement("delete from words where id = ?")) { psts.setInt(1, 1); psts.execute(); stopwatch.stop(); System.out.println("stopwatch = " + stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); psts.setInt(1, 10); psts.execute(); } // 上面的stmt关闭之后,再次执行 try (PreparedStatement psts = conn.prepareStatement("delete from words where id = ?")) { psts.setInt(1, 100); psts.execute(); } } // 上面的connection关闭之后,再次执行 try (Connection conn = druidDataSource.getConnection()) { try (PreparedStatement psts = conn.prepareStatement("delete from words where id = ?")) { psts.setInt(1, 66); psts.execute(); } } }
只有一个连接的druid连接池,连接关闭连接时其实是归还到池子中,所以第二次拿连接, 拿到的还是同一个 ;所以没有触发第二次编译。
mysql general log:
2020-05-04T15:21:34.187732Z 21 Connect root@localhost on test using TCP/IP 2020-05-04T15:21:34.202166Z 21 Query /* mysql-connector-java-8.0.16 (Revision: 34cbc6bc61f72836e26327537a432d6db7c77de6) */SELECT @@session.auto_increment_increment AS auto_increment_increment, @@character_set_client AS character_set_client, @@character_set_connection AS character_set_connection, @@character_set_results AS character_set_results, @@character_set_server AS character_set_server, @@collation_server AS collation_server, @@collation_connection AS collation_connection, @@init_connect AS init_connect, @@interactive_timeout AS interactive_timeout, @@license AS license, @@lower_case_table_names AS lower_case_table_names, @@max_allowed_packet AS max_allowed_packet, @@net_write_timeout AS net_write_timeout, @@performance_schema AS performance_schema, @@sql_mode AS sql_mode, @@system_time_zone AS system_time_zone, @@time_zone AS time_zone, @@transaction_isolation AS transaction_isolation, @@wait_timeout AS wait_timeout 2020-05-04T15:21:34.240492Z 21 Query SET character_set_results = NULL 2020-05-04T15:21:34.316483Z 21 Prepare delete from words where id = ? 2020-05-04T15:21:34.333444Z 21 Execute delete from words where id = 1 2020-05-04T15:21:34.344075Z 21 Execute delete from words where id = 10 2020-05-04T15:21:34.351728Z 21 Reset stmt 2020-05-04T15:21:34.352101Z 21 Execute delete from words where id = 100 2020-05-04T15:21:34.356117Z 21 Reset stmt 2020-05-04T15:21:34.356407Z 21 Execute delete from words where id = 66
// com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl#prepareStatement(java.lang.String, int, int) @Override public java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency) throws SQLException { synchronized (getConnectionMutex()) { checkClosed(); // // FIXME: Create warnings if can't create results of the given type or concurrency // ClientPreparedStatement pStmt = null; boolean canServerPrepare = true; String nativeSql = this.processEscapeCodesForPrepStmts.getValue() ? nativeSQL(sql) : sql; if (this.useServerPrepStmts.getValue() && this.emulateUnsupportedPstmts.getValue()) { canServerPrepare = canHandleAsServerPreparedStatement(nativeSql); } if (this.useServerPrepStmts.getValue() && canServerPrepare) { if (this.cachePrepStmts.getValue()) { synchronized (this.serverSideStatementCache) { // 从cache中取出来 pStmt = this.serverSideStatementCache.remove(new CompoundCacheKey(this.database, sql)); if (pStmt != null) { // 强转为ServerPreparedStatement,清理参数,直接返回 ((com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ServerPreparedStatement) pStmt).setClosed(false); pStmt.clearParameters(); } if (pStmt == null) { // 创建新的ServerPreparedStatement try { pStmt = ServerPreparedStatement.getInstance(getMultiHostSafeProxy(), nativeSql, this.database, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency); if (sql.length() < this.prepStmtCacheSqlLimit.getValue()) { ((com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ServerPreparedStatement) pStmt).isCached = true; } pStmt.setResultSetType(resultSetType); pStmt.setResultSetConcurrency(resultSetConcurrency); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { // Punt, if necessary if (this.emulateUnsupportedPstmts.getValue()) { pStmt = (ClientPreparedStatement) clientPrepareStatement(nativeSql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, false); if (sql.length() < this.prepStmtCacheSqlLimit.getValue()) { this.serverSideStatementCheckCache.put(sql, Boolean.FALSE); } } else { throw sqlEx; } } } } } else { // only canServerPrepare try { pStmt = ServerPreparedStatement.getInstance(getMultiHostSafeProxy(), nativeSql, this.database, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency); pStmt.setResultSetType(resultSetType); pStmt.setResultSetConcurrency(resultSetConcurrency); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { // Punt, if necessary if (this.emulateUnsupportedPstmts.getValue()) { pStmt = (ClientPreparedStatement) clientPrepareStatement(nativeSql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, false); } else { throw sqlEx; } } } } else { // 正常流程 pStmt = (ClientPreparedStatement) clientPrepareStatement(nativeSql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, false); } return pStmt; } }
// com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ServerPreparedStatement#close @Override public void close() throws SQLException { JdbcConnection locallyScopedConn = this.connection; if (locallyScopedConn == null) { return; // already closed } synchronized (locallyScopedConn.getConnectionMutex()) { if (this.isCached && isPoolable() && !this.isClosed) { clearParameters(); this.isClosed = true; // 重新缓存起来 this.connection.recachePreparedStatement(this); return; } this.isClosed = false; realClose(true, true); } } // com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl#recachePreparedStatement @Override public void recachePreparedStatement(JdbcPreparedStatement pstmt) throws SQLException { synchronized (getConnectionMutex()) { if (this.cachePrepStmts.getValue() && pstmt.isPoolable()) { synchronized (this.serverSideStatementCache) { Object oldServerPrepStmt = this.serverSideStatementCache.put( new CompoundCacheKey(pstmt.getCurrentCatalog(), ((PreparedQuery<?>) pstmt.getQuery()).getOriginalSql()), (ServerPreparedStatement) pstmt); if (oldServerPrepStmt != null && oldServerPrepStmt != pstmt) { ((ServerPreparedStatement) oldServerPrepStmt).isCached = false; ((ServerPreparedStatement) oldServerPrepStmt).setClosed(false); ((ServerPreparedStatement) oldServerPrepStmt).realClose(true, true); } } } } }
druid的配置说明中,有如下的介绍,也有了一个更短的名字 PSCache :
配置 | 缺省值 | 说明 |
poolPreparedStatements | false | 是否缓存preparedStatement,也就是 PSCache 。PSCache对支持游标的数据库性能提升巨大,比如说oracle。在mysql下建议关闭。 |
maxPoolPreparedStatementPerConnectionSize | -1 | 要启用PSCache,必须配置大于0,当大于0时,poolPreparedStatements自动触发修改为true。在Druid中,不会存在Oracle下PSCache占用内存过多的问题,可以把这个数值配置大一些,比如说100 |
// com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidPooledConnection#closePoolableStatement public void closePoolableStatement(DruidPooledPreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement rawStatement = stmt.getRawPreparedStatement(); if (holder == null) { return; } if (stmt.isPooled()) { try { rawStatement.clearParameters(); } catch (SQLException ex) { this.handleException(ex, null); if (rawStatement.getConnection().isClosed()) { return; } LOG.error("clear parameter error", ex); } } PreparedStatementHolder stmtHolder = stmt.getPreparedStatementHolder(); stmtHolder.decrementInUseCount(); // holder.isPoolPreparedStatements 对应上面配置的开关 if (stmt.isPooled() && holder.isPoolPreparedStatements() && stmt.exceptionCount == 0) { // 放入缓存池子中 holder.getStatementPool().put(stmtHolder); stmt.clearResultSet(); holder.removeTrace(stmt); stmtHolder.setFetchRowPeak(stmt.getFetchRowPeak()); stmt.setClosed(true); // soft set close } else if (stmt.isPooled() && holder.isPoolPreparedStatements()) { // the PreparedStatement threw an exception stmt.clearResultSet(); holder.removeTrace(stmt); // 开启了PSCache但是这个stmt抛出过异常,直接从缓存中移除 holder.getStatementPool() .remove(stmtHolder); } else { try { //Connection behind the statement may be in invalid state, which will throw a SQLException. //In this case, the exception is desired to be properly handled to remove the unusable connection from the pool. stmt.closeInternal(); } catch (SQLException ex) { this.handleException(ex, null); throw ex; } finally { holder.getDataSource().incrementClosedPreparedStatementCount(); } } }
管理这个cache的最终是 com.alibaba.druid.pool.PreparedStatementPool
,内部是用的 LinkedHashMap
// com.alibaba.druid.pool.PreparedStatementPool.LRUCache public class LRUCache extends LinkedHashMap<PreparedStatementKey, PreparedStatementHolder> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public LRUCache(int maxSize){ // 最后一个参数true,保证了是按照访问顺序存储的 // the ordering mode - <tt>true</tt> for access-order, // <tt>false</tt> for insertion-order super(maxSize, 0.75f, true); } protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Entry<PreparedStatementKey, PreparedStatementHolder> eldest) { boolean remove = (size() > dataSource.getMaxPoolPreparedStatementPerConnectionSize()); if (remove) { closeRemovedStatement(eldest.getValue()); } return remove; } }
开启了druid的 poolPreparedStatements
,就不用开启jdbc的相关缓存了; 此外druid还有 sharePreparedStatements
三、mysql 报错 Unknown type ‘14 in column 3 of 5 in binary-encoded result set - 爱笑的berg - 博客园
在 浅析MySQL JDBC连接配置上的两个误区 中对这个问题,有比较好的说明:
其中提到了 useConfigs
, 查了下官网:
-- maxPerformance相当于打开了 cachePrepStmts=true cacheCallableStmts=true cacheServerConfiguration=true useLocalSessionState=true elideSetAutoCommits=true alwaysSendSetIsolation=false enableQueryTimeouts=false
类似的还有: solarisMaxPerformance
、 fullDebug
、 coldFusion
等,可以在 MySQL :: MySQL Connector/J 5.1 Developer Guide :: 5.3 Configuration Properties for Connector/J 找到对应的解释。
另外,HikariCP的wiki里也有一篇 MySQL Configuration · brettwooldridge/HikariCP Wiki , 也是建议开启。