5月23日 西安 OSC 源创会开始报名啦,存储、虚拟机、Docker 等干货分享
Rspamd 0.9 发布了,下载地址: https://rspamd.com/downloads/rspamd-0.9.0.tar.xz
Rspamd是一个反垃圾邮件系统,因为使用事件模型和正则表达式优化,其设计工作速度比SpamAssassin还要快。目前推出的功能: regexp规则过滤的不同部分的信息;一些内置的功能分析的信息;模糊哈希支持; SURBL滤波器;电子邮件和性质表支持;控制界面进行远程管理和统计信息收集,一个Perl和卢阿插件系统;统计支持(定向结构刨花板/簸扬) ;兼容SpamAssassin ;和一个客户端程序的电子邮件扫描。类似的规则, rspamd约10倍SpamAssassin 。
* Add support of the fast and secure protocol level encryption:
- curve25519 is used for key exchange;
- chacha20/poly1305 cryptobox construction for bulk encryption;
- zero latency overhead;
- encrypting and balancing HTTP proxy worker
* Rework expressions and create new expressions library:
- aggressive optimizations based on the abstract syntax tree;
- abstract expressions support (regular expressions, functions, lua modules
composites and so on)
- New comparision and '+' operators support
- New greedy algorithm to minimize execution time of expressions and
all symbols
- Dynamic expressions benchmark and reoptimizations
* Many improvements to the LUA API:
- reworked logger module allowing to do pretty print of the most of lua
types (including tables and userdata classes)
- reworked lua redis and lua HTTP to support more features
- added opaque type for passing large text chunks without copying
- new regexp module with many auxiliary functions (e.g. `re:split`)
* LuaJIT is now the default requirement for rspamd allowing to speed up lua
execution by a large margin (however, plain lua is still supported)
* New plugins:
- spamassassin rules plugin that allows to load and re-use the most of
SA rules natively
- DMARC plugin that evaluates SPF and DKIM policies to the domain policies
- many old plugins has been reworked to implement new features and improve
* New aho-corasic trie implementation from @mischasan that allows to load and
use hundreds of thousands of patterns with no influence on load
* Support of PCRE JIT and PCRE JIT fast path modes that significantly improves
the performance of regular expressions if supported by PCRE
* New URLs parser and extractor:
- removed legacy code that was useless for url finding
- reworked algorithms of URL parsing for more precise and accurate results
- added top-level-domains tree from http://publicsuffix.org
- improved emails parsing
- removed many phishing false positives due to TLD tree check
* New statistics infrastructure:
- created a separate layer of statistic library
- improved OSB-Bayes by re-weighting tokens according to the original
academic paper and `crm114` implementation, which reduced false positives
rate significantly
- created learn cache to avoid double learning of statistics and providing
an efficient way to re-learn class for a message
- created abstract layers for different statistics backends
- implemented new tokenization algorithms with fast or secure (siphash)
hashes to generate statistics features
* Reworked utf8 tokenization that previously corrupted all UTF8 words (minor
incompatibility with old fuzzy hashes with utf-8 symbols)
* SPF module has been completely rewritten to support complex cases of
`include` and `redirect` within SPF records
* DKIM module now supports multiple signatures
* Controller passwords can now be stored encrypted by `PBKDF2-HMAC` in the
configuration file
* Many hand-written HTTP clients has been replaced with the common rspamd
http module
* New test framework:
- import lua `telescope` test framework
- add unit tests for many rspamd modules and routines
- create a unit test for each possible bug found
- use luajit ffi for testing C code
- added preliminary support of functional testing by creating tasks from lua
* Randomize hash seed to avoid certain hash tables vulnerabilities
* Documentation improvements:
- added documentation for the vast majority of rspamd modules
- added documentation for rspamd protocol
- added documentation for the most of rspamd LUA extensions
* Fixed tonns of bugs and memory leaks
* Added tonns of minor features