在开发过程中,我们可能需要指定一些固定的参数,或者配置一些其它第三方参数。但是在后期应用中,可能需要对改内容进行不定期的修改。为了降低项目重新部署的成本。我们可以将这些内容直接当成配置写在 application.yml
比如我这边对接的是华为的 vcm
# 自定义配置 写在最外层,不要写在任意节点下面 face: huaweihost: account: admin password: huawei@admin uploadhost: rootpath: E://FileUpload// 复制代码
在项目的 config
文件夹下创建 HuaweiVCMConfiguration
// 这里根据你在配置类中最外层节点匹配查找`face` @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "face", ignoreUnknownFields = true) public class HuaweiVCMConfiguration implements InitializingBean { private String huaweihost; private String account; private String password; private String uploadhost; private String rootpath; //错误检查 项目启动即可检查该配置内容是否读取到或者参数名称是否有错误 @Override public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { if (StringUtils.isBlank(getHuaweihost())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Property /"face.host/" cannot not be blank"); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(getAccount())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Property /"face.account/" cannot not be blank"); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(getPassword())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Property /"face.password/" cannot not be blank"); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(getUploadhost())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Property /"face.uploadhost/" cannot not be blank"); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(getRootpath())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Property /"face.rootpath/" cannot not be blank"); } } public String getHuaweihost() { return huaweihost; } public void setHuaweihost(String huaweihost) { this.huaweihost = huaweihost; } public String getAccount() { return account; } public void setAccount(String account) { this.account = account; } public String getUploadhost() { return uploadhost; } public void setUploadhost(String uploadhost) { this.uploadhost = uploadhost; } public String getPassword() { return password; } public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } public String getRootpath() { return rootpath; } public void setRootpath(String rootpath) { this.rootpath = rootpath; } } 复制代码
3. 在启动类上面添加注解 @EnableConfigurationProperties
非常重要,这个注解不添加会报错 ,如果是单个可以直接写 @EnableConfigurationProperties(HuaweiVCMConfiguration.class)
如果是多个 @EnableConfigurationProperties({HuaweiVCMConfiguration.class,HuaweiVCMConfiguration.class})
4. 读取参数 ( main
@Autowired private HuaweiVCMConfiguration config; public void test (){ String host = config.getHuaweiHost(); } 复制代码
@Value("${face.huaweihost}") private static final String host //这样可取 但是不可避免的会出现书写错误 代码优雅度也没有那么高 如果参数比较多 复制代码