在默认情况下,RxJava只在当前线程中运行,它是单线程的。此时Observable用于发射数据流,Observer用于接收和响应数据流,各种操作符(Operators)用于加工数据流,它们都在同一个线程中运行,实现出来的是一个同步的函数响应式。然而,函数响应式的实际应用是大部分操作都在后台处理,前台响应的一个过程。所以需要对刚才的流程做一下修改,改成Observable生成发射数据流,Operators加工数据流在后台线程中进行,Observer在前台线程中接受并响应数据。 此时会涉及使用多线程来操作RxJava,可以使用RxJava的调度器(Scheduler)来实现。
Scheduler | 作用 |
single | 使用定长为1的线程池(new Sheduled Thread Pool(1)),重复利用这个线程 |
newThread | 每次都启用新线程,并在新线程中执行操作 |
computation | 使用的固定的线程池(Fixed Scheduler Pool),大小为CPU核数,适用于CPU密集型计算 |
io | 适用I/O操作(读写文件,读写数据库,网络信息交互等)所使用的Scheduler。行为模式和 newThread() 差不多,区别 在于 : io() 的内部实现是用一个 无数量上限的线程池 ,可 以重用空闲的线程 ,因而多数情况下, io()比newThread()更有效率 |
tranpoline | 直接在当前线程运行,如果当前线程有其他任务正在执行,则会先暂停其他任务 |
Schedulers.from | 将java.util.concurrent.Executor转换成一个调度器实例,即可以自定义一个Executor来作为调度器 |
public void SchedulersTest() { Observable.just("aaa", "bbb") .observeOn(Schedulers.newThread()) .map(new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String apply(String s) throws Exception { System.out.println("Map对应的线程:" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "/t" + Thread.currentThread().getId()); return s.toUpperCase(); } }) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.single()) .observeOn(Schedulers.io()) .subscribe(new Consumer<String>() { @Override public void accept(String s) throws Exception { System.out.println("subscribe对应的线程:" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "/t" + Thread.currentThread().getId()); System.out.println(s); } }); } 复制代码
/** * Creates and returns a {@link Scheduler} intended for computational work. * * @return a {@link Scheduler} meant for computation-bound work */ @NonNull public static Scheduler computation() { return RxJavaPlugins.onComputationScheduler(COMPUTATION); } 复制代码
io()用于I/O密集型任务,支持异步阻塞I/O操作,这个调度器的线程池会根据需要增长。对于 普通的计算任务 ,请使 用Schedulers.computation()
/** * Creates and returns a {@link Scheduler} intended for IO-bound work. * * @return a {@link Scheduler} meant for IO-bound work */ @NonNull public static Scheduler io() { return RxJavaPlugins.onIoScheduler(IO); } 复制代码
/** * Creates and returns a {@link Scheduler} that queues work on the current thread to be executed after the * current work completes. * * @return a {@link Scheduler} that queues work on the current thread */ @NonNull public static Scheduler trampoline() { return TRAMPOLINE; } 复制代码
/** * Creates and returns a {@link Scheduler} that creates a new {@link Thread} for each unit of work. * * @return a {@link Scheduler} that creates new threads */ @NonNull public static Scheduler newThread() { return RxJavaPlugins.onNewThreadScheduler(NEW_THREAD); } 复制代码
/** * Returns the common, single-thread backed Scheduler instance. * * @return a {@link Scheduler} that shares a single backing thread. * @since 2.0 */ @NonNull public static Scheduler single() { return RxJavaPlugins.onSingleScheduler(SINGLE); } 复制代码
/** * Converts an {@link Executor} into a new Scheduler instance. * * @param executor * the executor to wrap * @return the new Scheduler wrapping the Executor */ @NonNull public static Scheduler from(@NonNull Executor executor) { return new ExecutorScheduler(executor); } 复制代码
如下图,Scheduler是RxJava的线程任务调度器,Worker是线程任务的具体执行者。从Scheduler源码可以看出, Scheduler 在 schedulerDirect()
、 schedulerPeriodicallyDirect()
方法中 创建了Worker ,然后会分别调用worker的 schedule()
、 schedulePeriodically()
图片来源于: RxJava 线程模型分析
/** * Schedules the execution of the given task with the given delay amount. * * <p> * This method is safe to be called from multiple threads but there are no * ordering guarantees between tasks. * * @param run the task to schedule * @param delay the delay amount, non-positive values indicate non-delayed scheduling * @param unit the unit of measure of the delay amount * @return the Disposable that let us one cancel this particular delayed task. * @since 2.0 */ @NonNull public Disposable scheduleDirect(@NonNull Runnable run, long delay, @NonNull TimeUnit unit) { final Worker w = createWorker(); final Runnable decoratedRun = RxJavaPlugins.onSchedule(run); w.schedule(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { decoratedRun.run(); } finally { w.dispose(); } } }, delay, unit); return w; } 复制代码
/** * Schedules a periodic execution of the given task with the given initial delay and period. * * <p> * This method is safe to be called from multiple threads but there are no * ordering guarantees between tasks. * * <p> * The periodic execution is at a fixed rate, that is, the first execution will be after the initial * delay, the second after initialDelay + period, the third after initialDelay + 2 * period, and so on. * * @param run the task to schedule * @param initialDelay the initial delay amount, non-positive values indicate non-delayed scheduling * @param period the period at which the task should be re-executed * @param unit the unit of measure of the delay amount * @return the Disposable that let us one cancel this particular delayed task. * @since 2.0 */ @NonNull public Disposable schedulePeriodicallyDirect(@NonNull Runnable run, long initialDelay, long period, @NonNull TimeUnit unit) { final Worker w = createWorker(); final Runnable decoratedRun = RxJavaPlugins.onSchedule(run); PeriodicDirectTask periodicTask = new PeriodicDirectTask(decoratedRun, w); Disposable d = w.schedulePeriodically(periodicTask, initialDelay, period, unit); if (d == EmptyDisposable.INSTANCE) { return d; } return periodicTask; } 复制代码
/** * Schedules a cancelable action to be executed periodically. This default implementation schedules * recursively and waits for actions to complete (instead of potentially executing long-running actions * concurrently). Each scheduler that can do periodic scheduling in a better way should override this. * <p> * Note to implementors: non-positive {@code initialTime} and {@code period} should be regarded as * non-delayed scheduling of the first and any subsequent executions. * * @param run * the Runnable to execute periodically * @param initialDelay * time to wait before executing the action for the first time; non-positive values indicate * an non-delayed schedule * @param period * the time interval to wait each time in between executing the action; non-positive values * indicate no delay between repeated schedules * @param unit * the time unit of {@code period} * @return a Disposable to be able to unsubscribe the action (cancel it if not executed) */ @NonNull public Disposable schedulePeriodically(@NonNull Runnable run, final long initialDelay, final long period, @NonNull final TimeUnit unit) { final SequentialDisposable first = new SequentialDisposable(); final SequentialDisposable sd = new SequentialDisposable(first); final Runnable decoratedRun = RxJavaPlugins.onSchedule(run); final long periodInNanoseconds = unit.toNanos(period); final long firstNowNanoseconds = now(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); final long firstStartInNanoseconds = firstNowNanoseconds + unit.toNanos(initialDelay); Disposable d = schedule(new PeriodicTask(firstStartInNanoseconds, decoratedRun, firstNowNanoseconds, sd, periodInNanoseconds), initialDelay, unit); if (d == EmptyDisposable.INSTANCE) { return d; } first.replace(d); return sd; } 复制代码