






class InterfaceController: WKInterfaceController {     override func awakeWithContext(context: AnyObject?) {     super.awakeWithContext(context)     } }




class Context {     var object: AnyObject?     var delegate: AnyObject? }


protocol Context {     typealias DelType     typealias ObjType     var delegate: DelType? { get set }     var object: ObjType? { get set } }


class BookControllerContext: Context {     typealias DelType = BookControllerDelegate     typealias ObjType = Book     var delegate: DelType?     weak var object: ObjType? }





class Book {  var title: String  var author: String  var description: String  var price: Double  var owned: Bool  init(title: String, author: String, description: String, price: Double, owned: Bool) {  self.title = title  self.author = author  self.description = description  self.price = price  self.owned = owned  } } 


class BookRow: NSObject {     @IBOutlet weak var bookTitleLabel: WKInterfaceLabel!     @IBOutlet weak var bookAuthorLabel: WKInterfaceLabel!     @IBOutlet weak var bookPriceLabel: WKInterfaceLabel!     @IBOutlet weak var bookBuyLabel: WKInterfaceLabel! }


protocol BookControllerDelegate  {     func didBuyBook(book: Book) }


class BookListController: WKInterfaceController, BookControllerDelegate {  // MARK: BookListController  @IBOutlet var table: WKInterfaceTable!  var books = [ // Pricing based on Amazon.com on Jan 27, 2014 Book(title: "NSHipster Obscure Topics in Cocoa & Objective-C", author: "Mattt Thompson", description: "To be an NSHipster is to care deeply about the craft of writing code.", price: 25.29, owned: false), Book(title: "Functional Programming in Swift", author: "Chris Eidhof, Florian Kugler, Wouter Swierstra", description: "This book will teach you how to use Swift to apply functional programming techniques to your iOS or OS X projects", price: 53.07, owned: false)  ] func updateDisplay() { table.setNumberOfRows(books.count, withRowType: "bookRow") for i in 0.. AnyObject? { var context = BookControllerContext() context.object = books[rowIndex] context.delegate = self return context } override func willActivate() { super.willActivate() updateDisplay() }  // MARK: BookControllerDelegate func didBuyBook(book: Book) { book.owned = true updateDisplay()  } } 


class BookListController: WKInterfaceController, BookControllerDelegate {  // MARK: BookListController  @IBOutlet var table: WKInterfaceTable!  var books = [ // Pricing based on Amazon.com on Jan 27, 2014 Book(title: "NSHipster Obscure Topics in Cocoa & Objective-C", author: "Mattt Thompson", description: "To be an NSHipster is to care deeply about the craft of writing code.", price: 25.29, owned: false), Book(title: "Functional Programming in Swift", author: "Chris Eidhof, Florian Kugler, Wouter Swierstra", description: "This book will teach you how to use Swift to apply functional programming techniques to your iOS or OS X projects", price: 53.07, owned: false)  ] func updateDisplay() { table.setNumberOfRows(books.count, withRowType: "bookRow") for i in 0.. AnyObject? { var context = BookControllerContext() context.object = books[rowIndex] context.delegate = self return context  } override func willActivate() { super.willActivate() updateDisplay()  }  // MARK: BookControllerDelegate func didBuyBook(book: Book) { book.owned = true updateDisplay()   } } 



import WatchKit /*  * Model  */ protocol Context {  typealias DelType  typealias ObjType  var delegate: DelType? { get set }  var object: ObjType? { get set } } class BookControllerContext: Context {  typealias DelType = BookControllerDelegate  typealias ObjType = Book  var delegate: DelType?  weak var object: ObjType? } class Book {  var title: String  var author: String  var description: String  var price: Double  var owned: Bool  init(title: String, author: String, description: String, price: Double, owned: Bool) { self.title = title self.author = author self.description = description self.price = price self.owned = owned  } } /*  * View  */ class BookRow: NSObject {  @IBOutlet weak var bookTitleLabel: WKInterfaceLabel!  @IBOutlet weak var bookAuthorLabel: WKInterfaceLabel!  @IBOutlet weak var bookPriceLabel: WKInterfaceLabel!  @IBOutlet weak var bookBuyLabel: WKInterfaceLabel! } /*  * Controller  */ protocol BookControllerDelegate  {  func didBuyBook(book: Book) } class BookController: WKInterfaceController {  var delegate: BookControllerDelegate?  var book: Book!  override func awakeWithContext(context: AnyObject?) { super.awakeWithContext(context) let ctx = context as BookControllerContext book = ctx.object delegate = ctx.delegate  }  @IBOutlet weak var buyBtn: WKInterfaceButton!  @IBAction func buyPressed() { delegate?.didBuyBook(book) popController()  } } class BookListController: WKInterfaceController, BookControllerDelegate {  // MARK: BookListController  @IBOutlet var table: WKInterfaceTable!  var books = [ // Pricing based on Amazon.com on Jan 27, 2014 Book(title: "NSHipster Obscure Topics in Cocoa & Objective-C", author: "Mattt Thompson", description: "To be an NSHipster is to care deeply about the craft of writing code.", price: 25.29, owned: false), Book(title: "Functional Programming in Swift", author: "Chris Eidhof, Florian Kugler, Wouter Swierstra", description: "This book will teach you how to use Swift to apply functional programming techniques to your iOS or OS X projects", price: 53.07, owned: false)  ]  func updateDisplay() { table.setNumberOfRows(books.count, withRowType: "bookRow") for i in 0.. AnyObject? { var context = BookControllerContext() context.object = books[rowIndex] context.delegate = self return context  }  override func willActivate() { super.willActivate() updateDisplay()  }  // MARK: BookControllerDelegate  func didBuyBook(book: Book) { book.owned = true updateDisplay()  } } 


你们看到怎么在WatchKit里同时将数据与代理传给视图控制器。我们可以遵循Context协议适配新的上下文,比方我们有个作者视图控制器需要传包含Author(作者)数据与AuthorControllerDelegate(作者控制器代理)的AuthorControllerContext(作者控制器上下文)对象。这是我(作者)目前找到的最好办法来解决WatchKit的有关限制。我(作者)确定还有其它更好的办法来解决问题,如果您也有主意请联系作者Korey Hinton。

译自: http://koreyhinton.com/blog/watchkit-delegates-and-contexts.html
