6月14日上海 OSC 源创会开始报名,送机械键盘和开源无码内裤
Simple-React 0.95 发布,SimpleReact 为 Java 8 增加了高级异步 Streams 和数据结构。这是一个 Java 8 的并发流库,提供三中 Stream 类型(LazyFutureStream、SimpleReactStream、EagerFutureStream)和三种异步数据结构(Queue、 Topic、Signal)。
Backed by a non-blocking wait free queue by default
Incremental Parallel Reduction
Collect /forEach / reduce all start fully asyncrhonous & parallel LazyFutureStreams in the same manner as Run (previously they would only allow one active chain of Futures at a time)
of: data for immediate consumption
react: data for asynchronous consumption
List<Data> result = LazyFutureStream.of(1,2,3,4)
List<Data> result = EagerFutureStream.react(this::loadData1,this::loadData2,this::loadData3)
1.0 版本很快发布,接口更加稳定
Lombok removed as an runtime dependency
Guava replaced with lighterweight pcollections (simple-react-0.95-all.jar is ~400k)
Accept Executor rather than ExecutorService
Cyclops Monad comprehenders for use with Cyclops for comprehensions and Monad wrapper
compile group: 'com.aol.simplereact', name:'simple-react', version:'0.95'
<dependency> <groupId>com.aol.simplereact</groupId> <artifactId>simple-react</artifactId> <version>0.95</version> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency>