#深圳# 6月10日 亚马逊AWSome Day云计算免费培训报名中
Aspose.Slides for Java 15.4.0 发布,这是一个修复版本,更新如下:
improved the Table support in Aspose.Slides and have added the facility for splitting the table cells based row span, column span, split by height and split by width
added the support for getting slide by ID using getSlideById(id) method exposed by Presentation class
introduced the support for joining the shapes using connectors in this release and now one can join the shapes using connector by selecting automatic shortest path or defining the connection point on shapes.
added the support for working with NotesSlides and one can now use MasterNotesSlideManager exposed by Presentation class to access the NotesMaster and its elements.
此版本现已提供下载: Aspose.Slides for Java 15.4.0
更多内容请查看 发行页面 。
Aspose.Slides for Java 是一个 Java 组件,用来操作 PowerPoint 幻灯片文档,无需安装 PowerPoint 环境,可导出到 PDF、嵌入音频和视频链接,生成缩略图,抽取文本信息等功能。