Teiid 8.11.0.Final 发布,此版本解决了 117 个 JIRA issues (新特性,功能增强,bug 修复) ,现已提供下载: http://teiid.jboss.org/downloads
JBoss EAP & Teiid:请注意此版本部署的基础环境要求 JBoss EAP 6.4 平台。为了你的方便,把 EAP 6.4 Alpha + Teiid 8.11 + Teiid Web-Console 绑定为一个下载文件,你也可以使用 Docker 镜像来部署。
TEIID-2973 OData V4 Access your VDB using OData V4 protocol TEIID-3151 SAP Hana A new translator integrate data from SAP Hana. TEIID-3372 Multiple metadata elements can now be used to configure a vdb. TEIID-3369 Custom query rewrite - via a configurable PreParser. TEIID-3389 Kerberos Delegation JDBC driver can now participate in kerberos delegation based authentication TEIID-3390 SQL/XML improvements in performance and disk utilization. TEIID-3362 ARRAYITERATE system procedure for iterating over an array. TEIID-3393 Embedded AdminApi is now available from EmbeddedServer.getAdmin. TEIID-3270 Virtual Functions can not be defined with procedure syntax. TEIID-3434 More caching control over ttls in the result set cache down to the schema/table level. TEIID-3412 MS Access support via the UCanAccess driver. TEIID-3371 EAP 6.4 as the target platform. TEIID-3491 REGEXP_REPLACE function added 未来计划
现在正在开发 8.12 版本,计划 9.0 版本。希望能在 Teiid 8.12 版本获得 WildFly 支持。
更多内容请看 这里 。
Thank you again for your continued support.
Ramesh & Steve
简而言之:Teiid 可以让你用 JDBC + SQL 来访问企业的任何数据,并可对这些不同源的数据进行联合查询。