6月14日上海 OSC 源创会开始报名,送机械键盘和开源无码内裤
NLog 4.0 发布,此版本解决了超过 100 个 issues,现已提供在 NuGet 。
Zipped file archives (.Net 4.5 and higher)
Consistent logging of exceptions ( breaking change )
Conditional logging
Auto load extensions
AllEventProperties layout renderer
Writing to JSON
Improved loggingRule final behavior ( breaking change )
Added Eventlog.EntryType
The default value of DatabaseTarget.CommandType
could lead to exceptions
If the XML was broken (invalid), auto reload would be disabled - the application needed a restart before reading the changed configuration.
The Logmanager.GetCurrentClassLogger
was not thread-safe and with many concurrent calls it would throw an exception.
Various fixes to the archiving of files.
Bugfix: WebserviceTarget
wrote encoded UTF-8 preamble.
behaviour has been changed.
The methods of logging exception data has been changed.
The webservice target won’t write a BOM with UTF-8 (default, can be set)
All properties that have been changed to accept layout renderers.
更多改进请看 发行说明 。